"The Crawfish"


S. Ga. Boy,
Have your spot saved, all you need to do now is to tie Richard to the hood of that Honda and head south! Looking forward to seeing you again soon. Hope you will like the new landscaping, it is different! Thumper

I can't do those Ditch Lobsters, but peeling shimp does wonders for my arthritis! Gotta get Doug to make the cocktail sauce.

Cold Snap

It will be a little cold for the Crawfish this year!
The highs are only going to be in the Mid to Upper 70's next weekend!
If you plan to campout at the range or show up early in the AM then you better bring a jacket or a sweatshirt because it will be chilly when the sun goes down!
Otherwise Shorts & a Tee-shirt should work. ~ :eek::p
Cancel the Cold Snap

It looks like it is going to be in the Mid 80's for the next few days so leave your Long Underwear at home & bring some Shorts & maybe a Swim Suit for a dip in the pool after the match!

My Van is packed & heading down in the AM - (I can leave my electric blanket at home for this one)
If you hit JAX tomorrow come on out to the Range. We can burn some bullets until sunset or 18:00 which ever comes first!

If you want to set up a tent or camp out come anytime after hours and I will let you in the gate.

Yards Results

Mike Cameron 747 ?
Steve Lloyd 747 ?
Jim Mollica 746 ?

Sorry don't know the X counts
Good shooting on a tough range. I wish I was there. I always look forward to the Crawfish.
Top Five

Name - Place - Agg - X's - Tie Break:

3 Gun Yards:

Mike Cameron 1 747 53 249
Steve Lloyd 2 747 41 249
Jim Mollica 3 746 39 248
Keith Lovan 4 743 45 248
Ron McCormick 5 743 35 246

3 Gun Meters:

Doug Bell 1 749 48 250
Jim Pherson 2 744 40 248
Keith Lovan 3 744 37 246
Lew Beaudrot 4 743 40 247
Steve Lloyd 5 743 34 248

6 Gun:

1 Doug Bell 1492 82 250
2 Steve Lloyd 1490 75 249
3 Keith Lovan 1487 82 248
4 Mike Cameron 1486 92 249
5 Jim Mollica 1486 75 248
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Congratulations Doug. Good shooting. Steve, you did well as well. May not have had a bunch of shooters but there was a lot of talent. Tuna ,you hung well. Thumper, I'm sure you put on a good match as always. Sorry I missed it. Jim
Keith and Mike, I didn't mean to pass u by. You two always do well.
Fine shooting Doug !

You certainly had it figured out today; and that dern Hall Sporter! Thought they weren't suppose to shoot, with their inferior ignition and all ???

Fine shooting and concentration for most of the weekend :cool: . Pretty dang impressive.

Thanks Jim and Pete....... I have been practicing all winter at J.Ville and it paid off. The Hall sporter is shooting great, and I even let my good friend Joe Turturro shot it on Sunday, and he also shot a 250 with it. Great shooting Joe. Funny thing is that it ain't even one of those Calfee builds. :p ;) Doug
Hi Bohunk.............Thanks....I will be coming home ( South Siberia) in early May, depending on how deep the snow is. Brrrrrrrrrr. Doug
Great shooting Doug. When are you coming home?

Fantastic shooting Doug! Pete tells me you worked hard this winter tuning your rifles and I see it paid off. Congratulations, ... John

Bohunk; as a Floridian, we'd like to claim Doug Bell as a permanent resident, but we know that not happening. LOL
Thanks John.............I have been working very hard and glad to see some good results coming from it. Tomorrow could very well be a different day, if you know what I mean. I really enjoy the winter weather down here but when the humidity kicks into high gear, it is time to head north to a more favorable climate, even though the mosquitoes are the size of a humming bird. Doug
How did the rest of the field shoot?

Name - Place - Agg - X's - Tie Break:

3 Gun Yards:

Mike Cameron 1 747 53 249
Steve Lloyd 2 747 41 249
Jim Mollica 3 746 39 248
Keith Lovan 4 743 45 248
Ron McCormick 5 743 35 246

3 Gun Meters:

Doug Bell 1 749 48 250
Jim Pherson 2 744 40 248
Keith Lovan 3 744 37 246
Lew Beaudrot 4 743 40 247
Steve Lloyd 5 743 34 248

6 Gun:

1 Doug Bell 1492 82 250
2 Steve Lloyd 1490 75 249
3 Keith Lovan 1487 82 248
4 Mike Cameron 1486 92 249
5 Jim Mollica 1486 75 248

Would be nice Doug to see Where Tuna went out and shot on Meters , and how even you faired ? Is That possible?
Crawfish Results

Missed you this weekend? Results for Tuna and Doug?
10 1/2 Lb
13 1/2 Lb
