Red Cross Torture Report --

Pete: There are lots of things I'd rather do than be waterboarded, kept up for extended periods of time, forced to listen to rap "music" played at any volume, but it doesn't cause permanent damage or injury it's just unpleasant.

Larry, I have to disagree with you on the "rap music not causing permanent damage" isssue! :eek:


Two pages of reactionary rants. So far none of the posts have READ the report.

Tony, sorry, you're right.... :D

George, I don't need to read the ICRC report, I've heard enough of their "progressive" BS. When a liberal calls me a "reactionary" I know I'm on the right track. :eek:
Tony, sorry, you're right.... :D

George, I don't need to read the ICRC report, I've heard enough of their "progressive" BS. When a liberal calls me a "reactionary" I know I'm on the right track. :eek:

International Red Cross produced the report. But so much for an informed electorate.
An "informed electorate" brought us Clinton, GW Bush, Obambi, and likely another president that believes that the UN and foreign laws and rules should govern the United States instead of OUR Constitution and laws. When a bare majority of the population understand and believes that capitalism is superior to socialism, the opinion of the ICRC is of little concern for me.

Our news media mostly spews leftist propaganda instead of covering negatives and positives about anything, including candidates/elected officials who give them a thrill running up their leg.

Unelected clowns in Europe who don't care what I think, don't need my concern either. Witness the "European Parliament" which is full of appointed bureaucrats not elected representatives. What I'm looking forward to.

George you have your agenda, and if you haven't noticed the people on this forum are mostly not in agreement or interested. It's not because we're intellectually inferior conservatives either. My wife knows a lot of liberals, and tells me that mostly they get what news they get from that noted purveyor of honest reporting NPR, aka, National People's Radio. Being a liberal doesn't make anyone automatically superior, intellectually or otherwise, regardless of what the folks on PMSNBC want you to believe.
When a combatant is not in a uniform....he is considered a spy and can be executed....period. Used to happen all the time. It happens during peace or war.

Maybe the towel heads should read the report and the geneva/hague conventions governing the law of war. I haven't seen any liberals bring up that point. But of's perfectly ok for the terrorists to behead americans....because we had it least that's the liberals opinion. Same as an americans life isn't worth as much as a terrorist life...another fine liberal viewpoint.

Well, I read the report. All 41 pages of it.

I've never seen the word "alleged" used so many times. The icrc interviewed the 14 detainees and basically wrote down what these detainees told them about the torture techniques that were used on them.

Reckon the detainees were being truthful? Who here is willing to believe what comes out of their mouths? I have no doubt some of what they say is probably true but there were patterns in the report. Such as the detainee who kept refusing to give his name. His torture always was different than the other detainees. Why? The others pretty much said some of the same things but this guy is out in left field somewhere with tortures that no one else was subjected to. Kinda makes me believe he was making the whole thing up.

And according to the report, only 3 of the 14 detainees were subjected to waterboarding. Also, there were medical personnel there with instruments to check the oxygen levels in their blood to make sure the terrorist wouldn't die!Plus, this was done early(2002) after being arrested when they were being detained in 3rd world countries. Who was administering the torture? One detainee says a Morrocan, a South American, and a white man of European descent tortured him.:confused:

All in all I thought the report was full of holes. I find it hard to believe that this report was put together with nothing but testimonies from the 14 detainees and what they told the icrc.
It's awlfully easy to sit back and call things torture and rant on about rules of engagement or the geneva convention......when your not the one being shot at.


And if you're an American about to be tortured, don't go bringin' up that geneva convention . What goes around, will come around, eventually.
And if you're an American about to be tortured, don't go bringin' up that geneva convention . What goes around, will come around, eventually.

What goes around....comes around? and what's that eventually crap...what rock have you been hiding under??? and....when did we start beheading people for fun???? The geneva convention sure helped out those in the Hanoi Hilton didn't it. We're the only ones coming close to playing by the rules but folks want to point the finger at us. Heck, as I've said many times before....we could have never won WWII with the way the liberals carry on today.

Playing by the rules when every one else is cheating is a sure way to lose. Sure, you have the moral high ground but you certainly will not win any fight, poker game, boxing match or otherwise. Foolish to try.

We have not played anywhere near the hardball that we need to be playing with these people. These people give no quarter. These people are cancer. You dont reason or argue with cancer and tell it, "Hey look, if you promise to only destroy 1 of my kindeys and no other organs, I promise not to go to chemo and try and kill you". You kill cancer. Period. Everylast bit of it or it will come back and try to get you again. Islamic terrorists do not go into remission. They were not torturerd, just merely inconvenienced IMHO.

Just my own take on things and no offense to others.

Red cross torture report

You said it committing crimes against the united states
great crimes like cuttung off heads kidnapping and blackmailing for release.
The answer is pure and simple take no prisoners'
this solves all of the problems'
you will never change these peoples mind set and death is the only answer in some cases.
Two pages of reactionary rants. So far none of the posts have READ the report.


I want to read the report on
Terrorist torture. But they can't find any one to interview, because no one
is left alive to tell about it. What does Geo have to say about that ????

Playing by the rules when every one else is cheating is a sure way to lose. Sure, you have the moral high ground but you certainly will not win any fight, poker game, boxing match or otherwise. Foolish to try.

We have not played anywhere near the hardball that we need to be playing with these people. These people give no quarter. These people are cancer. You dont reason or argue with cancer and tell it, "Hey look, if you promise to only destroy 1 of my kindeys and no other organs, I promise not to go to chemo and try and kill you". You kill cancer. Period. Everylast bit of it or it will come back and try to get you again. Islamic terrorists do not go into remission. They were not torturerd, just merely inconvenienced IMHO.

Just my own take on things and no offense to others.


That's a very good analogy.

Unfortunately, thanks to the freedoms we have, and the politicians' desire to get re-elected, playing fair is all they will do to keep their jobs. Alot of blame is put on politicians and rightly so, but the American peoples weak stomach is also to blame.

No wonder we are viewed by the world as weak.
Remember this quote?

"Whoever fights monsters should see to it that in the process he does not become a monster. And when you look long into an abyss, the abyss also looks into you"
The whole thing has gotten out of hand. Does the name Jose Padilla, an American citizen ring a bell? Even John McCain has publicly stated, "we will never torture an American citizen".
please wake up...

The USA has never done anything that is torture. Torture is done by psychopaths and deviants for some sick pleasure. What we do is ask simple questions, and we ask them enough time in different ways to extract every bit of the answers we need to keep our people alive. When the questions are over, the subject is not cripple, deaf, blind or dead. He or she returns to the life of a prisoner until they are deemed safe to return to the world. If you can not understand the difference you need some serious head work done.
The USA has never done anything that is torture. Torture is done by psychopaths and deviants for some sick pleasure. What we do is ask simple questions, and we ask them enough time in different ways to extract every bit of the answers we need to keep our people alive. When the questions are over, the subject is not cripple, deaf, blind or dead. He or she returns to the life of a prisoner until they are deemed safe to return to the world. If you can not understand the difference you need some serious head work done.

There are other sources for information besides Faux News.
Yup there's PMSNBC, CNN, and PBS which are reliably left wing along with CBS and ABC which usually lean left, for those who can't stand to hear anything that will upset them about the Chosen One.

I've found that people who've never watched Fox News are the most critical of it. :eek:

Yup there's PMSNBC, CNN, and PBS which are reliably left wing along with CBS and ABC which usually lean left, for those who can't stand to hear anything that will upset them about the Chosen One.

I've found that people who've never watched Fox News are the most critical of it. :eek:
Don't they all lean one way or the other? Surely you don't advocate FOX is unbiased do you???
I've found that Fox usually goes after both sides unlike the others that tend to be reliably left wing. Fox went after Bush, and yes they're going after Obama too. Isn't that shocking. If you can't stand your boy or girl being gone after it's likely best not to watch Fox.