Red Cross Torture Report --




The Red Cross Torture Report: What It Means
By Mark Danner
Torture is more than a repugnant series of "procedures" applied to the fourteen "high-value detainees" at "black site" CIA prisons—procedures described with chilling and patient particularity in this authoritative report. Torture is a critical issue in the present of our politics. By torturing, the United States has wounded itself and helped its enemies in what is inherently a political war. And by torturing prisoners, many of whom were implicated in committing great crimes against Americans, the United States has made it impossible to render justice on those criminals.

* Download the text of the ICRC Report on the Treatment of Fourteen "High Value Detainees" in CIA Custody


What's all this got to do with firearms? The rationale behind the Second Amendment is to provide an armed electorate as a defense against a tyrranical government. "Necessary to the security of a free state . . . " and all that.
Mark Danner is a left wing propagandist

Why read anything that Danner writes? Just look at his past articles and who employs him. He loves to hate.

best, nrb
I guess we should not torture them at all.....let's just start beheading them...I'm for that.

Isn't torture something that permanently disables or injures someone? Keeping someone awake for extended periods, playing loud music, or other things that might be unpleasant certainly doesn't qualify as torture IMHO. Or if it does I'd like to sue the DoD, and various others who have made my life less than totally pleasant for the past nearly 68 years. I might even want to sue my dog for getting me up in the middle of the night to let him out to inspect his backyard. :eek:

It must be wonderful to live in the fairy tale dream world that the ICRC, Amnesty International, ACLU, et al, live in. One wonders what they might say if a member of their family's death or injury could have been prevented by the, uh, rigorous interrogation of a terrorist. :mad:
Isn't torture something that permanently disables or injures someone? Keeping someone awake for extended periods, playing loud music, or other things that might be unpleasant certainly doesn't qualify as torture IMHO.
These are things teens do to their parents all the time. Should we call the Red Cross?
Oh NO, whatever children do is protected by the UN. Only adults and parents can torture others, and if you think your children are torturing you or have, it will be something for the UN and ICRC to consider. You will be found guilty though.
It must be wonderful to live in the fairy tale dream world that the ICRC, Amnesty International, ACLU, et al, live in. One wonders what they might say if a member of their family's death or injury could have been prevented by the, uh, rigorous interrogation of a terrorist. :mad:


One thing they can't and won't their against the very protection that protects THEM...

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They're just like kids who, after doing what they were specifically told not to do but did anyway, come whining to you saying that we didn't keep them from doing it. Protect me, but don't do anything to do that which might possibly offend anyone.

I really think there was lots of bad stuff under the previous administration.

The current president is pretty hot to eliminate torture. I hope he succeeds.

What happened to the Geneva Convention?

If I had to choose between snowboarding and waterboarding, I would take snowboarding every time.
What happened to the Geneva Convention?

Sorry Pete, I just can't stand with you on that one. There comes a time when you fight fire with fire. These guys are intent on killing Americans and I don't give a crap what you, the pc of this country, or the world thinks about the "torture" the terrorists received. If you ask me, it wasn't near extreme enough!:mad:
I'm against torture too! hell just smoke'm (bullets are cheap),,,,,,,,and move on to find the next one

the wind is my friend,,,,,,,,,,

It's awlfully easy to sit back and call things torture and rant on about rules of engagement or the geneva convention......when your not the one being shot at.

Keeping someone awake for extended periods, playing loud music, or other things that might be unpleasant certainly doesn't qualify as torture IMHO.

If I recall, isn't that what The FBI did to the men, women and children at the Branch Davidian compound in Waco? So, if this was done under the auspices of the Clinton administration it surely couldn't be torture.
If I recall, isn't that what The FBI did to the men, women and children at the Branch Davidian compound in Waco? So, if this was done under the auspices of the Clinton administration it surely couldn't be torture.

Keeping folks awake for long hours is a method employed by American police departments all over America. Does this mean all these organizations will now be subject to these committee jurisdiction? What the heck, Obama is giveing away our counties sovereignty anyway, why should this be any different?
It's awlfully easy to sit back and call things torture and rant on about rules of engagement or the geneva convention......when your not the one being shot at.

What does the Geneva Convention say about sawing an American's head off with a rusty knife then waving it in front of a TV camera while yelling that "God is Great".
But, when Americans play loud music and keep the terrorists up late many think we are the bad guys????? A lot of people must have their heads in a warm fuzzy place, and they won't see the guy with the rusty knife til it's too
late. Thank God we still have young people willing to protect all the meat
heads. If it were up to me I would give "Rusty Knife" the addresses of all
the Peace Lovers and tell him God will love him. Korean War Vet
I wonder

If any of the pantywasted folks who are all grossed out by this so-called torture ever think about the torture the firemen who were incenerated or the innocent office workers who were both vaporized and incenerated in the two towers suffered? Or how about the innocent follks on those Airliners or even the ones in the Pentagon?

One of the biggest mistakes Congress ever made was emasculating the CIA. Back when the CIA was able to protect us, we didn't have terorists active, from my memory.

Think about the few thousand who died innocently here in this country before you are nausiated by the thought of some person who hates all of us and wants to murder any and all of us being "reminded" that it isn't such a great thing to murder innocent people. This country should have Nuked them first before we tortured any of them, if we did.

It's always the same story with arm chair quaterbacks, isn't it?
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I did a paper in college on Prisons & Prisoners of the Korean War. The N. Koreans & Chinese had Torture down to an Art Form.
I really think there was lots of bad stuff under the previous administration.

The current president is pretty hot to eliminate torture. I hope he succeeds.

What happened to the Geneva Convention?

If I had to choose between snowboarding and waterboarding, I would take snowboarding every time.

Pete: The "Geneva Conventions" actually Hague Conventions apply to civilized warfare between uniformed combatants. These terrorists are NOT uniformed combatants engaged in "civilized warfare". Did you know that Nazi infiltrators during the Battle of the Bulge were given a summary battlefield trials then executed? NO, they didn't have ACLU lawyers either. They wore US uniforms to infiltrate, and could well have been shot or hung out of hand in accord with the conventions of civilized warfare.

There are lots of things I'd rather do than be waterboarded, kept up for extended periods of time, forced to listen to rap "music" played at any volume, but it doesn't cause permanent damage or injury it's just unpleasant. If things that are merely unpleasant are considered torture I've spent many years being tortured by various and sundry.

If you're dealing with rabid dogs you don't treat them like the neighbors tail wagging Labrador who's come over to get it's ear scratched. The terrorists are like rabid dogs and should receive the same consideration IMHO. If that offends the Brits, French, Italians, Arabs, or anyone else maybe they should consider what they have done and likely still do.

Glynne, I've never been at Walker AFB, don't even know where it's at.