The Energy Non-Crisis


New member
I've read quite a bit of the discussion on here about gas prices and it's enlightening. I make good money but I also drives 19K miles a year to/from work. Therefore, the gas is definitely affecting my discretionary income.

With that said, I was pointed to this link recently and it was an eye-opener:

I don't know what to think at this point but I could see where we are screwed coming and going within the "global" economy. This video is an hour long and it starts off slow. However, it will have you looking at these gas prices in a while new light. Take the time and watch...Wagner does state who he thinks is behind all of this mess.

Very interesting!!! I'm like you....a real eye opener. It does seem to connect all the dots as far as Iran and other oil producing nations are concerned. Could it be that Israel or America could soon be planning an attack??
I've watched all eight segments. I came away feeling that much of what this minister has to say, I've read before. I think anyone that lived through the 1970's fraud on gasoline knew that someday this would happen. The last time it came to a screeching halt was do to the rapid clamor for coal gasification.

The fix is in, there is not a snowball chance in hades of our politicians fixing this one. They do not have the will. Or they have been paid or the GREENIES have scared them off.
Big Al,

You live in Alaska....any truth to what he says about the natural gas and oil there??
Not So Fast!

The fix is in, there is not a snowball chance in hades of our politicians fixing this one. They do not have the will. Or they have been paid or the GREENIES have scared them off.

You give the environmentalists WAY too much power. They are responsible for a tiny fraction of the overall energy problem but are an easy scapegoat.

We can't drill our way to energy independence unless we drastically reduce our oil consumption--something the environmentalists have known for years.
You give the environmentalists WAY too much power. They are responsible for a tiny fraction of the overall energy problem but are an easy scapegoat.

We can't drill our way to energy independence unless we drastically reduce our oil consumption--something the environmentalists have known for years.

Why are there so few Nuclear Power Plants, or gas refineries? What about the refineries that can convert coal to liquid fuel or the factory conversions from oil burning facilities to coal burning facilities! Why aren't we drilling in the lower 48 or off our own shores. I give the GREENIES all the props for the lack of U.S. energy independence. I suppose our energy problem is our own fault because we consume way too much oil! Yep that's it, blame the Americans!
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Why can't we drill our way out of this?

I have heard several talking heads on TV saying that we cannot drill our way out of this oil problem.

The only footprints on the moon are American. We are the same people aren't we?

We have to oil, the question is do we have the resolve?

Concho Bill:)
We cant drill our way out of it, because the current high price of oil has nothing to do with oil, but it does have something to do with our falling dollar ( as well as inflation off all other paper money supplies). Fix our paper money issues and much of our so call oil problem will go away.

(note: Im not saying that there isnt a growing world demand for oil, there is, and this will eventually become a real problem, but our current problem has very little to do with it)

The problem is the Federal Reserve and all associated with it.

I have heard several talking heads on TV saying that we cannot drill our way out of this oil problem.

The only footprints on the moon are American. We are the same people aren't we?

We have to oil, the question is do we have the resolve?

Concho Bill:)

The America that I grew up with did not have that word "can't" in their vernacular.......................we most definitly CAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'s just that we have been brainwashed by the greenies that we DON'T WANT TO!!

But, alas America is bad, we even "staged" those lunar episodes....a mere paper tiger.

Beam me up ,Scottie..........NOW!
Here's the fun part...

If they let us drill, they won't let us move it.

They won't let us build new refineries.

They'll insist that each metro area, and the outlying states, needs it own special and unique blend.

And then some farm lobby will insist that they blend 10% ethanol with it...
Thats right......Something............

Here's the fun part...

If they let us drill, they won't let us move it.

They won't let us build new refineries.

They'll insist that each metro area, and the outlying states, needs it own special and unique blend.

And then some farm lobby will insist that they blend 10% ethanol with it...

...................that nobody mentions lately..................the nightmare for refineries to produce the proper blend as "REGULATED" by each state....a logistical nightmare...........totally unnecessary.
Yes, But...

I have heard several talking heads on TV saying that we cannot drill our way out of this oil problem.

The only footprints on the moon are American. We are the same people aren't we?

We have to oil, the question is do we have the resolve?

Concho Bill:)

Simple answer--there are no more major oil fields left to discover. The planet's oil reserves are finite. When they are exhausted our supply is gone.

You are right about our technological ability, but it won't produce more oil. We need to set about using our talents to develop alternatives to oil.
yes, but......

...............there's still oil in the ground and the early bird catches the worm.

Do you feel confident in that statement about no more major oil fields to be discovered......................I don't think we have become that adept at estimating the amount of oil in a given "field"........and do you realize how many square miles the earth encompasses?

This is in reference to crude oil, then you have to consider oil recovered from shale.

Perhaps you guys are throwing the bath water out with the poor baby still in it.

We need actual numbers, NOT conjecture................and the oil companies feel it is a worthwhile business risk to continue drilling. How many members of Congress are geologists?....................yeah........... they're mostly lawyers............what does THAT tell you? Their goal is to get re-elected, the geologists goal is to retain employment. certainly can "produce" more oil by the simple fact that more ingenious recovery/drilling methods will make previously unattainable oil available, such as "slant drilling."

let's face it, the internal combustion engine is being demonized by a select few..................and come hell or high water they will not rest until the U.S. is reduced to a mere pittance of what it once was...........all in the name of fairness.

How about you give that neighbor whose not as well off some of your treasures...............if your not willing, then your a hypocrite.
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Simple answer--there are no more major oil fields left to discover. The planet's oil reserves are finite. When they are exhausted our supply is gone.

You are right about our technological ability, but it won't produce more oil. We need to set about using our talents to develop alternatives to oil.

I have noticed this type of thinking lately.

When any problem develops there is a camp full of people who will tell you why a thing cannot be done. We call them losers.:) Don't join their camp.

Our country was built by those who did things. Do we remember the names of those who told Henry Ford that he could not build an affordable automobile?

I will agree that we produce alternate fuels. We can do Both.

Concho Bill
Concho Bill...

Yea, This Don and vicvanb guy come out of the closet to thown-in their Obama thoughts on our posts.....then Don sticks some post up that trashes any republican and vicvanb climbs on!!! Just a couple from the other side to try and cause confusion. Obama's bed mates!!
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Some people deal with reality--the way things are, not the way we wish they were. When the old ways no longer work, they seek new ways. We call them winners.

The oil companies have scoured the earth for new fields and come up empty. I don't think there's a square mile that has not had its geology assessed for oil potential. And all the geology with oil potential has been explored.

It's not a matter of thinking small. It is a matter of facing reality and coming up with creative stategies for the future. We are not going to run out of oil real soon and until we do there is too much money left to be made in oil for those pushing the oil agenda. A lot of those folks live in Texas--your neighbors! We call them...............Texans!
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They sure do spend a lot of time looking....

....for oil down here in South TX. LOTS of seismographing right now.

We just got a notice to expect it on our deer lease we hunt. 7,000 acres and no known natural gas in the area.....specifically LOOKING for oil. Why spend the $$$ if it has all been found?? Very expensive to do if nothing is there or left to discover.....maybe they are just looking for the scraps???

We are welcoming it as we need some new roads / senderos.

Don posts the same articles I read in the daily paper......

I want facts............not conjecture


Some people deal with reality--the way things are, not the way we wish they were. When the old ways no longer work, they seek new ways. We call them winners.

The oil companies have scoured the earth for new fields and come up empty. I don't think there's a square mile that has not had its geology assessed for oil potential. And all the geology with oil potential has been explored.

It's not a matter of thinking small. It is a matter of facing reality and coming up with creative stategies for the future. We are not going to run out of oil real soon and until we do there is too much money left to be made in oil for those pushing the oil agenda. A lot of those folks live in Texas--your neighbors! We call them...............Texans!

I don't want the advice of someone who "thinks", or "feels", I want cold, hard facts. The oil companies are willing to put their money where their mouth is...............are you willing to invest your own money (not mine, not uncle sam's) in your algore schemes or ethanol or what ever.

BTW without our "oil agenda" we would be part of the "master race"--------well, at least SOME of us?/you? would.
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Another Good Article From Investor's Bisiness Daily!!

This vicvanb is a liberal that thinks he's going to change our minds.....DREAM ON!!!

The Drill-Nothing Congress
By INVESTOR'S BUSINESS DAILY | Posted Monday, June 09, 2008 4:20 PM PT

Energy: The average price for regular gas hit $4 a gallon over the weekend. Gas prices have risen 75% since Nancy Pelosi took over. Where's the energy independence Democrats promised two years ago?


IBD Series: Breaking The Back Of High Oil


In November of 2006, House Speaker-elect Nancy Pelosi issued a press release touting the Democrats' "common-sense plan to help bring down skyrocketing gas prices."

She accused the oil companies of "price gouging." The price of gasoline when the Democrats took control of Congress was around $2.25 per gallon.

The average price of regular gas crept over the $4-per-gallon barrier over the weekend, as measured by AAA and the Oil Price Information Service.

That represents a more than 75% increase in the retail price of a gallon of gasoline on Pelosi's watch. Call it the "Pelosi premium" we're all now paying.

It's a problem driven by domestic supply restrictions imposed by the Democratic Congress in the face of growing worldwide demand. The Democrats preach energy independence while they do everything in their power to prevent it. If the American people truly want change, this would be it.

A Gallup poll released in May showed that 57% of the American people wanted the U.S. to drill in coastal and wilderness areas. The percentage of Americans who bought Pelosi's line about price gouging fell from 34% in May 2007 to 20% in May 2008. It could be a winning issue for the Republicans and John McCain.

More than 15 billion barrels of oil have been sent down the Alaskan pipeline from Prudhoe Bay, some 60 miles to the west of ANWR, over the past three decades, much more than the six months' supply expected in the beginning by those who predicted a similar environmental disaster there.

The local caribou and other critters have thrived. Yet, Pelosi and the Democrats want to to keep ANWR's estimated 10.6 billion barrels of oil off the market and out of our gas tanks.