The Roosevelts

The average person if hit with the wrong illness would be wiped out within two months in the hospital. Over sixty percent of the average Americans would be flat broke four years into retirement without social security due to miss management of their savings. The government cost to support that percentage of people, would be far greater than the present bill. Why do you think the depression was so devastating? There was no recovery plan to help the people whose savings over a life time were wiped out within months because of bank failure. Even now after the 2008 recession, we are a lot better off than Europe and Asia.

I think we better stick to firearm discussion because the ignorance of true economics here forms no basis for an informed discussion. With the amount of funds available to the wall street crowd due to pension funds and 401K monies, which has forced almost everyone into the market, nothing could have stopped the greed caused failure of the major investment firms. And eventually, it will happen again. Just be sure you're far enough away from the market not to be hard hit.

I'm for personal accountability, if you choose to not save and invest and go uninsured and piss your money away then you take your chances. Social security and medicare didn't do working people any favors and I would be glad to opt out if they would just give me what I paid in.
Not if we view history through the distorted lens of a belief system skewed by partisan biases. Or if we modify the facts to conform to our belief system.

Far too many "historians" these days ignore history and substitute their own opinions for historical facts.

Which is why I said what I did..... specifically, "I don't believe you know and understand history."

I don't believe you know, nor do you understand the significance of REAL history.....

The fact that you consider PBS to be unbiased is frightening, to me,

A producer.

I work with people Al that vote democrat yet still go to church, and hate those pesky republicans and all their gun control acts, support of partial birth abortions and their gay rights. wont listen to facts and watch CNN or MSNBC for their facts. And tried to bet me in 08 that Barack Obama would have the full support of the NRA and even have his picture on the front page of their website. gonna vote democrat no matter what cause their daddy did back in the 50's yet scream about high taxes. and still say to this day that Dubya will go down as the worst president in history

I don't believe you know, nor do you understand the significance of REAL history.....

Hmmm. "Real history" as interpreted through Al's filters?

Really, how could you possibly judge someone else's knowledge or understanding? Only someone with an out of control ego would even claim to judge based on what? A modest number of Internet postings? Really?

LOL times 100!
I work with people Al that vote democrat yet still go to church, and hate those pesky republicans and all their gun control acts, support of partial birth abortions and their gay rights. wont listen to facts and watch CNN or MSNBC for their facts. And tried to bet me in 08 that Barack Obama would have the full support of the NRA and even have his picture on the front page of their website. gonna vote democrat no matter what cause their daddy did back in the 50's yet scream about high taxes. and still say to this day that Dubya will go down as the worst president in history

Agreed..... that's the "frightening" part....

I'm referring to Rome. It's something called history...... it's not "burning," it burned a long time ago.

If we're going to debate you must pay better attention. All references here were to the metaphor of Rome burning while people fiddled--as started in Wilbur's post. No one was talking about the actual fire in Rome.
The fact that you consider PBS to be unbiased is frightening...

There you go again, making things up. I never said PBS was unbiased...nor would I.

Another example of not paying attention on your part??

Really, how could you possibly judge someone else's knowledge or understanding? .................

Ahhhh, thank you for that vic :)

At some point you will always come through.

THIS is really the difference between you and me...... JUDGEMENT.......The ability to make informed decisions based on limited data. This is what I do, all day, every day. And I do it well. I am a businessman, my judgements can be measured in money. I make a good choice, I get rewarded for it. And when I make bad choices (poor judgement) I get penalized for it. "Cause and effect" has a way of making one's judgements very real! You think "judgement" is subjective, you think that judgements are based on opinions and that all opinions are valid. I do not.

I absolutely DO NOT accept all opinions as equal, there are "opinions" and there are "informed opinions." For instance, if the subject of Quantum Physics comes up I'll take Stephen Hawking's opinion over vicvanb's...... no it doesn't take long, "a modest one or two conversations on the innernet" will suffice for you to establish your credibility VS take this as a teachable moment via "a liddle story."

26-28yrs ago I started "making more money"...... basically my outlook changed, I stepped up to the plate, but in the end my disposable income increased. So my gun budget increased.

and I had an opinion. (actually, I had several, but I'll only talk of one ;) )

I had been building guns for 7-8 yrs after having been expelled from gunsmithing school and was of the opinion that "the 6PPC is overrated." Now here's the kicker, I had the money and for personal reasons I had to "prove" my opinion, validate it. So I went after it. I won't bore you with the details but I spent over $40,000.00 with some of the best gunbuilders on the planet. In the process my opinion changed. I became better informed. Spending the money tends to SEAR the results into one's consciousness.....

Generally, liberal opinions come from the underbelly, the visceral thought process of "you and I both know that IF I HAD HIS MONEY I could do such and such..."

Generally conservative's opinions come from "well, let's test this out!"

It's called "the ring of truth"..... or just BTDT.....

it's called "credibility."

As a conservative I can tell within "a modest amount of conversation" from whence my adversary hails :) some innernet basement boi comes on saying "I'd smoke Kobe in a game of one-on-one" I'm the guy who will buy the tickets and set the game up.... so yeahhh, I'm completely comfortable calling you out "from just a few modest conversations."

I also understand that to you it's "ego."

But this is a forum where folks come to learn, folks come here with hard-earned money in their pockets looking for GOOD information. And sometimes sifting the wheat from the chaff is HARD.... so establishing credibility is crucial. GOOD information is hard to come by. A guy had better learn quick which opinions mattered.....or throw away A LOT of money.

Which I did.

I started my odyssey before the innernet.... I spent my money based on singular people's opinions. I called people on my "free long distance" cell phone. I asked so many questions I drove people crazy, but I did spend money.

I decided early on that one of my goals was controlling high pressure, the PPC ran at unholy pressures and I wanted to "beat it" or at least prove it wrong, so one of my avenues was experimenting with other cartridges attempting to get them up to pressure with the PPC.

Some famous gunbuilder dude says "use a min/min chamber to "contain the caseheads"..... so I did.
Some famous gunbuilder dude says "a fitted boltface will contain caseheads".... so I tried it.
Some famous gunbuilder dude says "bump die, etc etc" .... so's I got me some bump dies.
Some famous gunbuilder dude says "greasing the cases"
Some famous gunbuilder dude says "weld the ejector hole
Some famous gunbuilder dude says "bush the firing pin"




And then along came Wilbur, and BRC, and the doors opened wider.

I've watched the accuracy world evolve faster and faster thanks in large part to this forum. I was here when the 6BR was a blip on the world's radar, a round most ever'body had toyed with "to beat the Russian" but in the end it didn't. I was here when someone claimed "2900fps with 105's" and I was here THE DAY hit the airwaves. From a blip to a major phenom in 4-5 yrs........from nothing to it's own website, largely due to the intense proliferation of information right here on BRC, and the internet at large.

So yeahhh, I disagree with you vic. I make LOTS on decisions based on less information than you've given me in the last few years :) I'd bet a paycheck on being able to predict an outcome from your decisions.....


If we're going to debate you must pay better attention. All references here were to the metaphor of Rome burning while people fiddled--as started in Wilbur's post. No one was talking about the actual fire in Rome.


yeahhh, I'm familiar with metaphor vic..... but also know that the danger of metaphor is that two people of different backgrounds/views will hear the same metaphor, differently.

An example, from a conversation here on BRC between you and I.

Some time back I used the metaphor of the Phoenix in explaining that "I'm a crash and burn guy. We need to crash and burn to learn ... I feel that we as Americans need to fall a lot further, hurt a lot worse, before we can learn our lesson"

Of course the story of the Phoenix is meaningless without it includes the glorious rise from the ashes, the rebirth....

But YOU...... what YOU took from the analogy was "Detroit" and "Watts" and looting and riots and blood on the streets.....

I could have used Icarus.....

But life has taught me that regardless the metaphor it's DIFFERENT for different viewpoints.

We think differently, you and I!


To help one understand how Rome caught afire- -

this winter, read two books. One is titled "The Eve of Destruction", written by Prof. James Paterson and the second, which is recommended reading in that book is "Mr. Social Security, the life and times of Wilbur Cohen". Once you have read these books you will understand why and how we got where we are at - - -

Redrockranger, you are getting close. Notice how we don't get any news anymore? FOX is all a bunch of pretty legged airheads and CNN just another "show".. HNN has been a gossip channel for sometime now, MSNBC????

That said, for something to watch this AM with my coffee I tuned to PBS-3 (world) and Bill Moyer was on. He had someone I'm not sure but they were talking about Eric Holder not prosecuting any of the crooks in the Bush Banking ripoff.. Yes, Bush & Co deregulated what Slick Willy didn't so this latest ripoff by the FED&al has stuck Trillions out there that will come back in the form of superinflation to us consumers!

Back to Moyers. They really get into where BommyWommy got his financial support just being a Jr Senator from ChiTown. Turns out it was mainly Superbanker Jimmy Diamon.....if you can get that episode back, watch it.
What redrockranger says makes a lot of sense. In my experience progressive means going backwards (all the way to Europe) and losing freedom, wealth, a weak military and no respect around the world; and conservative means maintaining freedom and wealth you earned and a strong military w/ great respect around the world and always vigilant of threats to our nation.
JERRY and others

The GREAT DEPRESSION spawned a law name Glass Steagle act it prevented banking fro dealing in investment banking and traditional banking.In 1985 the two party system agreed to repeal it and William Jefferson Clinton signed the bill . Think back to what happened to our economy 2,3 or 4 times since that repeal. Retirement income has been great concern to seniors for many years now. CD's pay 1.5% . but Wall Street will furnish an income to help you make end meet. How many pension funds are base upon that idea. If a man tells you it's not about money you can rest assured it's about money.


WOW! Those lengthy comments and "liddle" story say a lot. Did I mention lengthy?

Let's see --you claim: be rich make great decisions with information others lack provide information others couldn't possibly have have great knowledge of numerous subjects make accurate decisions based on limited data be able to judge things others cannot know the real truth

etc., etc., etc.

Then, of course, according to you, there those like me--financially poor with worthless opinions, no knowledge and questionable judgment. Despite your best efforts to explain things to me, I utterly fail to understand anything, can't learn from history, and (worst of all) know less about physics than Stephen Hawking.

Ouch! That last really, really hurts. All these many years I thought I was at the same level as him.

As I said, it's all about ego. In your posts, the extent of yours is on display big time every time. I finally get it. You are the man. Your claims must be valid. I surrender both to you and to Hawking.
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WOW! Those lengthy comments and "liddle" story say a lot. Did I mention lengthy?

Let's see --you claim: be rich make great decisions with information others lack provide information others couldn't possibly have have great knowledge of numerous subjects make accurate decisions based on limited data be able to judge things others cannot know the real truth

etc., etc., etc.

Then, of course, according to you, there those like me--financially poor with worthless opinions, no knowledge and questionable judgment. Despite your best efforts to explain things to me, I utterly fail to understand anything, can't learn from history, and (worst of all) know less about physics than Stephen Hawking.

Ouch! That last really, really hurts. All these many years I thought I was at the same level as him.

As I said, it's all about ego. In your posts, the extent of yours is on display big time every time. I finally get it. You are the man. Your claims must be valid. I surrender both to you and to Hawking.

I always thought you were an idiot, you just proved it!