The Care and Feeding Of A Benchrist Wife

That works until you open the safe doors to get one out. They may not be too keen on the colors but they do know how to count! :eek:
Dan Batko

"Where are we going and why am I in this basket?"
Oh No! sinking feeling

My spouse just informed me that last night I promised to go a chick flick with her and her choice is the movie Precious. It is the story of a morbidly obese, 15 year old unwed mother pregnant with her second child. She is helped on the road to self esteem by a stern but compassionate social worker. There are no explosions. Even if there is nudity I wouldn't want to see her nude. This is bad, very bad. This is worse then any hangover. This is worse then shooting a .5 ag. at the nationals. The only way I could recover my self esteem would be to wait until the right moment in the movie and shout: "You lie!". Tim
Never ever get caught watching a chick movie with your OL at home, movie theaters are fine and offer you protection. It is harder for them to spot you sleeping. 2. For some reason, they can't tell that you are snoring?

Strategy for disguising a new rifle. I have to thank my wife for this one,(I would have never thought of this on my own) You are at your most vulnerable point bring the gun home in front of your wife, always tell them it's your hunting rifle. The OL slipped right after we were married and asked me if that was my .30-06, giving me this plain? Even today all these years later I don't have any idea how many .30-06's I have (must be well over a couple of hundred)? :D

Gun safes do not end your need for the more traditional stash areas. I really like false ceiling and hangers. Thank goodness, for some reason Women don't think to look above ceiling tile. Thieves hold this trait in common also.:D
Don't ask--don't tell

I don't ask her what her Bonsai Trees cost and i don't tell her what my stuff cost---that is unless i sell something. Besides that she remodeled the house last year and put on an addition after the Great Flood. I'll never catch up.


Yeh, come to think of it, I am way behind as well. We spent about $60,000 a couple of years ago re-doing our house.

Even when it comes to our Motorhome, my Wife comes out on top. It has about 120,000 miles on it, of which at least 2/3 were put on by my Wife. She has been as far as Ontario Canada to the North East, California to the West, Georgia to the East, and Oregon to the Northwest.

I don't mind this at all. She lets me shoot, which is about all I want to do anyway, aside from spending time with my Grand Daughters..........jackie
That reminds me

Yeh, come to think of it, I am way behind as well. We spent about $60,000 a couple of years ago re-doing our house.

Even when it comes to our Motorhome, my Wife comes out on top. It has about 120,000 miles on it, of which at least 2/3 were put on by my Wife. She has been as far as Ontario Canada to the North East, California to the West, Georgia to the East, and Oregon to the Northwest.

I don't mind this at all. She lets me shoot, which is about all I want to do anyway, aside from spending time with my Grand Daughters..........jackie

I also bought her a 47 Harley for her birthday a few years back, a trailer to haul her plants in one Valentines Day(looks just like a shooting trailer), and the cart i bought for her at Raton for her birthday for moving her plants(looks like a rail gun cart).
Bone Stock Knuckle

Would that be a late Knucklehead or a early Panhead.???

Last year for that model. I have to ride it for her due to the foot clutch and hand shift.

I rode that bike to the HD 95th reunion in Milwaukee a few years back. Put about a thousand mile on it that trip. That hardtail will make a man out of a guy!!

The Panhead came out the next year. It had a springer front end the first 2 years and then went to the tube front forks. I think in "58" they went with rear shocks and then in "65" electric start in the last year before the Shovelhead.

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The monikor "suicide clutch" was well earned.

My Harley Days started with a 1976 Super Glide, and ended when I decided to get off of that "high gear only" fuel Harley Drag Bike in '85, at about 165 mph........jackie

I bought a 53K Harley for $275 in 1966. 45CI Flathead, predicessor to the Sportster. Then bought a new Sportster in "70" and blew the motor after a year and a half. That winter the motor was rebuilt. Changed the bore and stroke each 1/4"--power wheelies in 3rd gear-not bad for a hardtail chopper with a 12" over front end. Went from 55ci to 80ci and 60hp to supposedly 100hp.

I forgot to mention i bought the Wife a 97 Dyna Low Rider for her 25th wedding anniversary present. When i bought another Road King i traded her Dyna in on it. She rode my old 96CI 100HP (on the dyno)after that until she got a new Fat Boy. She rode that Road King 5200 miles on a trip that took us out to Nevada and back. When I sold that bike to my son in law it had over 70k miles on it. We used to ride 10 to 12k miles a year before this shooting got in the way.

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On that link you showed i did not see anything about fat gals---i could probably help ya out there Bud:cool:

Mr. Coots

On that link you showed i did not see anything about fat gals---i could probably help ya out there Bud:cool:


Alright Coots, Since you've taken on the role of fat chick virus generator, I've developed a new program to combat your digital harassment. This program scans all incoming jpg pictures and computes the weight of all the female subjects. It compares this value to a programmable limit and if anyone exceeds this value, it automatically forwards the attachment to you. I'm going to sell copies of this program for only $10. In spite of the mere pittance, I figure it will hasten my retirement from my day job and allow me to travel to additional matches where I can enjoy letting the air out of your tires and shooting more.

Even deeper regards....
I feel for alla' you'se who can't man up to a chick flick! :(

I can't jump on this wagon.

My wife LOVES that I shoot! She shoots with me sometimes......but she supports my addiction without reservation.

She understands that while guns aren't a great investment, that compared to cars/boats/bikes/golfclubs/skis/snowmachines/stamps/radios/etc/etc/etc they're as close to break-even as a hobby can get. And a man needs a hobby.

So these wives that have a problem with their husbands as shooters....... would they rather be married to a drinker? An abuser? A gambler? A gamer? A fighter? NOT married?????

My wife is thankful for me, and me for her....... so take THAT all you manly-men!!!

I guess ya' gots less to bitchabout when you marries a smart woman. :)

And taking time out of my life to watch a chick-flick (and enjoying the payoff ;)) just doesn't seem too high a price to pay..... to me..... maybe I'm just from another generation?

In this political/social climate I've got one word for ALL y'all who wanna' badmouth on your women.....LONG LIVE THE AMERICAN WIFE/MOTHER!!!!! May she ever be waiting......smiling that smile......

(You embarrassed yet Doc??? :D:D:D:D)

Jackie does remind me of Brad Pitt

"Jackie, do not discount your handsome, movie star good looks. She may also be attracted to the fact that you resemble a more mature Brad Pitt."

or maybe... "Benjamin Button"....:D
I do have another one, but they are hard to hide!
Big Al,
A while back a buddy in the insurance business told me that ceilings and walls and between mattresses were not safe places to hide firearms. He said the thieves use metal detectors to scan walls, beds and ceilings to find out where the stuff is hidden. He told me this 10 years ago and I'm sure the situation hasn't improved much since then. He did say his company was taking some pretty good hits in the Houston area from these kinds of thieves.
Just trying to help.


Dan Batko

"Where are we going and why am I in this basket?"

Oh, and Bob, it seems like the basket is my second home ! :D
I talked my wife into buying a horse back in the mid 80's. Smartest thing I ever did. She has her expensive hobby and I have had numerous expensive hobbies. Never a quibble about what something costs [ this has to go both ways for it to work out ].

Any time I hear a male say "Well let me ask the wife" I do the old :rolleyes: [ the 4 letter gender designator was carefully chosen over the more often heard 3 letter gender designator ;) ]