Tough Kimber mainspring

Another point to consider is this......

When wrestling with a pig
sooner or later you must realize
the pig likes it!
You holding a match? You’ve never done anything positive. This would be worth the price of admission.
NRA doesn’t show you or your range are registered. (Sanctioned)
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And since I respect the opinions of others over yours. I’ll leave you to your own devices.
Don’t hurt yourself.

And I'll respect you by not broadening the search re your voting records etc.... it's amazing what's available in public records :)

Frightening to most folks.

Lucky for me my record is an open book, nothing to hide.... search away to your heart's content

That said, it's harder to keep information OFF line than to get it listed. I get 10-15 calls per year about "when is your next class" even though we're not listed anywhere. Some of them are word-of-mouth from folks who've been through but some of them are people under the age of 30 who're competent enough on computers to get through the firewalls and find me.

And there is a crying need for classes. We've got 6 instructors in our rolls and another 5 from another group which uses my facility..... we cycle from 150-180 people a year and could easily do 10 times that. The only class within 50mi currently listed as 'active' is doing a class per month. That's 4 long evenings and a Saturday Range Day per month, a 'YUGE commitment none of us on our teams are equal to. We are a Firearms SAFETY course under the umbrella of WA State and geared toward safe handling of firearms in the interest of getting a hunting license. We offer the only courses nationwide which are reciprocal with and will qualify you for all states.

We recruit from the general public so anyone in the Vancouver WA area looking for a thankless unpaid position please a reply here :)

Trained gunfighters and wannabe's, folks who like to scuffle about in a half-crouch "engaging targets for center mass double taps" need not apply.... There's PLENTY of those courses available, every week, several per week within the Vancouver WA area. It's just not what I/we do, sorry.

Unlike many in this thread, I'm not qualified to be a gunfighting instructor and never intend to be..... not on my bucket list.

I'll leave that to the "experts" and we all know from the news who those people are...
Francis I want to offer my apology for having been drawn into this back-and-forth. I should never have replied as I did in the first place but I did.

Posting an online link from a hasty search was weak and was 'wayy over the top and I apoligize.

It was wrong

I was wrong

I will refrain in future

Well, I wasn’t going to look at this thread again but couldn’t refrain. Imagine that, Al using a website fraught with mis and dis information. That website is the defendant in a class action law suit brought on by some injured by the erroneous information spewed there.
Well, I wasn’t going to look at this thread again but couldn’t refrain. Imagine that, Al using a website fraught with mis and dis information. That website is the defendant in a class action law suit brought on by some injured by the erroneous information spewed there.

good to know, tx