rimfire chamber question?


It sounds like your Remington is shooting pretty well. As you said, not match accuracy but well enough to be a respectable squirrel rifle. I'll add one point, with match grade ammo you really need to clean it well then season it with 20 or so shots of the same ammo that you will shoot for groups. This does make a big difference.

I think it was Mickey Coleman

Guys, I don't want to be a spoilsport here but this is the second time I have seen it posted to use steel wool wrapped around a brush, It will certainly get the lead out....but before you do that, take a piece of that steel wool and rub it briskly on the outside of that barrel. If it doesn't mar the finish I'd be surprised.



I first saw advocate the use of steel wool to get carbon out of barrels. What the hey I thought, he probably knew what he was talking about so I tried it. I've been using it since. The barrels on two of my Rimfire Rifles are over 4 years old and still winning matches now and again. If they had a driver with any patience to wait for conditions, they would win more often. A couple of the HBR rifles I have sold to folks have ended up setting records, in spite of the Steel Wool. Go figure, eh?

And speaking of rounded lands, I have seen a number of new buttoned barrels that came with rounded lands. They all seemed to shoot ok. Nothing wrong with rounded lands, obviously or folks wouldn't grind buttons that way.

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Not an issue

Over lapping and/or steel wool.

With a little learning. The only way to do it is to do it and learn cause there ain't any other place to learn it. I like to do my own work vs be dependent on others. I have seen a lot of Benchrest Myths busted over the years and they just keep on being busted, from what I can see. It takes folks who are willing to go outside the box to bust them.

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With a little learning. The only way to do it is to do it and learn cause there ain't any other place to learn it. I like to do my own work vs be dependent on others. I have seen a lot of Benchrest Myths busted over the years and they just keep on being busted, from what I can see. It takes folks who are willing to go outside the box to bust them.


Really? Name one or two.
As Jerry Stated with steel wool.It may not be very good. Can't get my head wrapped around how you don't get the land height different. With a lead lap you can index the lap to make it uniform.
Steel wool in a barrel...

Ever sent a barrel in for salt bath nitride? They recommend cleaning it with steel wool before sending it down there.
Ever sent a barrel in for salt bath nitride? They recommend cleaning it with steel wool before sending it down there.

Does that mean the salt nitride folks know what is best for that barrel as a shooting and accuracy device? No, it means their salt nitride will bond better to the barrel if the surface is roughed up a bit.

Besides why would you want the bore of a barrel nitrided in the first place? Is it an accuracy enhancing treatment?

We might remember, as well, there's a pretty big difference between once and a regular/semi regular method.
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Whadda ya think the grit did

Guys, I don't want to be a spoilsport here but this is the second time I have seen it posted to use steel wool wrapped around a brush, It will certainly get the lead out....but before you do that, take a piece of that steel wool and rub it briskly on the outside of that barrel. If it doesn't mar the finish I'd be surprised.


when they lapped it @ the factory? There are lots of opinions on everything but one thing is for sure, barrels don't last forever and if I can shorten up the amount of time I have to scrub them, I am willing to sacrifice them wearing out a bit sooner. Nothing lasts forever but my two Rock Creeks that have been scrubbed hard for 4 years still have sharp lands and shoot good. Speaking of that, I found some of the old timey copper Chore Boys in a Salvage store yesterday, bought 6 of em, me, I did :). Aught to last me out I'm thinking.

There is also a product named Big 45 Frontier Metal Cleaner that is some sort of metal that is sorta hard, shiny, silver in color and looks like a Chore Boy. It is sold as an all purpose metal cleaner but more specifically sold as a Lead Remover. At least they know an effective way to remove lead. It works but the coils straighten out and become less than useful, IMHO
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Ivan Wells, Gerry Hensler for two. Oh, and then there was Chet.


And Chet was the first to admit, he ruined a lot of barrels initially, before he got good. Loosely translated, that means your still in the ruining stage.
I'ts my understanding, since you do not pour a lap......you are likely doing more polishing than anything.
I have applied Brownells Oxpho blue with steel wool on barrels, and NO steel is removed. Lead is softer than steel wool, barrel steel is harder than steel wool--end of story. Of course, if some grit is in the barrel, then a scratching of the steel is possible with anything rubbing down the barrel.
You don't know any of this

And Chet was the first to admit, he ruined a lot of barrels initially, before he got good. Loosely translated, that means your still in the ruining stage.
I'ts my understanding, since you do not pour a lap......you are likely doing more polishing than anything.

but you are quick to say it is bad and doesn't work. You know what others have told you, whom you believe. Much of what you and others believe is wrong yet you and others are quick to discount the findings of others. Why don't you open your mind a bit? One only has to evaluate, over time, what some folks like Mr. Stiller have uncovered to see how wrong much of what is or has been "believed" can be absolutely wrong. This is such an area. I have been involved in Competition Benchrest since the middle 90's. I have seen so many Benchrest Myths and Beliefs exploded and proven wrong it boggles the mind. There are folks who are craftsmen, folks who have been trained or have taught themselves to do things that are so counter to current beliefs that many don't believe them. It's a shame. We continue to plod along in the SOS with that kind of belief system. Open your mind!

Speaking of Chet, there are enough of his rifles out in the public now so that his magic should and has been discovered. It certainly isn't anything that can't be discovered and very simply. I wonder why people keep chambering their barrels the Calfee way when they could be doing it the same way Chet did?

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I've worked with metals since 1955. Most any metallic substance rubbed against most any other metallic substance hard enough and long enough will eventually gall. That is why we need oils, greases and other substances called lubricants....nuff said!!!
