"....I don't use 4 groove barrels because they are more accurate than
other numbers of grooves......I have other reasons..."
Your friend, Bill Calfee
............I read this as "I use 4 groove barrels because they ARE ACCUARATE and for "other reasons" One reason that is obvious to me is that since Bill touts "slugging" barrels ,having the lands exactly opposite of each other as in a 2,4,or 6 groove barrels, one will get better land and groove measurements as opposed to a 3 groove arrangement. Centainly in Rimfire he has a command of the particulars to base his barrel choice to those that are 4 groove.In each of his posting "somethings" of value are gleaned if one looks at the posts objectively.........JMHO
................. Be well, shoot well.......... Jan