"The Crawfish"




This year's Florida State IR50/50 3 gun State Championship will be held on the 4th, 5th, and 6th of April at the Gateway Rifle and Pistol Club, Jacksonville, Fl. The 4th will be open practice from 0730 AM until 5:30 PM. Free water and soda will be available. We have new landscape and it should provide an interesting challenge.
Drawing for benches will commence at 3:00 PM on Friday and will end at 0800 on Saturday morning, The match will commence 0900 Sat. morning. If you want a tent space, please contact me so that one can be assigned, these will be on a first come first served basis.
Please give me a heads up count if you plan to attend so that we can be sure of having enough shrimp and crawfish available for the feast after Sat match.
We also have several camping spaces available with water and electrical hook-ups, just let me know and I will reserve one for you.
Looking forward to starting the Season off with a great shoot and good fun, and good food, so I hope to see all of you 3 gun shooters here taking advantage of our warm weather, gentle breezes, good food and hospitality.
Any questions, please call me. Bill ~ :D
E-mail-- usnwls@att.net
What makes "The Crawfish" special



Of course you have to convince your better half that you just need a few days away for the Snow Sleet & Freezing Rain to Rejuvenate!

If you make the mistake and tell her the Saturday's Feast of Shrimp & Crawfish is worth a 1,000 mile trip then you might have to bring her along -
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Promote the shoot, let's have a Great Shoot and some fun after a Long Cold Winter. Promote it the right way and they will come! I enjoy shooting both 50/50 and ARA, but it's time for some 50/50 fun.:cool:
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I've been a Crawfish shooter since 1999 and ran it 7 of those years. I'm not bragging, but it has always be a great event. In the early years we had more shooters than at the Nationals. It's the first big "get together" and a chance to renew old friendships. As long as it exists and Helen Spafford continues to feed me Brownies, I'll be there. The weather is generally great and the competition is tough. You can't ask for more. I like ARA and won the Florida State Championship one year. I see no reason to denigrate either discipline and would be happy if those 2 posts were deleted. I look forward to being at the Crawfish and if ARA was close to me, I would support it. Let's face it, we're getting kicked from all sides- Obama, ammo manufacturers, etc. Therefore there is no reason to post negative statements. Why don't you just settle down and keep them in the middle. If anybody needs directions, post here and I'll upload them. Looking forward to seeing my old friends and making new ones.
Bob Pekaar
Give Bill a Head Count

Hey competitors, Crawfish time is just around the corner, please give me a head count so we can have enough to feed all.
The Hospitality House will give us the winter rate and will ensure that the hot Breakfast is served early so you can get to the range early. Contact Jane Miller @ 904-777-5700 for reservations.
We will have a table or two set for the items that you might want to sell or trade.
Again, let me know if you need a tent space so I can reserve one. Thumper
I will be there

I would like a 10'x10' tent space please. We will not be attending the dinner. She Who Must Be Obeyed does not eat anything that comes from the water, otherwise, I would come.

Se you there,

I'm with Bob on this one I like it all 50/50 ,ARA ,PSL hell I'll do anything to make a little nosie, anyone for pitching some hand grenades. Pete we will see down there.
The Crawfish

I plan to come down Thursday afternoon and Camp Out until Sunday!
The range is usually locked up between 19:00 and 20:00.
If you come down later & want to set up a tent or get a hook up for your RV just walk under the gate and come find me & I will unlock the gate and let you in.
My Van will be parked down by the range on your right when you come in the gate.
If I am asleep just knock on the windows & I will be happy to unlock the gate to let you in.

Please Do Not Sit Outside the gate & Blow your Horn - Gateway has neighbors who do not appreciate that!! :(

The Range has great Restrooms & Shower facilities for shooters who want to spend the night!

AS of today I have 4 tent spaces left so if you need one, please contact me so I can reserve one. Also, I really need a head count so that the shrimp and crawfish can be ordered in the correct amounts, they will come off the boats Sat morning and be cooked that afternoon, hard to get any fresher than that, so we need a good count. We will start at 0930 Sat morning and 0800 on Sun morning so you can get a early start home. Standard relay rotation will apply and bench rotation will occur Sat to Sun. Scales for checking your guns weight will be available all day Friday and only the top 3 will be weighed at the completion of the matches. We will give out Plaques for the top three places, to include 2-gun and 3-gun aggs. Door prizes will be drawn for at the awards ceremony. To quote a "famous" ARA competitor---"Show up and Shoot"! No Sporter---not to worry, we will make one available for you! Thumper

Looks and sounds great Thump! All you Snowbirds need to come on down! It's been a Long Cold Winter and here's a chance to start the New Shooting Season with Good Friends, Good Food and Nice Warm Weather. So pack your bags and come on down, we'll keep the lights on for ya!:cool:

Glad to have you and Joe show up Doug, looking forward to shooting with ya again. Got a new set of eyes for the Blue gun, think you will like my choice. We will have tables available for a Swap meet, buy, sell, or trade. Thumper
Hi Bill.......A new set of eyes to help out an older set of eyes is a big plus. I did it a year ago and am very happy. See you on the 4th. Doug
Bad News & Good News

I Have Good News & Bad News ~ :confused:

Here is the Bad News:
Bill only Order Ten Pounds of Crawfish!

But Here is the Good News:
He ordered FOURTY POUNDS of Shrimp!

In past years a lot of people did not have the patience to peel the Crawfish so they gorged on the Fresh Shrimp. -Guess what - I had cold Crawfish for breakfast the next morning. Another camper peeled then and used them in some scrambled eggs he was cooking & decided that was such a gourmet treat he took some Crawfish home for his wife!

That mourning he said "Life does not get any better" & after trying some of his scrambled eggs, bacon & Crawfish concoction I had to agree.

Right now bill has over 30 shooters coming (last count 35) so if you have not told bill you are coming please post or call him so he can order some more Shrimp & Crawfish.
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Doug.......Being the crawfish are more a southern thing, I have asked Bill in the past, to bring me a cheese burger instead of a bunch of dead mudbugs. That still stands.:eek: Doug B.

Doug.......Being the crawfish are more a southern thing, I have asked Bill in the past, to bring me a cheese burger instead of a bunch of dead mudbugs. That still stands.:eek: Doug B.
Doug, if I remember correctly, special orders, or use of a different type of currency, costs an additional $5.00, does that still stand? Or was I totally mistaken? It's almost un-American not to eat fresh steamed shrimp, and close to being in Wi. and not eating fresh cheese! Thumper
Hi Thumper.......Different types of currency still stands. I do not see where I mentioned anything about not liking the shrimp. I do like the shrimp. It is very tasty, and yes I love my Wi cheese. See you on the 4th. Doug