I would amagine that 100-200 yard Benchrest Shooters have tried just about every concievable land and groove configuration amaginable. One of the most accurate barrels I ever owned was a 25 caliber 8-groove Shilen. I actually won some Registered Aggs with it in 25BR.
To this day, I doubt anyone could come up with a definitive conclusion as to "which is best". Someone might score a great barrel that is of one type, shoot some good aggs, and declare, "this is it". Then, the next barrel might not be so good, and the bucket starts to leak.
I do use 4-groove Kriegers. The reason is they shoot quite well. Since I doubt anything I could aquire would shoot any better, (but as good), then why start standing up in the boat and risk falling out.
If you do this long enough, you will see just about every thing come, and go. I honestly believe that some barrel manufacturers bring out certain land and groove configurations in an attemt to be different, sort of separating them from the pack. Some have rounded lands, some with lands steeper on one side than the other, some have weird groove configurations, (remember the "cupped groove" that Krieger tried a few years ago).
And just as with all, some of these barrels will shoot really great, and some just good.
Sound familiar??.......jackie