The "Crawfish" Shoot

Gordon, you might want to change your mind on that one! I have been asked to set up an additional 4 tables for our swap meet area to accomodate the large amount of old outdated components that the shooters want to rid themselves of. There have also been numerous calls from scrapmetal collectors in the area, guess the word has traveled quite fast, huh? Thumper
Hey Thumper
Save me a couple of those Hooters Coupons. Made a Shooting Decision. Going to leave my guns with 12ignition,Remington patern triggers, IM barrels,and Harrells heavy weight tuners at home


Those IM barrels, is that some new tech language? Other than that you should be good to go.

IM would be "Invasive Maximum" At this time it would be difficult to give you the stats. If they win then they are IM if they don't. Well we just don't talk about them.

The only one I have been in was in Pheonix and the gals in that one were more like PEEPERS. Not one of them went over a 34 B! Beyond that, the food Sucked; all puns intended.
The only one I have been in was in Pheonix and the gals in that one were more like PEEPERS. Not one of them went over a 34 B! Beyond that, the food Sucked; all puns intended.

Pete ,I have never eatin in Hooters but the beer is cold and the view is awesome here in Florida........Should be mid 70's windy and fun as always.....Thumper is the man and puts on a good show. Shrimp and crawfish till it's comming out of your ears.....Gordon Eck will be there and Bill Hinegardner and his 50/50 national rifle he will be giving away....Just have to watch the berm ghosts there they can make it tough ....

Plus it's the first chance to get list points.......:cool:
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Getting back to the subject of shooting! It looks like I should hold up on the number of tables we put out for the swap meet items. Sure does look like the old 12:00 firing pin is striving to make a valiant come-back of sorts, after the scores were posted from Piney Hill! As they say, "Some days it's the Indian and not he arrow"! Congrats go out to Ken, that's some mighty fine trigger work! Thumper
You are so right on Indians and Arrows. Would have liked to pick up a few of those old 12:00 pin guns real cheap though. To change the subject back a little. I also think their is merit to "HOOTERS" Talked to Tuna about painting my old Hall stock Orange and White. Want to check out Doc's new rest colour may incorporate that to.
Well, for now, them 6:00 pins are the latest and greatest thing since the shirt pocket! Remember the "pet rock" and the "Cabbage Patch Kids", well that's what you have to do, remember them, cause them fads are gone now to! We have another shoot at Piney Hill, wonder how many will do it again------indoors! Just wonder how many will show up at the Crawfish to prove themselves in our "balmy breezes"? Let's see if I got this right now, when I order a new gun it must have the right "cam", the 6:00 pin, a single point scope mount, an Un-indexed barrel, and most of all an exlaxed trigger, or was that an un-laxed trigger? I'm just an "old tired man" can't remember, must be one of them "Senior Moments". Thumper
We are down to two weeks till the Crawfish shoot and our numbers are still rising and it looks like we are going to have great weather, great food, and super competition this year. glad Dan came out with the results of his testing! If you have not contacted me yet about attending let me know for a good head count so that the food can be ordered in the correct amounts. I want to make sure we have enough fresh shrimp and crawfish to satisfy everyone, no matter where your firing pin strikes, how your scope is mounted, or how your tuner tunes. Thumper
Thumper,Do you have enough shrimp and them other things for one more?
I'm sure he does, ifen he doesn't I'll go out and buy 5 more pounds to add to his. Sooooooooooooooooooooooooooo, come on down.
Are we going to have to declare our firing pin orientation on a registration form, or is it going to be "don't ask, don't tell"?
Todd, I think it comes down to "bragging rights"! If you have a 6:00 and win, you'll want to tell everyone about the new and improved technology! If you have a 12:00 and win, it's an "I told you so" situation!
Mel, we always have room for one more plate at the table and there will be plenty to eat, I promise, plus we will have something special for your sweet tooth afterwards.
Bob, I thought I had it figured out? Then one of the Aerospace engineers I work with came in with a diagram of a 12:00, 4:00, and 7:00 firing pin set-up! Kinda triangular looking set-up, talk about the best of both worlds? WOW! Thumper
Todd: I love stirring the pot on the 12 vs 6 oc pin. It helps us to understand and keeps the ideas flowing. After the recent Piney Hill indoor nationals I posted what the winner was using; a; because I knew what it was b; I asked permission to do so and c; I knew it would create a bit of a fuss. While most of us are having great fun with the debate there are a few who take it very seriously. Lets not force anyone into the discussion. I suspect we would learn more if shooters reported the lot number(s) used. Thats the way I see it. bob
Mr. Bob finger, suppose you are correct in your assumptions and I to have tried to learn something, however slight, with all these new technical improvements that took over 100 years to come up with. I to would like more on the ammo used and the speed that was advertised on the box, even if it is a little off. One thing I have picked up on is, what works indoors, not necessarily works outdoors, especially in the wind, sun, humidity, and sometimes cloud cover. It's a whole new world once you get outside! Just got word that Joe and Robert Oates will be here for the Crawfish, that's going to change things a bit also. We are down to counting days now, so looking forward to seeing you and the rest of the usual suspects in a few days. Thumper
I'm just stirring the pot in the opposite direction.;) I've been shooting a 6 o'clock pinned 40X for 5 seasons. Looking forward to meeting you at the Crawfish,
I've used this one a lot but

it never hurts to re-state: "If one looks outside and everyone is running down the street in the same direction, it's probably not a coincidence".
it never hurts to re-state: "If one looks outside and everyone is running down the street in the same direction, it's probably not a coincidence".
Hey Pete ,
Are they all running down the street to get their new 6:00 pins or are they all running to get some of that killer #6 machine. Maybe that's why it's killer, it has all been pre-indexed for the 6:00 fp. -CS