Supreme Court DC gun ban ruling..remember these comments

We will get Obama....

I'd vote for O'bama. If he would give me absolution for what my great, great, great grandaddy might or might not have done to some black people. Basically for being white. I think this is why most white folks want to vote for O'bama.

Why not vote for Barr? If you think McCain has the slightest chance in He!! to win, I got a bridge for sale I would like to show you.

.....because of the Barr votes if he runs. If Barr stays out of it & it's just a two man race, I got $100 bill that says JM will win.

They should put a warning label on this upcoming election, "This election could cause your beer/scotch consumption to go up". As usual, I'm not voting for somebody, I voting against somebody. I don't like either one of them but I am voting for McCain against Obama. I think the last time I voted FOR somebody was Reagan !

Dan Batko

"Where are we going and why am I in this basket?"
I'd vote for O'bama. If he would give me absolution for what my great, great, great grandaddy might or might not have done to some black people.

Well, I had families on both sides... Do I get consideration for the family members who fought and died for the North?

As it is, we have a finite pool of votes (at least in most places... Chicago, St. Louis, and some other cities have been known to register zombies...).

Say you're in an area with 100 voters. And if they're split

49 Obama
49 McCain
2 Fringe and Barking Moonbat Territory

the Democrats want people who would ordinarily vote to stay home...

49 Obama
48 McCain
2 Fringe and Barking Moonbat Territory
1 Lazy Bum who will B**** endlessly about the results of an election he didn't vote in

The focus of their media campaign (and this campaign has been multiplatform - not just the evening news, but also internet blogs, forums, etc.) for the past seven and a half years is that "Republicans are Bad." Their goal isn't to get you to vote for them. Obama-Girl is just a by-product of white guilt and rock-star politics. Their goal is to get you to vote for "anyone but a republican" or to just stay home. That's -all- they need.
What is misunderstood about the ACLU is it’s mission!

If what you wrote is true, then why won't they take 2nd Amendment cases?

Here's a clue: As opposed to the other nine of the first Ten Amendments, the 2nd Amendment is the only one the ACLU thinks is not an individual right!

(See minority opinion in Supreme Court, Heller v. Washington, D.C.)

I don't mind anyone taking on unpopular causes, but many times 2nd Amendment cases are as unpopular as they get.

The first president of the ACLU did an interview just before his death, in which he stated that the ACLU was a Communist/Socialist organization whose mandated was to use the freedoms of the constitution against itself to destroy it. This interview was shown twice during the 1980's and then was purchased and thrown in a safe. Anyone who supports the ACLU supports the destruction of the constitution of this country....period.

The first president of the ACLU did an interview just before his death, in which he stated that the ACLU was a Communist/Socialist organization whose mandated was to use the freedoms of the constitution against itself to destroy it. This interview was shown twice during the 1980's and then was purchased and thrown in a safe. Anyone who supports the ACLU supports the destruction of the constitution of this country....period.


You forget that communism did not have the negatives it has now. Many, many good patriotic Americans looked at communism and socialism as an answer during the Robber Baron Period and the Great Depression. Things were not working well with capitalism!!! Looking back now to 1890 you have 20/20 hindsight those people did not. Guess what? Many parts of the best governments in the world including the U.S. have elements of socialism.
I certainly don't like the issues the ACLU gets its mainstream media headlines about but the ACLU is no more nor more less Communist than the Democaratic party has been since the Woodrow Wilson era, nor is it more nor less Communist than the Repubilcan Party has become since the NeoCons took over.

As to Bob Barr and the ACLU read the following for starters;
If what you wrote is true, then why won't they take 2nd Amendment cases?

Here's a clue: As opposed to the other nine of the first Ten Amendments, the 2nd Amendment is the only one the ACLU thinks is not an individual right!

(See minority opinion in Supreme Court, Heller v. Washington, D.C.)

I don't mind anyone taking on unpopular causes, but many times 2nd Amendment cases are as unpopular as they get.


Do you have any proof of that belief? You may be right as many historians do not believe it was intended to be an individual right based on the writings and culture of the times. For one thing the 2nd Amendment "individual' right was not honored in many of the cities the Founders lived in! The right to bear a firearm in public was not allowed in many cities. Also I believe many historians would tell you that the issue of not allowing the average man to keep and bear a firearm never was even considered as a real possibility in the 1780's. Common sense should tell anyone that.

Having said that, I wish the Founding Fathers had made it completely crystal clear that the 2nd Amendment had nothing to do with protecting the state militias from being disarmed by the Federal Standing Army. I support the right of the private citizen to keep and bear arms 100% and I'm glad that is the interpretation, but I don't think it is clearly supported by the 2nd Amendment or the history and culture of the 1780's. I don't think the Founding Fathers were worried about government taking Dad's deer rifle at all. That would have started another revolution against the Federal government in about 2.5 seconds! They were worried about the Standing Federal Army disbanning state militias and and making it illegal for them to keep and bear arms to protect their states rights against a new and worrisome "Big" Federal Government with it's standing army. That's the first thing the British did was to seize militia armories and take cannons, powder and shot.

Remember now that I said clearly, I support the right of the private citizen to keep and bear arms 100% and I'm glad that is the interpretation.
We can thank all the Barr voters....

.....for Obama!! I cannot believe I am seeing this here!!


Read the post again by Jackie & Wolf!!

Do you REALLY want Obama?? If that does not bother you then vote for Barr....otherwise you HAVE to vote for JM.

How can such wise people make foolish decisions....think of a presidency under Obama before you pull the Barr lever.

So frustrating to see this support from such smart people.


What kind of membership does the ACLU have? Ain't the internet wonderful. The wiki says they have around 500,000 members.

If 20% of the members of the NRA join in a year, and then threaten to quit when dues-time rolls around, the organization will experience a come-to-jeezus moment...
You may be right as many historians do not believe it was intended to be an individual right based on the writings and culture of the times.B][/U]

Im not sure where these "historians" learned thier history.The framers of the Constitution without a doubt believed the right to bear arms (right to defend oneself) along with freedom of speech,religion etc. are inalienable God given rights granted to all free men by God.These Amendments do not grant these rights,they were created to guarantee the State and United States does not impair them.

"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed..."

This is how The Supreme Court intepreted these Amendments 100 yrs later in the United States vs Cruikshank Case of 1876.

"The right to bear arms is not granted by the Constitution; neither is it in any manner dependent upon that instrument for its existence. The second amendment means no more than that it shall not be infringed by Congress, and has no other effect than to restrict the powers of the national government." -- The Supreme Court of the United States, in U.S. v. Cruikshank

The fact that the vote in the Heller case was so close serves only as proof that we have Supreme Court Justices that are incompetent,tyrannical or just plain hold themselves higher than God.
.....for Obama!! I cannot believe I am seeing this here!!


Read the post again by Jackie & Wolf!!

So frustrating to see this support from such smart people.



To which I would like to quote a not so well known, but non the less great American. A man who has three tattoos, two purple hearts and a union card;

""the average voter either becomes disgusted or decides to vote for whichever candidate seems capable of doing the least amount of harm. This is how aristocracies retain their power.""

-A Time to Fight
US Senator Jim Webb (D-VA)
Im not sure where these "historians" learned thier history.The framers of the Constitution without a doubt believed the right to bear arms (right to defend oneself) along with freedom of speech,religion etc. are inalienable God given rights granted to all free men by God.These Amendments do not grant these rights,they were created to guarantee the State and United States does not impair them.

False argument. I've never heard a real historian say that that any rights are granted by any piece of paper! Guaranteed by the government and codified on a piece of paper, yes!

Also, if God granted us all these rights it did men no good until governments started enforcing those rights. Tell a slave in Alabama not to worry "God granted you unalienable Rights! Go tell the plantation owner that and just leave! Sound's churchy good, until you actually think about how silly it is! God granting you freedom means very little when you have chains on you. Frankly, I'd rather have it in law, because allot of good Christians did not agree with you, and still don't! (Yes, I know they're not really Christians, but that doesn't take chains off slaves!

"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed..."

Wonderful words! It's too bad so very few Americans ever believed them! We are still struggling to reach that goal if you understand real history instead of the mythical stories we teach our children about it!

The second amendment means no more than that it shall not be infringed by Congress, and has no other effect than to restrict the powers of the national government."

Here you are obviously just wrong! The rights protected by the constitution restrict the actions of every state in the Union. You sound like those who claimed they could do whatever they wanted with their blacks in their state (of course they used the "N" word) because the Constitution only "restricts the powers of the national government." Thankfully your interpretation of the Constitution ended with the Civil War!

You are using silly interpretations to support your wish to support the right of citizens to own guns! I'm with you 100% on your goal, but your arguments hold no water.
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I'm pretty much disgusted w/ JM...

To which I would like to quote a not so well known, but non the less great American. A man who has three tattoos, two purple hearts and a union card;

""the average voter either becomes disgusted or decides to vote for whichever candidate seems capable of doing the least amount of harm. This is how aristocracies retain their power.""

-A Time to Fight
US Senator Jim Webb (D-VA)

...and I feel like I'm voting for a liberal is sheeps clothing but no way can I 'throw' my vote away Jerry.

You want the closet Muslim to be out president then vote for a 3rd party candidate to show 'your patriotism' and disgust with the election.

All I am asking is to not use your heart during this election and use your head. Barr has no chance and you know it your pride??

You are a smart man and am amazed w/ the posts you have had on this site but you will allow obama to be the leader of the greatest nation on the planet due to stubborness.

Vote away....

False argument. I've never heard a real historian say that that any rights are granted by any piece of paper! Guaranteed by the government and codified on a piece of paper, yes!

Also, if God granted us all these rights it did men no good until governments started enforcing those rights. Tell a slave in Alabama not to worry "God granted you unalienable Rights! Go tell the plantation owner that and just leave! Sound's churchy good, until you actually think about how silly it is! God granting you freedom means very little when you have chains on you. Frankly, I'd rather have it in law, because allot of good Christians did not agree with you, and still don't! (Yes, I know they're not really Christians, but that doesn't take chains off slaves!
Actually Mr D,your right,the United States was created as a Republic.A Republic is a representative government ruled by law.A Republic recognizes inalienable rights of its citizens.These rights are given by God,and these are the rights the framers of the Constituion aimed to protect its citizens,by law, from the Government.The slaves of the time your talking of were not citizens of the Union and therefore were not recognized as having these rights,until the 14th Amendment was proposed and ratified.

Wonderful words! It's too bad so very few Americans ever believed them! We are still struggling to reach that goal if you understand real history instead of the mythical stories we teach our children about it!
Actually the words from the Declaration of Independence,hardly a mythical piece of history.

Here you are obviously just wrong! The rights protected by the constitution restrict the actions of every state in the Union. You sound like those who claimed they could do whatever they wanted with their blacks in their state (of course they used the "N" word) because the Constitution only "restricts the powers of the national government." Thankfully your interpretation of the Constitution ended with the Civil War!
Not my interpretation,a quote from a Supreme Court Justice in 1876.Of course the State governments are bound to uphold the Constitution.You seem to have slavery on the mind? The Civil War wasnt fought over states believing they could do whatever they wanted with thier slaves,it was fought over States Rights in that they believed they had the right to succeed from the Union.

You are using silly interpretations to support your wish to support the right of citizens to own guns! I'm with you 100% on your goal, but your arguments hold no water.
These are not silly interpretations,these are the beliefs of the Founders of this Country and the reason the Constitution was formed.Study up on the founding of this Country,you'll learn thier intent was clear.Its been clouded over by politicians and people with special agendas for the past 200+ yrs.
Ask people on the street the difference between a Republic and a Democracy,I'd be willing to bet 99.9% dont know and that same percent believes this Country was founded as a Democracy.The politicians these days certainly believe it.
These are not silly interpretations,these are the beliefs of the Founders of this Country and the reason the Constitution was formed. Study up on the founding of this Country,you'll learn thier intent was clear. Its been clouded over by politicians and people with special agendas for the past 200+ yrs.
Ask people on the street the difference between a Republic and a Democracy, I'd be willing to bet 99.9% dont know and that same percent believes this Country was founded as a Democracy.The politicians these days certainly believe it.

Respectfully, I think you are wrong in your beliefs!

(1.) I taught the constitution for years and at very least you are wrong about everything being so obvious in interpretation. I suggest you have a special agenda in protecting gun rights! Nothing wrong with that, me too, but you still can't have your own facts and history!

(2.) Are you a Libertarian??? The silly nitpicking over the use of the word "democracy" is an old libertarian trick. Today the term "democracy" is not used as meaning a "pure democracy" as in small towns or in ancient Greece as you should know. Tell most educated people, even Sen. John McCain, that we don't live in a democracy and he'll just smile at you and call security! :D

democracy = a system of government by the whole population or all the eligible members of a state, typically through elected representatives.

republic =a state in which supreme power is held by the people and their elected representatives, and which has an elected or nominated president rather than a monarch.

I do have a reasonable education for a stupid liberal shooter! :D
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ballistic64 said:
The second amendment means no more than that it shall not be infringed by Congress, and has no other effect than to restrict the powers of the national government."

Here you are obviously just wrong! The rights protected by the constitution restrict the actions of every state in the Union.

He may be wrong, but it's an accuarate quote of the SCOTUS. Which until challenged and corrected has the effect of being quite right.
...and I feel like I'm voting for a liberal is sheeps clothing but no way can I 'throw' my vote away Jerry.

You want the closet Muslim.......

Vote away....

Paul, for me it is wrong to try to "save" my vote by voting against what I believe in, i.e. the Neocon sponsored candidate John McCain.

As Jim Webb put it and I have agreed, long before I started following Jim Webb, the socalled Neoconservative Republican Right is still so far left that it should still be considered "left/socialist/Communist".

When Irving Kristal, his son Bill Kristal, Charles krauthammer, Paul Wolfowitz, Richard Perle, Elliot Abrams, et. al. took over purporting to be the "New Right", they just spread Liberal left of the Democrat Party into the Republican Party. Now they have both!

As to Obama being Muslim, there is too much Jewish support for him for that to be a fact. The Jews vetted him long ago or he wouldn't even get air time or press time in the US.

It is your vote and you are the one who has to sleep w/ yourself. It's not my place.

I just know Barr has zero chance of winning and so do you I suspect. Common sense would say you need to vote dem or rep so the question for this potus race boils down to which of the two would you rather have in control of the U.S., appointing scotus, etc., correct?? Sounds to me you do not mind obama over jm??

If you can live w/ obama in office, then vote for Barr because logic tells us if he indeed does run, he will pull JM votes for the most part.

Like the other thread...."I do not trust Obama" & my vote is not 'really' for JM because I don't like him either. It is my only option when you look at the facts and I want my vote to count.

We are voting for the lesser of TWO evils....yet you are supporting obama by choosing door #3.

But again, I do not think I am telling you or anyone here what they do not already know......Barr voters will give obama the win. But hey, at least you guys voted in what you believe.

