Supreme Court DC gun ban ruling..remember these comments

Respectfully, I think you are wrong in your beliefs!

(1.) I taught the constitution for years and at very least you are wrong about everything being so obvious in interpretation. I suggest you have a special agenda in protecting gun rights! Nothing wrong with that, me too, but you still can't have your own facts and history!

Likewise,respectfully,I believe I have my facts and history right.Its why "In God We Trust" is on our currency and why "Tyranny is Disobedience to God" was suggested as our National Slogan.The fact that people have lost the interest to know thier own Country's history is obvious.Every State in the Union was created as a Republic and each has its own Constitution.The United States was created as a Republic and has been on the rise as a Democracy.Im not talking "pure democracy",but a "Representative Democracy".
Having taught the Constitution,you should know that Article 4 Section 4,guarantees every State in the Union to a Republican (read:REPUBLIC) form of government.The Founders knew the difference between a Republic and a Democracy.This is why nowhere in the Constitution you will find Democracy mentioned,not even once.

Does this sound familiar? It should,its whats happening to us and has been for some time.

Democracies always self-destruct when the non-productive majority realizes that it can vote itself handouts from the productive minority by electing the candidate promising the most benefits from the public treasury. To maintain their power, these candidates must adopt an ever-increasing tax and spend policy to satisfy the ever-increasing desires of the majority. As taxes increase, incentive to produce decreases, causing many of the once productive to drop out and join the non-productive. When there are no longer enough producers to fund the legitimate functions of government and the socialist programs, the democracy will collapse
Democracies always self-destruct when the non-productive majority realizes that it can vote itself handouts from the productive minority by electing the candidate promising the most benefits from the public treasury. To maintain their power, these candidates must adopt an ever-increasing tax and spend policy to satisfy the ever-increasing desires of the majority. As taxes increase, incentive to produce decreases, causing many of the once productive to drop out and join the non-productive. When there are no longer enough producers to fund the legitimate functions of government and the socialist programs, the democracy will collapse

What you say can be true of both a "pure democracy" that you refer to as just a "democracy", or a "democratic republic". Poor judgement will sink any ship.

My point is that in today's lexicon, the U.S.A. is spoken of as a "democracy" by everyone but libertarians. You can argue that point, but it won't change it! Residents of Canada and Mexico are also Americans. We are citizens of The United States of America. When I was a kid, Canadians were insulted by us calling ourselves Americans as if they were not. They got over it and you have to get over this being called a democracy!

Good discussion libertarian :D!
It is your vote and you are the one who has to sleep w/ yourself. It's not my place.

I just know Barr has zero chance of winning and so do you I suspect.
We are voting for the lesser of TWO evils....yet you are supporting obama by choosing door #3.

But again, I do not think I am telling you or anyone here what they do not already know......Barr voters will give obama the win. But hey, at least you guys voted in what you believe.


Paul, your "knowledge" that Barr has zero chance of winning is a popular conclusion by the self proclaimed know-it-alls we see regularly on TV news.

But, think about the Jim Webb election situation since I have quoted him here. He was a military brat, raised in an Air Force household. He got an appointment to the Naval Academy and graduated as an engineer. Went into the Marines as an Officer. Served as a platoon leader and company commander in Viet Nam.

He came back home and later got a law degree. He was a Republican, serving in the Reagan administration for 4 years. There he was Assistant Secretary of Defense then later was appointed as Secretary of the Navy. Being ordered to cut the US Navy strength, in a time when the US Navy was the most significant power, on this planet, he resigned. He resigned because the US needed the nuclear power of the Navy to provide defense for this nation in a time when MAD (Mutually Assured Destruction) was the only factor in preventing the start of a WW III.

Now then, as to the "not a chance in hell" proclamation of the know-it-alls. He saw what had happened to the Republican Party power structure after the Neocons took it over, he became a Democrat.

He became a Democrat, not because of love for that party, but as a shot of getting elected to the US Senate from his, then native State of Virginia. George Allen was the Republican candidate for this office. George Allen, having served in the US House of Representatives,and served two terms as a popular Virginia Governor. George Allen who had also been elected to the Virginia Legislature. George Allen, the incumbent US Senator from Virginia. George Allen, son of the famous Washington Redskins coach George Allen.

Senator Webb started his campaign against the incumbent US Senator George Allen just 9 months before the election. He started that ill fated venture with no money, no professional staff, not even a single know-it-all expert. He started it with the help of a one-armed Marine who served with Jim in Vietnam and another Marine who had become a lawyer after serving with him in Viet Nam. And he WON!!

So how can I, or you, or the know-it-alls "know" Bob Barr can not be elected POTUS in 2008???
Im not really interested in the terminology people misuse to describe a Democracy.The Socialist Party itself defines socialism and democracy as one and indivisible.If the world starts calling an apple an orange,it makes no difference,I still know what an apple is,and always will be.It doesnt change the structure of an apple.
And no,Im not a Libertarian,as I believe in government action to control order.A true Libertarian does not.
Its not so hard to understand,if you look back through history and see the Constitutional violations of the government.Either you have a Republic and the Constitution protects its citizens from government abuses or you dont and it becomes another form of government.Its as simple as that,theres no half way.
It does amaze me however that the Libertarian Party was the only political party to file a brief in the Heller case.

Heller ruling a 'preservation of liberty in the United States'
Following the Supreme Court's ruling in the case District of Columbia v. Heller, Libertarian Party spokesperson Andrew Davis called the case a "landmark victory for the preservation of liberty in the United States."

The Libertarian Party was the only political party to file a brief in the case.

What did your party do,socialist?
You forget that communism did not have the negatives it has now. Many, many good patriotic Americans looked at communism and socialism as an answer during the Robber Baron Period and the Great Depression. Things were not working well with capitalism!!! Looking back now to 1890 you have 20/20 hindsight those people did not. Guess what? Many parts of the best governments in the world including the U.S. have elements of socialism.

Yes it did. The interview was in 1979 or 1980 I believe. The ACLU is a self admitted socialist/communist organization. When someone tells me, in an interview, they want to destroy the constitution and that they are a communist...well, I have no reason not to believe him/they.

Yes it did. The interview was in 1979 or 1980 I believe. The ACLU is a self admitted socialist/communist organization. When someone tells me, in an interview, they want to destroy the constitution and that they are a communist...well, I have no reason not to believe him/they.


That's been discredited over and over again! He was for creating a communist/socialist government because he thought it would be better at that time. In earlier U.S. Historical periods such as the depth of the depression things were so bad many good Americans favored communism and socialism until they got to see it fail in Russia. Many Christian denominations believed in slavery too. Does that mean those churches still think it is a great idea today?

ACLU members don't think that today! To say the ACLU is trying to overthrow the government is beyond silly!
That is

only one example of ones rights being protected by the ACLU. We have heard so many negative things about them, yet how many of us has actual experience with them?
only one example of ones rights being protected by the ACLU. We have heard so many negative things about them, yet how many of us has actual experience with them?

They represented my ultra, ultra far right anti government, conservative tax attorney against Blue Cross of California because she could not find a lawyer that would take the case. She hated the ACLU, but went to them anyway to protect her civil rights! They won for her, but I bet she still bad mouths them! I have a new tax person!
Lawyers, cops, soldiers, ACLU, hit men, hookers, ------- (fill in the blank) are bad until you are the one needing them. ;)
Lawyers, cops, soldiers, ACLU, hit men, hookers, ------- (fill in the blank) are bad until you are the one needing them. ;)

Exactly! Behind every rotten lawyer is a pure client trying to accomplish something in court!
I was a soldier for 24+yrs...are you calling me f****** bad?? That type of statement has to be coming from some Liberal. What a crappy way of looking at things. No man is without sin, does that make sin ok then??

I was a soldier for 24+yrs...are you calling me f****** bad?? That type of statement has to be coming from some Liberal. What a crappy way of looking at things. No man is without sin, does that make sin ok then??


:confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused:
That's been discredited over and over again! He was for creating a communist/socialist government because he thought it would be better at that time. In earlier U.S. Historical periods such as the depth of the depression things were so bad many good Americans favored communism and socialism until they got to see it fail in Russia. Many Christian denominations believed in slavery too. Does that mean those churches still think it is a great idea today?

ACLU members don't think that today! To say the ACLU is trying to overthrow the government is beyond silly!

Bullsh*t.... I call Bullsh*t. They stand for the same thing today as they did back then, just look their mainstay of cases from then and now. Also, it's crap to say many good americans favored communism, the reason it never got a chance in this country is because we could see through the crap and wouldn't let it happen. I never said the ACLU was going to overthrow the goverment, they are trying to destroy the constitution through the court system. Silly...hell...that's what germans said when they were warned about Hitler. Same old crap, different day from the libs like you pushing this socialism.


Maybe you are right, the whole world is out to get you and destroy the U.S except for conservative Americans! Let's drop it! When you disagree, you tend to get disagreeable!

You're right and I'm wrong!
Might as well

drop it Mr. D. If you are anything other than a Republican, your opinion means nothing here. One party government such as China, Cuba, North Korea.
I think you get my point. What a shame.