Reasonable Shipping

Tony C

New member
Is there an online store where a person can buy an item or two with reasonable shipping costs? For example, I'm looking for a .243 Redding or Wilson bushing for a .222 or 22 BR Redding S die, and the shipping will cost as much as the bushing at some places. Probably weighs a couple of ounces and would fit in a very small container.......

Don't want to put down any of the great reloading suppliers..........
There is LABOR involved in shipping in addition to supplies and actual shipping costs.
Try finding a friend or two that are looking for small stuff.
The group i hang around with make a habit of asking others when putting in an order.

Is there an online store where a person can buy an item or two with reasonable shipping costs? For example, I'm looking for a .243 Redding or Wilson bushing for a .222 or 22 BR Redding S die, and the shipping will cost as much as the bushing at some places. Probably weighs a couple of ounces and would fit in a very small container.......

Don't want to put down any of the great reloading suppliers..........
Try Amazon first. If you have Prime, no shipping for orders that say Prime.
Otherwise, bite the bullet, so to say, and order from Sinclairs once you have an order large enough to justify the shipping charge.
There is LABOR involved in shipping in addition to supplies and actual shipping costs.

CMaier is correct, nobody drops a couple of small parts in an envelope and ships them cheap any more. Online and catalog sellers cut their profit margins close enough that they have to make a few bucks somewhere. I do not like it, but that is how things are these days, everything is computerized and it is very easy to just program the computer to add a little in. As another poster said Amazon's PRIME has become a pretty good deal if you use it enough, I buy all kinds of things that way, got a Stoney Point gauge just the other day from Amazon.
I use priority mail a lot for small things. $5+ for shipping 30 minutes to pull, pack and print a shipping label. Value of that 30 minutes, a bunch.
Most I have seen is $5 for an envelope to $14 for Med USPS(2K of 45 lead 50-60 lbs.) Can't beat the USPS Flat Rate......
When I was working, I would team up with a couple guys.....
Ya know , that if you use priority mail,
they will pick it up for free.

Ha Ha Ha,
I could ship priority with my box, but their box is not a correct size. I don't have a postage machine either.
Envelopes are another story. Put $2.50 worth of postage and put it in the box.
Print postage, entire shipping label at home off your printer.

Ha Ha Ha,
I could ship priority with my box, but their box is not a correct size. I don't have a postage machine either.
Envelopes are another story. Put $2.50 worth of postage and put it in the box.
I needed a couple of small K&M turner things, looked at Precision Reloading website, they had what I needed. Went through the order process and the sipping was a bunch for such small things. So I called them, thought I would at least tell someone to forget the order. The lady was very nice, said their program on line had flaws in it. They put the items in a small padded envelope, only cost a couple bucks. Can't complain at all. I wish all dealers would do more than automatic minimum shipping.
So, what has changed in the past decade?

Why not build the cost into the product and save the heartburn on the consumer end? I rarely buy anything anymore that requires shipping. Hide it from me and I might start buying stuff again :).

Actually, we have UPS to thank for most of this. They charge us because they can and seller love them so the consumer gets hosed. They didn't have to charge the Hazmat charge but they did. They do nothing different in their freight handling for the charge. It's just a way to give a better return to stockholders. We suffer as a result.

It's like Health insurance. Once it became Healthcare, everyone became ENTITLED to it so the cost became irrelevant. What has changed in a decade? The ability for people to think through things. I'm old and lived through it all so I can say that with some kind f knowledge. We don't have to simply go along, we can re-think things.

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Is there an online store where a person can buy an item or two with reasonable shipping costs? For example, I'm looking for a .243 Redding or Wilson bushing for a .222 or 22 BR Redding S die, and the shipping will cost as much as the bushing at some places. Probably weighs a couple of ounces and would fit in a very small container.......

Don't want to put down any of the great reloading suppliers..........

for example.....,243+neck+bushing
It's been a while I suppose....never dreamed a neck bushing would or could cost that much. I couldn't make 'em for that so I suppose it's OK. OK if you say it real fast. What's 20 bucks if you need a neck bushing?!?!
It's been a while I suppose....never dreamed a neck bushing would or could cost that much. I couldn't make 'em for that so I suppose it's OK. OK if you say it real fast. What's 20 bucks if you need a neck bushing?!?!

I was shocked at $20, but when I googled it I found it was $15.29 at another major supplier. Add in the inevitable minimum shipping & handling charges and if the bushing is all you are ordering that price saves you a little.

As to my good friend Pete's comment about just add shipping into the price. In todays shopping on the internet environment, a supplier needs to be one of the lowest prices to get a second look. Unless he can get all his competitors to do same thing he will be out of business in short order..

My two cents worth

We all understand that shipping cost is cost. What bothers me is that we buy things from catalogue stores that ship everything they sell and they quote very high shipping cost that are well beyond the true shipping cost. They make no effort offer the less expensive shipping methods, such as an envelope and a stamp for a dime size washer. Some of these places ask if we would like to make a donation to the NRA even after these shipping cost are added on.

Before retirement, I owned and operated a company that manufactured and sold Built-in ironing boards all over the United States. Our replacement covers were sold at a reasonable price with the shipping included in the price. I reasoned that anyone nice enough to buy my Hide-A-Board should not be shafted by me on a replacement cover.

All the above being said, I will still buy on line because I can find what I want and it is simple.

Concho Bill
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