Threaded Muzzle, Calfee

Would the number of groves in a barrel affect how a bullet "flies" in the wind?
So long as the spin remains consistent with the speed and the twist of the barrel, it shouldn't. However the forward speed of the bullet degrades much faster than the spin rate, so the airflow is not always along the edges of the engraving, which leads to disturbances. These disturbances lead to bullet flight variations.

I would amagine that 100-200 yard Benchrest Shooters have tried just about every concievable land and groove configuration amaginable. One of the most accurate barrels I ever owned was a 25 caliber 8-groove Shilen. I actually won some Registered Aggs with it in 25BR.
To this day, I doubt anyone could come up with a definitive conclusion as to "which is best". Someone might score a great barrel that is of one type, shoot some good aggs, and declare, "this is it". Then, the next barrel might not be so good, and the bucket starts to leak.
I do use 4-groove Kriegers. The reason is they shoot quite well. Since I doubt anything I could aquire would shoot any better, (but as good), then why start standing up in the boat and risk falling out.
If you do this long enough, you will see just about every thing come, and go. I honestly believe that some barrel manufacturers bring out certain land and groove configurations in an attemt to be different, sort of separating them from the pack. Some have rounded lands, some with lands steeper on one side than the other, some have weird groove configurations, (remember the "cupped groove" that Krieger tried a few years ago).
And just as with all, some of these barrels will shoot really great, and some just good.
Sound familiar??.......jackie
Jim Borden

Jim are you saying removing metal doesn't change the bore diameter? Or are you saying it does but doesn't affect accuracy?
I am not Jim, nor a machinist, nor an engineer.

IF threading does change the bore diameter, ALL bore diameters ARE changed when a new barrel is placed in/on an action.

Evidently, if true, it REALLY matters.
Friend Bobby T

Friend Bobby T:

Been working all day on SPEC-4.....put a post on early this

MY friends, I read everything I said about my test and I couldn't find any place where I stated that the test groups were "rimfire benchrest quality"......

The test was relative.....the barrel performed worse after I threaded the muzzle.....exactly like has happened when I have run the same experiment several times before.....

MY friends, my gosh, if you want to thread the muzzles of your rifle barrels, go for it..........they're your barrels.....

Four groove barrels....As far as I can tell they don't shoot any better than other rifling patterns......but I use them because they have other qualities that make it easier for me to produce more winners with them....

Friend Bobby asked: Do 4 groove barrels buck the wind better?.....Not that I can tell....

Can a rifle barrel be rifled so it does buck the wind better.....oh yes.

Your friend, Bill Calfee
Jackie Schmidt

Jackie I am going to go out on a limb here and say Bill Calfee knows what Agg means.Remember he finished in the top 5 at the super shoot as has been posted here.
Also I am going to say something not meant to make you mad but I really don't think you are reading his posts correctly.When he says his barrel shot good he meant it shot good for a barrel with a huge dog not in it.Please re-read his post before you start calling me a keyboard shooter again.I know this is your sand box but Bill doesn't take up that much space and is very cordial all things considered.

I am not Jim, nor a machinist, nor an engineer.

IF threading does change the bore diameter, ALL bore diameters ARE changed when a new barrel is placed in/on an action.

Edwin I am not interested if the bore diameter changes in the action area due to threading because in the chamberings I use there is no bore in this area.

Evidently, if true, it REALLY matters.

What are you basing your opinion on?
Friend Edwin D

My friend:

I just did a post and saw your post pop up.....good thought you have....please go back and read my post #47....bout half way down the page..

Back to SPEC 4....

Your friend, Bill Calfee
Jackie Schmidt

Jackie I don't care what you or anybody else on this forum thinks about myself.
I am wanting to hear what Bill Calfee has to say about tuners and accuracy and from the number of views his posts receive it looks like I am not alone in this matter.
If you don't like his posts simply add him to your ignore list.

I think people just enjoy the entertainment these Kathy threads provide, nothing to do with the useful information contained therein.

If we actually waited for Bill to sit down and write out some useful information about tuners in plain English without the riddles we'd all be to old to care by the time it happened.

I don't mean to sound critical towards Bill, I really don't care that much. I am just stating it like I see it. He isn't exactly forthcoming with much detail but instead drops a little bread crumb trail that may or may not lead us to somewhere nice !!

Mr. Calfree,

I did reread your post as requested.

Do your barrels (blanks) cost MORE?

I MUST see your device attached on centerfire.

I am in contact with Roger.

Thank you for your patience.
Friend Edwin D

My friend:

Just came from the range testing SPEC 4......I'm close..

MY friend, cutting on the breech end of the barrel don't cause no problems...
Like for threading and chambering.....

Edwin......I believe there are some big time changes about ready to be made in muzzle devices....

Roger v is working his butt off......he has an ideas are very hard for folks to accept ...he knows this....

Let Roger, and some other folks, do some more testing.....if things don't work out, Roger will be the first to tell everyone it don't can't fool precision shooters..

Roger will either have something to improve accuracy, or he will go back to his day job....

More than anything in my life, I love accuracy.....I kinda have the feeling that Roger feels the same way...

May I put this whole thing another way, please........NO B--L S--T....

It works, or it don't!

Your friend, Bill Calfee

I think people just enjoy the entertainment these Kathy threads provide, nothing to do with the useful information contained therein.

Bryce an average Bill Calfee thread gets 10,000 views so I his useless information is extremely entertaining.

If we actually waited for Bill to sit down and write out some useful information about tuners in plain English without the riddles we'd all be to old to care by the time it happened.

Bryce I keep hearing about riddles in every Bill Calfee post including this one.If you go back to the first page the attack dogs were on him for just starting this post without the pictures included because it might take a day or two.You must also remember this site is mainly visited by adults.An outsider not knowing what benchrest is who stumbles across a Bill Calfee thread must think he is the dreaded red headed stepchild.

I don't mean to sound critical towards Bill, I really don't care that much. I am just stating it like I see it. He isn't exactly forthcoming with much detail but instead drops a little bread crumb trail that may or may not lead us to somewhere nice Bryce

Bryce I see you post in every one of Bill's threads so you either love bread crumbs or your starving for

I am not entirely sure that is accurate and that isn't the issue but OK ...... you have a point, there was no need for me to have said anything at all in this thread, it achieved nothing .......... I'll keep my nose out of this stuff.

I feel for Bill in this whole thing. I don't know why he approaches these threads the way he does but he certainly catches more flak than I believe he deserves. It seems to me that he does play things up a bit with the poor dumb guy that like liverwurst sanwhiches and that hogs head cheese stuff (!!)) but it appears his heart is in the right place and his intentions honorable !!

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Bryce I hope you read the entire post as I'm no good at quotes.I broke down your post into sections but as I can't add a ) to each segment it all looks the same.
I think that anytime you see 10,000 views per post you have the attention of a large audience.I am hopeful that audience will wade through all of the negativity and give it a try for themselves.I don't believe a single poster on these forums until I do it for myself.Everyone is making Bill out as a hard to reach person and I find that totaly ridiculous.I don't know Bill personaly yet if you have a question and write to him you get a response.I called him up and we talked for a couple of hours and he is truly a very nice person who is only interested in helping.
I think some people are skeptical because they think he is like a politician who will look you in the eye and lie straight to your face.He doesn't do that.
I am hopeful that the people viewing these threads will try it out for themselves and then post there results!!!!!!

Maybe I am missing something here, but this entire discussion is about how this concept will perform on a Centerfire 100-200 yard Benchrest Rifle, in particular, a Sporter or LV.
Many of us are waiting on the test that shows this. From what I can gather, there are several shooters doing just that.

I haven't been keeping up with this thread, but MAN IS IT VICIOUS!!! lol. Sooooooooooo, if someone were to have a barrel threaded BEFORE the bore is finished, than perhaps it would be OK??? Then perhaps accuracy would be ENHANCED rather than keeping the status quo??? (Not that I mind keeping the status quo, if I can find an easier way to tune these darn things I'm all for it!!!) Just a thought.

Matthew S Keller

When I first started using tuners, I took proven barrels, (as in barrels that had won aggs), and simply threaded the ends for 15/16 36 tpi for 2 inches in length.
Accuracy was not hurt in the least. Of course, I know this was not a valid test. All I did was take barrels that were proven winners, thread them for the tuner, tuned them in with the tuner, and the barrels retained their good manners in matches. The tuner allowes me to keep the barrel shooting without changing anything else.
But, as you have read, actually taking a barrel, (more than one), that you know is good, threading it, and then seeing if it still retains it's agging capability is a very poor way to find out this sort of thing. As you have learned from all of these threads, there are much better ways.......jackie