Scope, IR50/50 sporter


Active member
I am going to shoot some outdoor IR50/50 matches this coming season. I have a new 10.5 rifle for shooting 10.5 and 13.5 class being built right now. My question pertains to the sporter class and a scope choice. I do not not have the funds for two rifles (sporter and heavy classes) at this time. I am going to put together a sporter from existing inventory and was hoping to use an existing scope as well. I have a Nikon Monarch 6-24 x 50 SF FHTD scope that makes weight on the currently stocked action I will use. I need to restock that barreled action to meet the convex rule and I am sure the rifle will still make weight. I have a used stock ordered and can do the work myself.

The Nikon is bright, clear and while it is SF, it only goes down to 50yd on focus. I have not shot it at this range as it does double duty on my best AR and a coyote bolt rifle. Is there a scope for sporter that could be recommended for something I would use when I finally get the sporter specific rifle I will most likely get in the future. I am filling in the sporter rifle now on the recommendation of a friend that is the MD at the club I will shoot at. He and I shot ARA UL against each other last season. I agree doing the 3 gun thing would be good. I can afford another scope, so looking for advise. A lighter scope would be nice instead of the big heavy Nikon variable. Could put more weight into the stock for lower center of gravity.

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I saw a nice Weaver this summer;

Dave Strait has it, very clear and bright and not a lot of cash he said. I don't remember the model # but I believe it has 1/8" clicks and small crosshairs and dot. Light weight too!

Dave Strait has it, very clear and bright and not a lot of cash he said. I don't remember the model # but I believe it has 1/8" clicks and small crosshairs and dot. Light weight too!


How does one get in touch with Mr. Strait?
Thanks for the info. I have a call into their custom shop to see if it can be had with 1/8 moa adjustments.

It does not, I've had 2. Frankly that really is not a problem since at 50 they become 1/8 anyway and you are usually holding off to some degree quite often.
The problem, IF, there is one is because parralax only goes down to 50yards, you are right on the edge. There are some you can get all the parralax out and there are some you cannot, I've owned both. Same thing with the Weaver, some are a lot better than others.
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I use a older Burris 6x w/ dot of late. I pretty much hate dots but for some reason have no trouble with this particular one.
I've also used a Weaver V series 4-16 that I actually like better. Its heavy though & gets me too close to weight.
Scott, sending you a pm.

Used Weaver

Another vote for the Weaver T6. I have two that I use on IR sporters and they are bright and are easy to get the paralax and focus right. Clicks are positive and both have been reliable for many years.

Keith, Tim, and Dennis,

Thank you all for your replies. This whole sporter thing is kinda funky after shooting ARA UL last season. The 10.5 rifle is no issue and I have shot against several in Iowa that use that rifle for ARA UL as well. The sporter is a whole different animal, as you all know. Finding a scope with reliable parallax and a decent reticle is difficult to some extent. I do agree with Tim that scopes only going down to 50 yd is at the limit. I only wanted 1/8 moa because that is what I am used to. Would be great if a mfg made a purpose built IR sporter scope. You know, 6.5X, parallax down to 25 yd, good target reticle, light......yes, I am dreaming!

I am putting this whole thing together on a less than perfect platform in the first place. Be that as it is, I still agree with my friend, who did some mentoring of me last season, that shooting the sporter with it's obvious restrictions will benefit my heavier classes in IR and ARA UL.

I will continue looking into to this whole scope issue. While I am going on the cheap for a sporter rifle this year, I will still have a very good (I hope) 10.5 rifle for heavier classes and it will be a very good back up rifle for my ARA UL rifle. Should the IR thing really trip my trigger, I would have no issue in a purpose built sporter rifle next year. Having a proper scope in advance would be a good thing.

If anyone else has more on this subject, please post.

Happy Holidays to all,
Keith, Tim, and Dennis,

Thank you all for your replies. This whole sporter thing is kinda funky after shooting ARA UL last season. The 10.5 rifle is no issue and I have shot against several in Iowa that use that rifle for ARA UL as well. The sporter is a whole different animal, as you all know. Finding a scope with reliable parallax and a decent reticle is difficult to some extent. I do agree with Tim that scopes only going down to 50 yd is at the limit. I only wanted 1/8 moa because that is what I am used to. Would be great if a mfg made a purpose built IR sporter scope. You know, 6.5X, parallax down to 25 yd, good target reticle, light......yes, I am dreaming!

I am putting this whole thing together on a less than perfect platform in the first place. Be that as it is, I still agree with my friend, who did some mentoring of me last season, that shooting the sporter with it's obvious restrictions will benefit my heavier classes in IR and ARA UL.

I will continue looking into to this whole scope issue. While I am going on the cheap for a sporter rifle this year, I will still have a very good (I hope) 10.5 rifle for heavier classes and it will be a very good back up rifle for my ARA UL rifle. Should the IR thing really trip my trigger, I would have no issue in a purpose built sporter rifle next year. Having a proper scope in advance would be a good thing.

If anyone else has more on this subject, please post.

Happy Holidays to all,

Remember, you asked about some scopes, you did not ask about an ideal scope, they are out there and if you really want to shoot a sporter well you may end up with one.
Several folks have gone to the Leupold 4.5-14X LRT scopes. Short, light, clear, 30 mm tube with side focus. They need a couple changes. There used to be a guy that had everything done by the custom shop and you paid one all in price and got a scope with the standard tactical reticle changed to a fine hair with or without small dot and the side focus on the 30 mm tube changed so center of focus switched to 50 yards allowing you to focus down to 25 yds.
You can still get all this done but you have to do it yourself.
You shoot behind one of these you will never go back, but they cost everything else.
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I had the chanch to look through a lyman 6x that had been setup for a sporter. I dont know what had been done to the scope but it was a real piece of work. Todd

Check out the Luppy Vx-2 6-18x40 adj. obj. target dot with target knobs, weight 15 ozs, I use this on my sporter and have no problems with it. Part # 110817
We shot together at the last two IA ARA matches, I was using a Anschutz 1913 at the last match.

Good Luck

sporter scope

Tim, Todd, and Steve
More good information! I feel less 'lost' now as I continue to search for glass. If nothing else, it's good to hear what others are shooting on their sporters.

Tim, that sounds like a good option. Leupold custom shop still has not returned my call on another scope I was interested in custom work on. I appreciate the other option and your opinion.

Todd, thanks for entering the fray!

Steve, that is a light weight variable. I think I know who you are. You share a ride with another shooter I believe. Just don't know which of you is which!! I appreciate your input and know you shoot at North Linn in IR matches. I will see you there this next season. Hope you will also come to Oak Hill club again. I must say, you reminding me of that last match was a bit painful! Trying to forget a 225 point lead going into the last card and having the wheels come off for a second behind 'The Wiz'!! :( New guy nerves. Look forward to seeing you this upcoming season!

Thanks everyone!
My suggestion is do NOT spend money on any scope for your sporter until you have the rifle built and know exact weight. Weight could well dictate what scope(s) you should consider as a possible purchase.

I did not do that when I built my sporter and wound up finding a Burris 6x that weighed 1/2 ounce less than the Leupold I had. I was 1/2 ounce over 7.5 pounds with the Leupold and thus the rifle was useless until I lost that 1/2 ounce. 7.501 pounds will get you DQ'd every time. bob
My suggestion is do NOT spend money on any scope for your sporter until you have the rifle built and know exact weight. Weight could well dictate what scope(s) you should consider as a possible purchase.

I did not do that when I built my sporter and wound up finding a Burris 6x that weighed 1/2 ounce less than the Leupold I had. I was 1/2 ounce over 7.5 pounds with the Leupold and thus the rifle was useless until I lost that 1/2 ounce. 7.501 pounds will get you DQ'd every time. bob

I appreciate your advise and experience very much. I have done weight testing and have some to play with. This is a very out of the box build. I am doing all the work myself on a semi-auto sporter rifle. I have reviewed the rules several times. I have gotten the go ahead from the MD on semi auto use in a sanctioned match, as per the IR rules. Semi-autos in sanctioned matches are to the MD's discretion.

I am an ARA UL shooter that just completed his freshman season. I am going to shoot IR as a way to open up more clubs to shoot and match experience. My friend, the prior stated MD in my opening post has extended his opinion that 3 gun soty would be good for my total advancement. He stressed that sporter, using the limited scope power would be good experience for me. As I finished 3rd in state to him in 2nd, and he has 20 plus years shooting RFBR, it is difficult to argue with him. He has somewhat mentored me in my rookie season in ARA. I hold his opinion very highly.

The above being said, I have a custom 10.5 rifle on order already. I can only afford 1 custom rifle per year. I have a pretty good idea and some experience on tricking out a semi (Kidd clones mostly). I can do my own stock work on one and did some weighing on one already. The barreled action, stock, and Nikon 6-24 x 50 FHTD scope in Warne steel Maxima QD rings is under weight with some to spare. The stock is iffy on convex rule though. I have procured a different stock to use that will correct the convex rule and will be lighter than my home built custom stock that was weighed as a 'package'. This may allow me to shoot my other barreled Kidd action that has a threaded to receiver Benchmark barrel. This barreled action is more than accurate enough to tell me if a 2018 season custom sporter warrants the expense. I doubt it will be accurate enough though to place much better than 3rd or so in the group I will be shooting with. So with that in mind, I am looking for a scope that may continue into the future as a viable contender for a higher quality rifle.

Testing waters here, and posts like yours, and others, are giving good guidance.

Thank you.....respectfully,
My suggestion is do NOT spend money on any scope for your sporter until you have the rifle built and know exact weight. Weight could well dictate what scope(s) you should consider as a possible purchase.

I did not do that when I built my sporter and wound up finding a Burris 6x that weighed 1/2 ounce less than the Leupold I had. I was 1/2 ounce over 7.5 pounds with the Leupold and thus the rifle was useless until I lost that 1/2 ounce. 7.501 pounds will get you DQ'd every time. bob

I'm sure you all know this but maybe worth repeating. On RFC there is a huge thread
on how to adjust your parallax below 100yds. thanks, douglas
I'm sure you all know this but maybe worth repeating. On RFC there is a huge thread
on how to adjust your parallax below 100yds. thanks, douglas

It's interesting, unfortunately it's also not correct, particularly with a side focus scope.
You can be clear and still have parallax with those instructions.
This thread just keeps getting deeper! Douglas, I was not aware of the thread on RFC, I will look at it.

Tim, after I look at said thread above, perhaps other discussion here will be of value, from your point of view, to myself and others that may wish to get into IR sporter and are concerned about parallax.

I will also say, despite my somewhat long post in response to Bob's post, which was supported by PedroS, I am taking a step back from the scope search and focusing on the stock and where weight will be. I have opened discussion with Don Stith on this today. The donor stock I got for rework on this project is not suitable for my needs. I will still entertain scope advice, but have no issues about an ebb and flow from the original question that prompted me starting this thread in the first place. There is a lot for a new guy Unlimited shooter to learn about when going into IR sporter. Perhaps I should rename the thread, 'New guy wants all the info he can get on IR sporter'. From a finance standpoint, I still need to stick with one of the 2 barreled actions I already have.

For me, going to 10.5 and 13.5 is very simple coming from UL. Yes, 2pc rest with a rear bag which I have done in the past, but making weight and scope selection in those classes is much easier than the challenge of sporter.

I will welcome any comments in this thread about sporter. I am going to take Bob's advise and backup a little. I have time to fool around with this project for a little while. Anything I can learn during this time will be appreciated. Thank you to all that have posted. If anyone has held back because they didn't want to speak outside the thread topic.......bring it! There will be no complaints from the OP.
