Super shoot

Luck of the draw. Sometimes you get lucky and sometimes you don't. But a 30 bench rotation would get you into the other side of the range half the time right?

while the super shoot is not all times registered they do run it by the NBRSA rules which require bench rotation.

bawden or whatever your name if you think you are going to Ohio to tell George Kelbly Sr how to run his shoot, i want to be there and sell tickets

Put me down for two tickets for Howie and myself ....front row ! Wouldn't want to miss this for the world

while the super shoot is not all times registered they do run it by the NBRSA rules which require bench rotation.

bawden or whatever your name if you think you are going to Ohio to tell George Kelbly Sr how to run his shoot, i want to be there and sell tickets

Mr. Peewolf or whatever your name is, I'm not telling anyone how to run their shoot. Couldn't care less what someone does 1800 miles away from me at a shoot I won't get to attend until I'm retired and have a spare three weeks off to participate. By then, Kelbly will be taking a dirt nap as well as yourself and I won't be able to see anyone's flags anyways.:D I'm just the type that if I see a smarter way to do things, I suggest it even though I know "tradition" (or complacency) will usually win out in the end.
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Bench rotation,

while the super shoot is not all times registered they do run it by the NBRSA rules which require bench rotation.

bawden or whatever your name if you think you are going to Ohio to tell George Kelbly Sr how to run his shoot, i want to be there and sell tickets neither mandatory or required at NBRSA Registered Shoots other than National Matches.......... Jan
Reality TV

I think we should do a reality tv show based on flag setting. I know out here in the west it is a riot to watch and listen to the directions being dispensed. Usually they send the guy with poor hearing out to move the flags and the walkie talkie doesn't work (needs batteries), then they end up yelling at the top of there lungs and he still can't hear, or see, and this is all before the backers and targets are set and 10 min later have to do it all over again. Absolutely priceless.
Laser dot is the easiest way to set them. I don't like to rotate any more than anybody else, but with a wagon and at least an hour between groups it ain't a big deal. The range is very different from one side to the next. If I go to win, and most of us hope, I don't want to be stuck on one bench for the whole match.
GG, You must be an awful young person and going to wait a lot of years before George will not be on the scene.
You guys

are NOT REALLY moving flags as well after each target at the SS or Nationals?????? I could live with moving benches but flags..............

I HOPE NOT??????????

A group of shooters get together with flags for the same rotation and set flags. The flags are already set for the benches that you rotate to. So get on a team and help them and you will have the same flags every rotation.
I was surprised at how quick it went. A bunch of people spread them out. Next group sets them up. Boom you are done.
And there is still time for some practice. Over the flags and benches you will use the next 2 days. :)
I am bringing 30 + flags to the Supershoot, and will be setting out a row of flags on my benches for a left handed shooter.

It looks like I can borrow 25 poles, but will need another 5 poles to enable me to set out 6 flags on each bench at 200yds, does anyone have some poles I can borrow for the duration of the shoot??

The pin on my Kiwi flags is just under 6.5mm so would need a 6.5 mm hole or a larger hole with a pinch bolt or some other way of securing them. Thanks Ian.

I have short( 1'-2'-3'-4') and medium height poles(up to 8') that you are welcome to use.However the top section of my poles are .318 in diameter with a .188 pin designed to fit up inside a Smiley type flag. I'm not shure how your flags attach but if you can figure out a way to use my poles they will be available for you.
Butch if

I am reading right in what you guys are talking about moving after EACH target shot there would be nothing but a SEA of flags that one could walk over.

I must be missing something here??????????

So lets say there are 5 relays with 5 people sharing a bench. If you moved after each target there would be 5 sets of targets for each bench on the entire range if you wanted to shoot over the same type of flags for each bench????????????

What am I missing here? This is NOT rocket science:confused::confused:

Or is it that after the 5th relay is shot, the last person shooting on that bench after the first target everyone moves flags before the 2nd target is shot? That appears to be a big waste of time.............

I can see 5 people strategically placed on the same relay so when you rotate you shoot over the same flags. Then again there would be 5 sets of flags for each bench.

Still confused......:confused:

Now if the same people stay on the same bench for the entire aggregate that makes sense. You then move after the last person has shot before the start of the next agg......

I guess I will be the confused Canadian at the NBRSA Nationals in September. If I look lost out there just point me back in the direction of Canada and I may be okay..........:eek::eek:

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No one is allowed past firing line except target crew once flags are set. What you may not be seeing is that there is usually a single designated person handling flags for your bench rotation. Ex: Smiley, Borden etc. You would help that person set flags (one set per bench) the night before first match 100yds and then two days latter for the 200yds. It is also proper etiquette to help take down and gather everything up on the afternoon of the last day. When you have never seen it done it sounds a bit strange however it is quite special and is one of the things that makes the SS the SS. In my opinion it is an excellent procedure that works.

I guess you are lost. You are on a team with several shooters. All of you get to gether and set flags for the 5 benches that you will shoot that day. That allows your group to have the same flags at every bench that you rotate to. This will take care of the first 2 days. You will get together and move them to 200 after the second day. If you don't like this you can add your own flags. This is what could cause a mess. If you like a certain type flag try to find a team that uses them.
I am reading right in what you guys are talking about moving after EACH target shot there would be nothing but a SEA of flags that one could walk over.
I must be missing something here??????????

This is a bad picture of last years super shoot with the flags set at 200 yards. When it is at 100 yards the flags are much tighter. But yes it is a sea of flags out there. (Mostly Smiley flags, from what I have seen.)

As mentioned before Kelby's range is set up weird this was something that took me for surprise last year when I saw it. On the left side flags need to be very short, on the right side they need to be taller, out at 200 yards there is a super big drop, on the middle to right side, and you would need extra tall flags. I am sure someone more experienced will chime in on what size flags are needed.

I think we should do a reality tv show based on flag setting. I know out here in the west it is a riot to watch and listen to the directions being dispensed. Usually they send the guy with poor hearing out to move the flags and the walkie talkie doesn't work (needs batteries), then they end up yelling at the top of there lungs and he still can't hear, or see, and this is all before the backers and targets are set and 10 min later have to do it all over again. Absolutely priceless.

Isn't that the truth. I usually walk all the way out to the 180 yard flag before I realize I forgot the stakes and bungees. Then I walk back to the benches carrying the hammer the whole way. It's a classic.
Forgot something

I do too. Always forget something
Is that green grass in the picture? We don't have that in the West! Wonder what that transpiration does to bullets? OK lets see now we've got Wind, Mirage, Wake Effects, Ground Effects and now Transpiration > no wonder I can't make small groups!
I was surprised at how quick it went. A bunch of people spread them out. Next group sets them up. Boom you are done.
And there is still time for some practice. Over the flags and benches you will use the next 2 days. :)

I just visited with an old boy who's been back to the Super Shoot 8 or 9 times and he said that the rotation isn't really all that big of a deal. The benches are so close together that rightie's flags are almost in line with leftie's flags and there's no room to set up your own flags even if you wanted to. And as far as who's flags get used, there's everything from gentleman's agreements to all out fistfights almost (I guess there really are other people who care what flags they look at besides me). So you treat it like the Nationals and get five guys who use flags that all can agree on and go with the flow.
Just gotta find four lefties who hate those big, ugly, heavy daisy wheels as much as I do!;)
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