Tough Kimber mainspring

The guy in the post above writes a lot like Paul Coburn so 99% of "normal people" in the world will find it offensive and will never read it all.

(((Paul Coburn is a bright feller who useta' come on the forums, most generally as "Cathunter" or somesuch but normal people ragged him out' the room cuz "he's rude and mean"...)))

I'm a Keith guy, an Aagard guy and a Carmichel guy if'n he's pi$$ed off enough.

Ennyways, I found it amusing and well-informed.
It was a good read, absolutely. I would agree completely a 380 is ill advised when everybody has multiple layers.
Another point…. Ammunition, the duality defensive stuff has progressed since 2006 and his good point about issues with HP ammo, most common then, is the very reason most of it now has a plastic tip over a HP….better penetration BEFORE full expansion, but very informative none the less.
re Massad Ayoob..... IMO he grandfa-!CROSSFIT!-thered the whole "operator" movement and mindset for civi-!CROSSFIT!-lians.

Nowadays we pretty much expect to see -!CROSSFIT!- tatted bearded dudes in stealthy shorts hoppin-N-poppin acrost the -!CROSSFIT!- landscape, very much in-your-face and ceaselessly seething, humping, pumping, stretching t-!CROSSFIT!-highs like man-bunned pedo-bikers but blessedly without the exhibitionism
1. Shot placement

2. Bullet construction

3. Pretty much in that order

You can hedge your bets a bit, but that's what it comes down to.

Altho we did have a local girl went into the woods a few yrs back on a grid search for two violents.... half hr in one popped his head up to look and she shot his face. The other one popped and she shot his face.

investigating team asked "why did you shoot them in the face?" she said "that's what they gave me"


My contractor buddy for whom the two worked called me that morning about another matter and mentioned he was running behind....... "two of my crew called in dead!"

Ive read, true or not I dont know, that the Germans in ww2 had trouble stopping people with their 9mm in the mp 40 and lugers. That was probably a 45 acp fan that was putting that out, but Id rather have a 45. Doug

Please explain.


Shot placement is for hunting..... neither firefights nor defense are anything like hunting.

In scenarios involving handguns a 5% hit ratio to shots fired is normal with some police/FBI stat's hovering closer to 8% for trained professionals.

This is HITS, as in injuries, not deaths and most certainly not the movie type "double tap", "center mass" and "between the eyes" crap.

Military hunters and hitmen do better but that's completely irrelevant.
Shot placement is for hunting..... neither firefights nor defense are anything like hunting.

In scenarios involving handguns a 5% hit ratio to shots fired is normal with some police/FBI stat's hovering closer to 8% for trained professionals.

This is HITS, as in injuries, not deaths and most certainly not the movie type "double tap", "center mass" and "between the eyes" crap.

Military hunters and hitmen do better but that's completely irrelevant.

I think...and correct me if I'm wrong, you're trying to say that accurate shot placement really isn't a factor in a shooting scenario involving a handgun because accurate shot placement so rarely occurs during a fire fight.

Would that be correct?
That is my view.

I've heard all my life folks who defend say the .243Win for deer, or even the 22-250..... and they slowly and precisely place shots into a kill zone and somewhat validate their "position" with anecdotal stories of their personal successes poking deers from hides.

IMO this entire stance simply has no place in a defense situation..... IF you get hits, you needa' be taking chunks off
If you need to use a hand gun, anything you've got in your hand is better than nothing. In Real-World self defense cases, distances are incredibly short...from 5 to 7 feet. Many are less than that. I want something geegaws, rails, lights, USB ports, signature grips or built in tooth pick holders. What I need a defensive hand gun to do is just give me a bit of time to get to the shotgun(s).

The simple 'J' frame S&W's have been doing it right for decades. ;) Forced to choose a pistol, my KelTec PMR30 would get the nod.

Good shootin':) -Al
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If you need to use a hand gun, anything you've got in your hand is better than nothing. In Real-World self defense cases, distances are incredibly short...from 5 to 7 feet. Many are less than that. I want something geegaws, rails, lights, USB ports, signature grips or built in tooth pick holders. What I need a defensive hand gun to do is just give me a bit of time to get to the shotgun(s).

The simple 'J' frame S&W's have been doing it right for decades. ;) Forced to choose a pistol, my KelTec PMR30 would get the nod.

Godd shootin':) -Al

Tooth pick holder made me laugh and getting to the shotgun is a fact.
Shot Placement

Advice based on personal experience. If you get in a firefight, ASSUME that ,he/she/they, knows about accurate shot placement. Your response should be,to take advantage of whatever cover is available at the time. You may live to tell about it.

You have no way of knowing the skill level of an adversary/stranger with a gun. Couple that, with the fact ,as Al Nyhus points out, most gun fights occur within very short distances. Fatal hits are often, not accidental.

Deer Hunters carry sidearms:D


I thought the topic was Tough Kimber Mainspring

Ya' just cain't stand it can ya ;) ..... "theoreticians"...... you're a man, your stuff was done from cover, on your direct and certainly not self defense. You signed up for it, it was your job. No need to pick on folks like my friend, a woman, who wants to carry something she can hopefully get comfortable enough with to have at least a chance of reacting effectively.

Yeahh, the subject IS 'Tough Kimber Mainspring" and this is specifically why I don't believe "shot placement" is as important as "getting somewhat controlled shots off", most'n likely NOT from a standing two-handed "Power Isosceles" or a "Chapman"......

She and her husband train from the holster only for "slowly acquire", ie "slowly and deliberately get hand your hands on the gun"...... most of this training is just building muscle memory to KNOW WHERE THE GUN IS and to get ahold of it. The training mainly occurs when using a restroom, going into a govt building, dressing/undressing etc. Range time and bullseye shooting, while fun isn't the goal here.

And this is specifically what I teach and preach..... "you ain't a hunter, you ain't a sniper, you ain't trained and This Ain't Dallas" ...... your job is only to get the gun into your hand, right-side-up and pointing the right way.
OK, some backstory.....

There are people who aren't comfortable with "cocked and locked" and there are a bunch of instructors out here in The Left who're advocating carry on an empty chamber with a 1911-style gun and to drag strong-handed, bring hands together at chest, rack and extend. She can't easily rack the thing with the hammer down. Maybe she'll choose to carry loaded, maybe she'll be more comfortable carrying hammer back but still training on an empty chamber, maybe she'll get a Glock. I dunno.

But in any case as much as I preach "Acquire-Fire" IMO getting the gun in hand right is 9/10 of the deal. It's also why I detest double-stacked brick hannles.... you have no idea where they're pointing even when good in hand.
Even in your experience watching cowboy movies I would have thought you would have noticed the live cowboys were shooting and all the while looking for cover. In Au Trang after the first shot you were also on the defensive. I, and any sniper, will tell you before the first shot is taken you better have an escape plan. I’m alive so I must have paid attention. And this is the last time I waste time with you. You don’t listen; you wait to talk.