Super shoot

I think the reason for the bench rotation is as it is, is because of all the contour changes from bench one thru bench sixty. Once you've played there you will appreciate the rotations.

That is what my friend told me too. It's all good.
Sorry if I misunderstood you're intent.
An event like the Super Shoot

should have flags provided by the range, all alike and all spaced the same. The range should have a team to set flags after each yardage change using the top of the bench to the bottom of the target frame that so many seem to desire. There should be benches set up for the number of Lefties present or set the flags exactly in the center of each lane, that way hand usage would not be an issue.

All the same and all set the same way; that-a-way it is fair for everyone and a more accurate accounting of skill, likely would be rendered; at least some of the excuses would be eliminated :p. It would also make it a lot easier for visitors from afar; they wouldn't have to worry about getting flags there, the flags would allready be there. Great shooters can and do adapt. :D
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should have flags provided by the range, all alike and all spaced the same. The range should have a team ....


Things like you mention Pete are now done by contractors at tax payers expense. For example, in the Army now cooking, laundry, KP, housekeeping, etc is done by contractors at tax payers expense. Get yourself a government grant and start a new business, benchrest flag setting.
Look on the bright side Ian, we did hijack your thread, for my part I apologize, but Greg Walley did solve your flag pole problem.
Jerry I think your subtitle is showing hehehe

The Cooking and housing and laundry were always at tax payers expense.
The guys in the military were paid and they did it :D
But now what I want to know is the HOUSE KEEPING thing.
We used to buff the floors with Johnson's paste wax and then scrub it off the next week and redo. What is this with house keeping:mad::D
The Cooking and housing and laundry were always at tax payers expense.
The guys in the military were paid and they did it :D
But now what I want to know is the HOUSE KEEPING thing.
We used to buff the floors with Johnson's paste wax and then scrub it off the next week and redo. What is this with house keeping:mad::D

Vern, in the old army it was "GI the billets"!! The old taxpayers rate was GI pay, about $95/month to our folks in uniform.

Now housekeeping, KP, etc, is done by Halliburton, KBR, etc. (FOWB guys-Friends of Washington Bandits) at a cost of some $95/hour, but not to our folks in uniform!!!
I rmemeber

Believe me Jerry I remember.....
Really I was just trying to figure out the house keeping thing.....Ill never understand that one
should have flags provided by the range, all alike and all spaced the same.

Here we go again, there is certainly merit for this idea but whose flag is to be the standardized flag ? Most shooters have a type of flag they prefer more than some other types. Who is going to be the person that tells shooters you cannot have your type flag you must use mine. For instance Pete you like flags with balls on the front not daisies I believe merely looking at the flags at most ranges it is obvious Dasies are more popular. Under current rules of both organizations a person has personal freedom to select his or her flag and I do not see giving up this choice as ever being a popular idea. Not to mention range owners are not going to be happy about setting out 100 or so flags for each shoot, that would be a terrific amount of work someone will have to pay for and they could not be just left in place except maybe someplace in the desert. These are just a couple of reasons I do not see ever see Range Flags only being provided at each venue. If it does happen you will want to be on either bench one or the highest numbered bench as flags will likely be only down each side of the range.

Smiley flags are not my first choice. I like the Aussie flags. You can get more info from flags that you are comfortable with. Too many different flags of different types are a problem also.
From many years past

It seems every year as the time closes to the super shoot or Nationals the flag issue always comes up and it always brings about the same responses.
Thus far the result is always the same also. Nothing....or so it seems.

1. Not everyone shoots the same flag so no one is going to be happy forced to
shoot over a flag they dont like and will feel that whoever is used to shooting over that type of flag would have an unfair advantage.

2. I dont know of any range or club that could afford to put out for 50 (give or take) sets of flags at from $100-$500 per set.

3. Using only runs on the side and a few in the middle would be proclaimed unfair by anyone who was not sitting right on the run.

Seems like a dead end or an endless circle to me. Just my opinion
1. Not everyone shoots the same flag so no one is going to be happy forced to shoot over a flag they dont like and will feel that whoever is used to shooting over that type of flag would have an unfair advantage.
It shouldn’t effect the SS, but they won’t have to suffer at registered matches with the new flag rule.
Leftie flags

For your info bench 32 had leftie and rightie flags. The lefties were mine and i forget who had the righties. There was no conflict with our bench or the one to my right. I no longer carry flags to super shoot for two reasons first and formost i cannot see the flags anyway due to eye problems, second if i get the bench to the left of a number of rightie shooters who put out smiley flags i do not need to set out my own because of how those righties set thiers out and because to benchs are close. If i could see as use to i would set one additional flag (when shooting over righties flags to my right) at about 150 yards. My two cents worth.
What new flag rule???


The post was mostly Tongue-In-Cheek Hovis.
There’s a new or revised IBS flag rule that only allows someone to place flags in their shooting lane (singular).

Your Flags must be placed in your shooting lane which is defined as the center of the area between your bench and the neighboring bench downrange to the center of the area between your target and the neighboring target.

After a bit of discussion someone verified it was added to keep people courteous, so they can not put a flag in someone else’s lane interfering with the other competitors view of their flags. I’ve never run across that at a match so I didn’t get it (the rule) at first.

Looking at the sea of intermingled flags someone posted in this thread, and realizing the rule didn’t make an exception for multiple relays or rotations. A vision of flag “carpeting” popped into my head and I couldn’t resist making a funny. ;)
It may not hurt to add an “s” to “lane” in that rule. :D
Ain't this fun!

Here we go again, there is certainly merit for this idea but whose flag is to be the standardized flag ? Most shooters have a type of flag they prefer more than some other types. Who is going to be the person that tells shooters you cannot have your type flag you must use mine. For instance Pete you like flags with balls on the front not daisies I believe merely looking at the flags at most ranges it is obvious Dasies are more popular. Under current rules of both organizations a person has personal freedom to select his or her flag and I do not see giving up this choice as ever being a popular idea. Not to mention range owners are not going to be happy about setting out 100 or so flags for each shoot, that would be a terrific amount of work someone will have to pay for and they could not be just left in place except maybe someplace in the desert. These are just a couple of reasons I do not see ever see Range Flags only being provided at each venue. If it does happen you will want to be on either bench one or the highest numbered bench as flags will likely be only down each side of the range.



Do the math on the income from the Super Shoot. Also, a GREAT shooter can adapt to any conditions or circumstances. This "personal" thing about flags is ludicrous. If folks can shoot, they can shoot over anything, eh? People take their windflags to the rediculous. I can and do shoot over other's flags. There isn't any choice for me because 1. I don't and refuse to own 40 flags and poles or how many it may take to set enough for 5 line for 300. and 2. I refuse to clutter up a line of flags with a second or perhaps third.

The main thing, IMHO, is to have flags all alike on any given shooting lane and keep them at a minimum. Anyne should be able to deal with flags that all look alike; same color, etc.

It appears to me that people hang on the the Windflag Independence thing because it's is one of the few individual liberties the have in competition and they do it to the point of being rediculous. I like the idea of adding more challenge to the entire thing.
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