reduced tuner

Tom C. ...

jeez now you got me confused and i thought i had
it all figured out. i know for sure that martin hammond
is marty h now. martinus minimus is the Pappas lite tuner.
theres something else marty did to his i'm not at liberty
to disclose. heck i can't figure out how many of you guys
there really are so does it really matter. i do know the marty
that was going to the billbeau forum was not martin hammond
of altoona, pa. an imposter i'm sure you guys have a pretty
good idea who it was.

Okay, that helps. A little. I got the light tuner part, thanks! As far as the imposter part, I don't know who it was. It was not a Kentucky IP, as I understand it. Don't take this wrong or personal, okay? I thought y'all were trying to say it was Mr. Nobody, based on his writing style, unless I just flat out misunderstood what you were getting at. He posted on here somewhere that he had Federal proof it was not him. Beau posted something in his defense too.

Writing style can be a funny thing, sometimes it can be the case that more than one person writes similarly, and it is easy to think they are the same person. For example, at first I thought that Justathought and Beau had extremely similar writing styles too. But Justathought is who he said he was, and he and Beau are not the same person.

Now, the weird thing is, sometimes Martin and Mr. Nobody can have a similar writing style, but I was under the impression, right or wrong, that y'all were deflecting! I don't know if you realize the position that saying that puts me in. Ya see, hopefully things will work out next year that I get to go shoot some with Beau and possibly Mr. Nobody and others at Buck Creek. I am a half crippled up factory worker a little (a little, HA!) past my prime. Mr. Nobody, as I understand it, is a Jedi Ninja Samuri warrior who has put on some martial arts demonstrations at the range. When he reads this, he is gonna lay in wait for me at Buck Creek. He will take his rifle and outshoot me with mine. Then he will take my rifle and outshoot me with it. Then he will bend the prized Eric Johnson barrel on that Remington 37 around my head and procede to try to do something unspeakable to me with the rest of the gun after that!

Anyway, you answered/cleared up part one of my 4 things I was trying to make sure I got right. You answered/cleared up half of part three. After thinking about it, it occurred to me that you may not have answered/cleared up part two because it may put you in a compromising position with Martin. I am not trying to do that to you. I will just have to conclude that I understood part two correctly, unless someone informs me otherwise.

That leaves part 4. Is Martin competing at the Barn? Is someone at the Barn competing with a rifle that Martin tuned using the lightweight tuner, or that he tuned in any way at all?


P.S. I didn't get back to you about the Eric Johnson built Remington 37. What little bit I shot it, it exceeded my expectations. After I see Mr. Nobody at Buck Creek and he calls me out for comparing his writing style to Martin's.......who knows?

I saw the pic of the 37 you got from Don Stith, it looked great, hope it shoots greater!
I type s l o w l y.....

By the time I posted, Beau beat me to it. Awww crud, Tom, do you go by Jim too? I didn't know....

jeez now you got me confused and i thought i had
it all figured out. i know for sure that martin hammond
is marty h now. martinus minimus is the Pappas lite tuner.
theres something else marty did to his i'm not at liberty
to disclose. heck i can't figure out how many of you guys
there really are so does it really matter. i do know the marty
that was going to the billbeau forum was not martin hammond
of altoona, pa. an imposter i'm sure you guys have a pretty
good idea who it was.

Tomc, I used to live in altoona about 30 years ago, I do shoot and spend most of my time in bellwood, unless I am at riggles gap, if not there I'll be in juniata valley, not to be confused with juniata where I was born.
DSCN1390.jpgDSCN1388.jpgDSCN1386.jpg well there's where i was today, of course theres only 2 of my rifles there.
don't you ever not go to the range? i'd be so bundled up i wouldn't be
able to shoot.
i'd tell you guys my name if you tell me yours. but i know you probably
really won't believe it's my real name then. it don't matter anyway. i'm
tom c. here, on rimfire central, and i posted as tom c. once on the
billbeau forum, i have never posted online under any other name. to
the guys at the range i'm jim. i met foster at fairchance this summer,
and i guess that's where he knows me from. so how's the maximus
elongus doing.?
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Okay, that helps. A little. I got the light tuner part, thanks! As far as the imposter part, I don't know who it was. It was not a Kentucky IP, as I understand it. Don't take this wrong or personal, okay? I thought y'all were trying to say it was Mr. Nobody, based on his writing style, unless I just flat out misunderstood what you were getting at. He posted on here somewhere that he had Federal proof it was not him. Beau posted something in his defense too.

Writing style can be a funny thing, sometimes it can be the case that more than one person writes similarly, and it is easy to think they are the same person. For example, at first I thought that Justathought and Beau had extremely similar writing styles too. But Justathought is who he said he was, and he and Beau are not the same person.

Now, the weird thing is, sometimes Martin and Mr. Nobody can have a similar writing style, but I was under the impression, right or wrong, that y'all were deflecting! I don't know if you realize the position that saying that puts me in. Ya see, hopefully things will work out next year that I get to go shoot some with Beau and possibly Mr. Nobody and others at Buck Creek. I am a half crippled up factory worker a little (a little, HA!) past my prime. Mr. Nobody, as I understand it, is a Jedi Ninja Samuri warrior who has put on some martial arts demonstrations at the range. When he reads this, he is gonna lay in wait for me at Buck Creek. He will take his rifle and outshoot me with mine. Then he will take my rifle and outshoot me with it. Then he will bend the prized Eric Johnson barrel on that Remington 37 around my head and procede to try to do something unspeakable to me with the rest of the gun after that!

Anyway, you answered/cleared up part one of my 4 things I was trying to make sure I got right. You answered/cleared up half of part three. After thinking about it, it occurred to me that you may not have answered/cleared up part two because it may put you in a compromising position with Martin. I am not trying to do that to you. I will just have to conclude that I understood part two correctly, unless someone informs me otherwise.

That leaves part 4. Is Martin competing at the Barn? Is someone at the Barn competing with a rifle that Martin tuned using the lightweight tuner, or that he tuned in any way at all?


P.S. I didn't get back to you about the Eric Johnson built Remington 37. What little bit I shot it, it exceeded my expectations. After I see Mr. Nobody at Buck Creek and he calls me out for comparing his writing style to Martin's.......who knows?

I saw the pic of the 37 you got from Don Stith, it looked great, hope it shoots greater!
some may like 'em but i think the looks of the bolt handle on the 37 could
look better somehow. i guess they were made for position shooting though
and would be easier to grab. be glad i didn't know what i know now about
the 37 you bought of erics or you probably would never have left there with it.
that would have been a nice one to put in the safe.
Foster was putting his 2 rolls of tape to use, something about taping pages to a cook book and salmon patties.
No, you know Jim, we really don't. The posting evidence does not directly point to the PA area; however, the login evidence does. Finally, if it was just somebody wanting to create turmoil, why did they quit after they could no longer delete. Personally, it doesn't bother me. Seems to have taken care of itself anyway. So, who is shooting the Altoona tuner? Or do we keep that secret as well? Not that it matters. If it does well, we'll hear it. If we don't hear it, we can assume it did not do well.

same with elongus maximus if it does well, we'll hear it. if we don't hear it, we can assume it did not do well. not a pindrop so far.
I don't think anybody was shooting it. It was sent if anybody wanted to shoot it, but pretty sure nobody is shooting it. If it is you can read that in the equipment list. You can hide a tuner. Is anybody shooting the MHPM1A? LOL.
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haven't heard a thing about e.m.
i really can't figure out why he would give
him the gun to take, if he didn't think it would
shoot he should have loaned him another gun.
that's like if smokey yunick had given someone a
car running on 7 cylinders and saying well go ahead
and pay all the race entry fees it might do okay who knows?
doesn't make sense to me, but what do i know? maybe he
just wanted to go watch the matchs, which to me is the most
boring thing in the world, if dan isn't shooting, i know he wishes
he was. i guess should have been called elongus maximus oopsus.
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hey foster wait till you see my new tuner i 'm just going to
red green it and make the whole darn thing out of metal tape.
ought to cost about 10 bucks total. by the way did anyone
hear if the new tuners or elongus had any luck at the nationals?
i'll call mine metalus tapeimus.
Could less be more?

I heve been wondering lately if a light tuner mounted behind the muzzle could work? Surely someone must have tried this by now? I was thinkin, if a 4 Oz tuner mounted on threads behind the muzzle of CF rifles is able to easily tune them, why not on a RF barrel?


It's been done.


Sorry about the picture, the flash wasn't working. The tuner is mounted on a threaded barrel behind the muzzle. It weighs about 3 to 4 ounces. I can't tell you if it works or not as I've not shot the rifle yet. Most people that have attempted to identify it think it is a TIME integrated into the barrel. I have no idea.
It's been done.


Sorry about the picture, the flash wasn't working. The tuner is mounted on a threaded barrel behind the muzzle. It weighs about 3 to 4 ounces. I can't tell you if it works or not as I've not shot the rifle yet. Most people that have attempted to identify it think it is a TIME integrated into the barrel. I have no idea.

The results will be interesting. Thank You for posting. Pete
Shilen made most of Times barrels, and the majority we two grove. They made others as well. Time did the fluting of the barrels. Time's old web site showed the tuners installed on the custom guns. Time was the only company that threaded to barrel for the tuner at the time. I only used there long Super Tuner, and they did as well as any tuner I have ever used,

Most people seem to think it's a TIME. I just never had seen one made integral to the barrel. Thanks for the information I think that confirms it.
Pete Wass said it well....

Pete Wass said this on another thread. He said it well. Seems like it would fit in this thread too. I am guessing that it would apply to the tuners that folks used on the rifles at the Barn this weekend, whether they were built by Bill Calfee or not. Pete can comment if I have it incorrect.


"If you had been at the Barn this weekend you would have realized, from all the Calfee rifles there, He doesn't need to either defend himself or have anyone else do it for him. All that needs to be done to prove him wrong is to deliver a formula that will make better shooting rifles than he or others can make. It's truly that simple.
Last edited by Pete Wass; Today at 06:19 PM."
There was not one single marty type tuner used at the barn this weekend.The only thing I saw was regular tuners with papas noodles and JJ slides, then regular tuners by themselves.Jody Reed was using a JJ-slide and harrells tuner.Truman Webber was using a regular tuner.Don stith had some liteweight tuners to sell, they were the only ones I saw.
I heve been wondering lately if a light tuner mounted behind the muzzle could work? Surely someone must have tried this by now? I was thinkin, if a 4 Oz tuner mounted on threads behind the muzzle of CF rifles is able to easily tune them, why not on a RF barrel?



Gene Beggs has made them for years used on CF rifles. I have a pair that I haven't gotten around to trying. I bought them when I bought his wind probe.

How was your "Barn" experience? I was there last year and shot my lowest ARA scores on 2 well tuned outdoor rifles. We shot 8 targets and that was too much. 12 hours on Sat. breathing wood smoke gave Rita and I huge headaches.

Al Kunard

Al Kunard