Texas For the Holiday

in some parts of the world you would have already passed several International borders.
South Padre Island, Texas to Canyon, Texas is equal to driving from Kittery Point, Maine to Raleigh, North Carolina. You would have the dust of at least eleven states on you. You might as well take US 87 on out to New Mexico just to say you did it. It is only 134 more miles.

My hat is off to you and your wife Pete. You are two tough Yankees.

Can you imagine how we drove this state when the speed limit was 55?

Concho Bill
We are about to turn the corner

South Padre Island, Texas to Canyon, Texas is equal to driving from Kittery Point, Maine to Raleigh, North Carolina. You would have the dust of at least eleven states on you. You might as well take US 87 on out to New Mexico just to say you did it. It is only 134 more miles.

My hat is off to you and your wife Pete. You are two tough Yankees.

Can you imagine how we drove this state when the speed limit was 55?

Concho Bill

We opted not to go to Canyon and stopped in Lubbock. Decided to look for the ghost of Buddy Holly and look at the windmill museum. Guess what, this is monday and both museums are closed on Monday! We found the Buddy Holly statue and took a few pictures and then off toward the Petrolium Museum in Midland. Managed to get into it around 3:15 and they threw us out @ 5:00. Very interesting place and very well done. On a par with the Buffalo Bill museum in Cody, Wy, in my opinion. So, we will visit a friend here tomorrow and then blast back to San Antonio to see the attractions there. We have decided to go home Friday after realizing we may have had too much of a good thing. We would have stayed longer on the coast if it had interested us but, alas!

And yes Bill, traveling here would suck @ 55 :(. Texas sure does have the highways figured out. I can also now say I have seen the biggest cotton field in the world without worrying about being wrong!

So there it is for today. More fun to report on tomorrow :)

Pete & Ms J

Back when the Government declared we were all children and we could not go over 55, I made quite a few trips out west to Boat Races. Just look at that map from San Antonio to El Paso. Good lord, there isn't much out there now, much less 30 years ago. You can drive for miles without even seeing another car. It is now 80 in places.

That is why I hate going to Phoenix. Good grief, just getting out of Texas takes forever.

When you cross the Sabine River at Orange, there is a sign that says, "El Paso 882". That has to be some sort of cruel joke played by the DOT for cross State travelors........jackie
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I have only found

one stretch of road so far that was 80 MPH. I must say it didn't take very long to get comfortable driving that fast. As I think about the speed limits all over the country it is ridiculous to go as slow as is required in most places. This is the only place I have ever driven where there are 45 MPH limits IN TOWN! I can't say enough good about things here driving and highway wise. Even traveling country roads it is easy to make good time. Even NUVI sends us on "Back Roads". Too bad it is so far between population centers though. One can make a danged good case to own an Airplane here.\


You must have been west of Kerrville on I-10. Out here in West Texas we usually drive what ever the law will allow. Places where you can see the 20 miles or more ahead are not uncommon. I have heard it said that we drive the temperature not the speed limit. The DPS officers understand the drivers out here and usually will not bother you if you are only 6 or 7 miles over the speed limit and not breaking other laws. They have enough of the faster traffic to keep them busy.

I think I have said before that I live in San Angelo and that's in west Texas. I would rather drive west to Phoenix and that's about 750 miles or around 10 hours including pit stops than to Houston about 400 miles because of the traffic.

On a trip back from Waco on a straight ranch road with little traffic, I noticed a pickup way back of me down the hi-way. If it is not a speed cop we don't make it a rule to worry about what is behind us at 75. It wasn't anytime until I was passed by a cowboy pulling a saddled horse. He was going over 90. I will never forget that look on that horse.

Pete, I could go on quite a while. I guess by now you understand that I love Texas and I am so glad to share it with you and your wife. But then, I am sure I would like Maine.

Concho Bill
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I am sorry Pete

Pete, I thought I was quoting you. Instead, I edited your post and I have not found the way to undo it.

Please forgive me. It was a stupid mistake on my part.

Not a problem

Pete, I thought I was quoting you. Instead, I edited your post and I have not found the way to undo it.

Please forgive me. It was a stupid mistake on my part.


We liked Odessa so much we decided to spend another night. Had a good time here today.
Odessa and Midland, Texas, are at the heart of the oil business in this country. It is an area with can do people. Remember the Baby Jessica who fell down the abandoned water well a few years ago? Those people assembled the equipment and the will to bring her out. I was in Odessa at a football game the evening that it was announced that they brought her out. The stadium was full of people and they were as one. Those people are as good as they get.

Concho Bill
Confederate Air Force

Is there not the Air Museum there?
We watched the weather this morning. El Paso had snow; we had none in Michigan. The world is upside down. Australia is on top and we are down under.
Is there not a shooting tunnel there?


You are right the CAF is located at the Midland Airport home of the "ONE and ONLY" operational B-29 Boeing Superfortress named "Fi-Fi".
we spent most of the day

with Gene Beggs. He took us over to meet Flash Ebert this morning who showed us his shop and Actions, etc. Wonderful Gentelman is mr Ebert. I requested to look at Gene's shop which he showed us and then out to the tunnel. It has been a burning desire of mine to visit his tunnel and to shoot there. Got all of that done today! It is just wonderful to have a "dream" fulfilled.

Gene and his lovely wife Beth took Ms J and I out to dinner at a great Mexican restaurant where we had a wonderful meal and a great chat.

Ms J and I are in for the night now. Heading to San Antone in the morning. Except for the winter weather we brought the folks over here, this has been a very enjoyable trip. Great to be alive and FREE TO DO.
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Ms J and I are in for the night now. Heading to San Antone in the morning. Except for the winter weather we brought the folks over here, this has been a very enjoyable trip. Great to be alive and FREE TO DO.

A good way to go is to Sterling City, San Angelo, Eden, Menard, and hit I-10 at Junction. 4 lane all the way after you get to Sterling City.:)

Concho Bill
We made er by God!

We arrived in San Antone today at 2:45 guided expertly by Ms Muvi. Ms Nuvi will spoil a man! Almost all the time, as long as one has a street address Ms Nuvi will guide one there; Almost being the operative word. Nuvi took us a bit west of Odessa and then down to I-10 and on into San Antonio. We "hove too" near the airport so that we can easily drop off the rental car and get on the plane to Fort Myers. Ms J decided we should try to find at least some warm weather so we are going over there until Monday.

We went down to the River Walk for dinner and ate at Little Rhines. It was good but not to die for, I didn't think. Beat the fish sandwitch I had at McDonalds at lunch however :)

So, there it is for another day. Catch al'yall tomorrow.
OK, so what do you do when it gets cold?

Get on the big silver bird and go where it's WARM! Which is what we did this morning. We decided yesterday that we would fly over to Fort Myers for the rest of the week seeing that most places west of here were in the fridge. We arrived over here @ 5:30 this afternoon to 74*. Rented a new Dodge Grand Caravan to try; like it :). Found a place called Miller's Alehouse for dinner; great place and inexpensive. Dinner at Little RHINE'S last night was a buck o five and dinner here tonight was $36.20 with tip! Miller's was as good :(.

We are gonna hang out over here somewhere and go back to Portland next Monday. We are in a new Amerinn which is deluxe and reasonably priced.

More tomorrow.
I am sorry you had to suffer through this cold spell. It has been unseasonably cold here this week and will be for a few more days.
Enjoy your stay in Florida.
PS avoid the Home Depot if your wife is with you.
JEEEpers Pete, this is more fun than I've had in a long time! Better than 'Travels With Charlie.' ;)

I hope somebody doesn't take it upon themselves to delete the thread cuz it's not about "shooting".......

Giant winter storm has hit West Texas!

You got out just in a nick of time, Pete.

Got up at 5 this morning and it is a regular snow storm here in San Angelo, Texas. What we call a blue northerner has blown in. It is 27º and snowing up a storm. We may get two or three inches and ice. The schools will be shut around here today and the kids will just hate it. O yes, and the wind will be blowing.

This may be one of those days that like the old ranchers say, "There is nothing between us and the north pole but a barbed wire fence."

Seriously, snow down here in December is very rare. People around here go a little crazy with snow. Can't wait to do a donut out on the street.

Concho Bill