but you are quick to say it is bad and doesn't work. You know what others have told you, whom you believe. Much of what you and others believe is wrong yet you and others are quick to discount the findings of others. Why don't you open your mind a bit? One only has to evaluate, over time, what some folks like Mr. Stiller have uncovered to see how wrong much of what is or has been "believed" can be absolutely wrong. This is such an area. I have been involved in Competition Benchrest since the middle 90's. I have seen so many Benchrest Myths and Beliefs exploded and proven wrong it boggles the mind. There are folks who are craftsmen, folks who have been trained or have taught themselves to do things that are so counter to current beliefs that many don't believe them. It's a shame. We continue to plod along in the SOS with that kind of belief system. Open your mind!
Speaking of Chet, there are enough of his rifles out in the public now so that his magic should and has been discovered. It certainly isn't anything that can't be discovered and very simply. I wonder why people keep chambering their barrels the Calfee way when they could be doing it the same way Chet did?
I suspect you couldn't describe what he did if your life dended on it. My beliefs are based on years of learning what works amd does'nt thrpugh others and personal experiemce. Open my mind? With all due respect, this thread is reather illustrative of your prowess as a master of metal.