Sharing a Rifle?

Seems to me you even shot my gun for a target at the barn?

That was when you were trying to sell it and wanted me to shoot it, in hopes that I would shell out the big bucks for it. I shot as bad with it as with my own rifle. Go figure
Don I sure wished I hadn't sold it. Sometimes we do stuff we wished we never:rolleyes:
What is the difference in a one piece rest and a rail gun in centerfire

Lemme get this straight. Are some of y'all sincerely "miffed" about sharing rifles?

Seems like I remember you winning a match with Stumps rifle. I don't remember being miffed at the time but that was a long time ago. I might have been miffed and just forgot about it.
The main reason I guess

BR 50 was the first rimfire benchrest association started in 1989. It was started with the thought for the ultimate quest for accuracy for rimfire rifles. One piece rests were allowed in 1995. Br 50 was new and had none of the hang ups of changing the rules that stiffle new ideas like centerfire br. ARA replaced BR 50 and continued with most of the same rules. The rules for rifles and rest is pretty well anything is legal. IR 50/50 and RBA use front rests and sand bags in the 3 gun. In unlimited in both IR 50/50 and RBA one piece rests are allowed. Why would you think one piece rests fly in the face of true BR? Why would anyone compare rimfire br with centerfire br? In centerfire if you come up with a new idea that helps the rifle shoot better it will probably be declared illegal. In rimfire br we have no problem with new ideas to help rifle shoot better. I take it that you come from centerfire BR by your post.

Would be the one pieced rest takes a lot of the ability of a shooter out of the equasion. Just so different than what I have been practicing is all.

A friend says often that his grandfather had a favorite saying; "Anyone raised on Skunk Meat will hanker for it". I think this discribes what most of us get use to. :). Doesn't make it right or wrong but it makes it differnt to some of us.
The difference I see

What is the difference in a one piece rest and a rail gun in centerfire

Is there are no rail guns shot in Score shooting in CF BR. That has nothing to do with anything except i tend to think that Score shooting is more shooter dependent than Group Shooting but then others would disagree.
Seems like I remember you winning a match with Stumps rifle. I don't remember being miffed at the time but that was a long time ago. I might have been miffed and just forgot about it.

Stump was miffed for sure. I don't think I won but I held the record for a while for a 250 with the fewest Xs - 6 as I remember. Don't know what I'd do if I couldn't borrow a rifle...or loan one.

Wilbur I wonder if Tiger would loan us a golf club and a couple of his Balls

Would be the one pieced rest takes a lot of the ability of a shooter out of the equasion. Just so different than what I have been practicing is all.

A friend says often that his grandfather had a favorite saying; "Anyone raised on Skunk Meat will hanker for it". I think this discribes what most of us get use to. :). Doesn't make it right or wrong but it makes it differnt to some of us.

I shot centerfire br in the late 60's and 70's. I shot BR 50 and IR 50/50 with a front rest and sand bag for many years. I have used both types of rests quite a awhile. You may change your mind about the one piece rest taking a lot of the ability of the shooter out of the equation after you shoot rimfire awhile. It does give you more time to watch the conditions and your flags.