Supreme Court DC gun ban ruling..remember these comments

Bob Barr is as phony as a 3 dollar bill!

Did you know this man was head council of the UCLA? He can be bought by anybody! It's obvious to me that the Democrats bought him and are hoping enough uninformed people will fall for it, and pull enough votes from McCain to help elect Obama.

Do your homework!

EDIT: Oh....geeees. I meant the ACLU (.......American Civil Liberties Union.)
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Bob Barr

Somebody needs to take Bob Barr out back and beat the Sh-t out of him.
I hope I have made myself plain enough on this issue........jackie
I do think it is an absolute tragedy that Obama and McCain are all this country has to offer as leadership and Presidential choices. This in itself is a true sign of weakness.
Bob Barr is as phony as a 3 dollar bill!

Did you know this man was head council of the UCLA? He can be bought by anybody! It's obvious to me that the Democrats bought him and are hoping enough uninformed people will fall for it, and pull enough votes from McCain to help elect Obama.

Do your homework!

EDIT: Oh....geeees. I meant the ACLU (.......American Civil Liberties Union.)

Of course I'n aware that most on this forum have gained a negative opinion of the ACLU, but in my experience that is because like "Defense Attorneys" they cannot separate the attorney from the client. You know the belief that if you represent a rapist in court you must not care if your wife and daughter are raped. Brillaint thought, but common! Get a rope! Anyway, there may be a few willing to think about the issue with an open mind:

First of all, I’m not a member of the ACLU and I’ve never given it a penny, I’m not a lawyer, nor have I had any contact with them! I’m not speaking for the ACLU! I just understand their mission and why they take such ridiculous and unpopular cases! (Put down the flame throwers!) :eek:

What is misunderstood about the ACLU is it’s mission!

The ACLU believes that one of the most important things that protects freedom and civil liberties “for all of us” under the Constitution is the “actual, real” ability of every person in the U.S. to get legal representation no matter how loony, misguided, bigoted or hated by others they are! If a person cannot get represented by a lawyer because the majority of Americans think they are a loon or are against their beliefs, then YOU may not be able to get a lawyer and a fair trial someday if the public doesn’t agree with you, or you’ve been made to look like a loon or pervert by a large company, organization or our government! Sure if it’s by our government you get a overworked public defender with a giant pile of cases!

What history has shown is that if your cause is unpopular, lawyers may have to pay a great price in public anger and attack if they represent you!
In the 1950’s if you represented a black man in the South regarding civil rights issues, or for allegedly attacking a white woman , you’d better sleep with a gun and relocate your practice north after the trial, because you were done as a lawyer with the whites in that town and your kids might hear some interesting remarks at school from the other kids!

If you represent some despicable organization or even an average person the public has “already tried in the press and found guilty ” or a crazy loon that wants his day in court, ( who isn’t a O.J. or Michael Jackson so the lawyer can become rich and famous) the lawyer may be have his practice hurt by people who hate the client!

If they had a prison just for child molesters, some doctor would be employed to work at that prison and many brilliant types would say, “What kind of a doctor wants to be with child molesters all day? I would let him touch my child!” Get the point! I wouldn’t want to be that guy, would you?

So the ACLU will represent any crazy loon or Nazi, or whatever without judging their character or the common sense of their case so that you and I will always have a place to go when lawyers say, “You deserve representation, but I have a family and I can’t afford to risk their safety and their financial future by representing you!” The ACLU lawyer is often assigned from a different area so angry people can’t threaten his family or give him a little payback for representing the guy they hate!

The ACLU believes that without legal representation and a “fair” day in court YOUR rights are in jeopardy! So their mission is to be there to represent anyone who they think will be unpopular to represent! Of course if you’re Michael Jackson you don’t need the ACLU! You’ve got money! Whether we will admit it or not, money buys you a better chance in court and in our halls of government! Money talks and justice walks! Did I get that quote wrong? Yes, but it’s still true!

Want to hear something funny? One of the most far right, rabid, dyed in the wool, ultra conservative, hate big tax government, Clinton's the Devil, anti ACLU Republicans I've ever met (My ex tax person/we argued all the time) is getting screwed by Blue Cross of Calif. related getting dialysis for her husband! No lawyer she called would take the case, because of the long term cost of fighting a giant like Blue Cross. Blue Cross is going to fight her tooth and nail because the issue may set an expensive precedent! So who helped Mrs. Anti ACLU! You guessed right, the ACLU!

I bet when it's all over she'll still hate the ACLU! She'll somehow rationalize it and deny her own experience in favor of her ideology just like a religion! Bet me! She'll hang on to her ideology regardless of the real world facts before her! It's just like those who hate government intervention until the intervention does something they favor! Then they rationalize it as somehow different. When you try to show them the real world, it's heads they win, tails you lose!
look it up and let us know

He's still a better choice than the two front tunners.

Do your homeowrk.

Jerry, I thought the same about Ross Perot and when I awoke, Bill Clinton was my President. :)

Anyone thinking about voting for Bob Barr had better do their homework. Start with this. When was the last time a third party candidate won the White House?

Concho Bill

The USA would be a better place without the ACLU and organizations like them.
Thanks Bill,

Jerry, I thought the same about Ross Perot and when I awoke, Bill Clinton was my President. :)

Anyone thinking about voting for Bob Barr had better do their homework. Start with this. When was the last time a third party candidate won the White House?

Concho Bill

Anyone who is think of voting for Barr might as well vote for Obama and make it less painful for the rest of us.

I don't mind losing the potus w/ our E/C system in places say 51%-49% but when someone gets elected not even close to 50% magority, it is just wrong.

I think we need a run off if the 3rd party becomes a standard.....I think clinton won it with just 43% thanks to the little man.

The idea of the ACLU was a good one before it was taken over by socialists who use it to push their agenda by way of the courts.
It isn't their mission to help any cause that is so loony no lawer will take the case, its to help those who are to poor to get good representation, with clients like NAMBLA and fringe environmentalists groups as clients what should we think.
The idea of the ACLU was a good one before it was taken over by socialists who use it to push their agenda by way of the courts.
It isn't their mission to help any cause that is so loony no lawer will take the case, its to help those who are to poor to get good representation, with clients like NAMBLA and fringe environmentalists groups as clients what should we think.

We should think that the best way to protect our right to a fair trial is to give it to the lowest scum we find on earth!

Don't you think ACLU lawyers have children too! Do you think they are pro NAMBLA or Pro Neo Nazi or what ever? Of course not! They have to hold their noses to protect our rights to a fair trial! We can't just give those rights to those who we think deserve them! Isn't that also part of the issue in QITMO? What if innocent men have been held for over five years with no charges? Will their sons be the next terrorist bombers because of what was done to their innocent fathers by the U.S.?
Anyone who is think of voting for Barr might as well vote for Obama and make it less painful for the rest of us.

I don't mind losing the potus w/ our E/C system in places say 51%-49% but when someone gets elected not even close to 50% magority, it is just wrong.

I think we need a run off if the 3rd party becomes a standard.....I think clinton won it with just 43% thanks to the little man.


I'd vote for O'bama. If he would give me absolution for what my great, great, great grandaddy might or might not have done to some black people. Basically for being white. I think this is why most white folks want to vote for O'bama.

Why not vote for Barr? If you think McCain has the slightest chance in He!! to win, I got a bridge for sale I would like to show you.