Professional Shooting League

I see some positive things happening here , I myself would like to see this opened up to the average shooter with 3-4 different classes . Have the big money in the unlimited class and the rest just split entry fees as prize money . It is difficult for a sport to grow when the only people who can compete Have put together some high dollar equipment , this is even more true as the economy slows down.

"Professional Shooting League"
what part of that is confusing you?
Wow, that is one hell of an impressive program and a fair piece of effort. It can only benefit BR shooting.
Great idea! You will have some growing pains before you're out of the gate though....3 of the matches within an hour or so to the SOUTHEASTERN shooters realms and a match in Missouri for the rest of us so far. If ONE was within 3 hours of me I would enter. But I will not drive 6 to 12 hours to compete in ONE! Get one close to me and I will go. Three in NC and VA combined.....You're looking to make a few folks in the East very heavy in their pockets! I hope this thing works for you. I would love to participate but get one fairly close.

One more suggestion...There are still a lot of hardheads like me that think sporter class, as defined by IR 50/50, is an important ingredient in rimfire competition. So far you have only addressed an unlimited category. I know that is consistent with ARA's approach; but leaves out an important aspect of benchrest competition. Seems like you could incorporate one sporter target in the 5 target round
Don, the majority of you hardheads either have a sporter and thus are in the club, smith sporters, or make light weight stocks for sporters. There already are National and Regional competitions for sporters. Accept this for what it is, the ultimate search for accuracy.
No. This is a competition that includes a search for money. Ultimate accuracy has nothing to do with it.
I think it is an interesting idea and probably will support it. Just don't try to make it something that it is not.
If I accept your approach, then people who already have an UL rifle or make parts for an UL rifle are not welcome. There are already competitions at all levels for UL equipment. Your entire statement is not logical.

Ok guys...someone comes up with a good or new idea and we start to poke holes and the blogging arguments start!!! What ever happened to crawl before you walk and walk before you run!!! If this program is to be successful it takes a lot of homework, research and hard work on Dan's part (and others) to pull it together. The bulk of the top notch ranges and shooters tend to be located in the eastern part of the country...let's start there (although I'd love to see the 5th match in Texas!!!). There is a large percentage of rimfire shooters in UL classes - as evidenced by the number of shooters at ARA, IR 50/50 13.5# and UL, along with the UL group at USBR... let's start there. In time, I believe this program can grow to service a number of classes, but the NUMBERS have to be there originally to fuel the growth. Sponsors and shooter participation are the key success factors...we need to encourage our ammo and equipment suppliers to come to the events and bring their wares - the more the better for us all! Have sponsors "buy-in" to the PSL (reasonable fee) to display the PSL logo on their marketing material and websites. I may be overly optimistic, but I do believe "if you build it, they will come..."

There is no upside to picking this apart.
some of you guys were up mighty early this morning. For once let's all try to be supportive & see if can help help this be fun. What with all the negative economic NEWS, and dem Obomacrats trying to kill our minds with endless misleading ads we need something positive to talk about & DO. Best wishes to all, Glynn
This is the beginning of maybe something that will last and grow. It will surely evolve from what it will be next year.

I know that none of us wants to harm this endeavor before it starts or even after it is going.

Dan has put his own time and thoughts and is willing to invest his own money into this. Let Dan lead this thing. If anyone has an idea that they think will make this thing better they should contact Dan and make the suggestion. We are entering an area that has not been entered before.

Having said all of that, I would like to see the final match here in Texas. Just a thought, Dan has a good range at his place and I am sure that the San Angelo bunch would be glad to help anyway we can.

Concho Bill
The more people that you can get to attend a match and shoot the more likely you are to get the manufactures to attend and pony up some $$.
Look, do you and your car have what it takes to compete against big daddy Don, or Mr. Snow? Of course not, that’s why there’s bracket racing. So if you don’t have the skill and equipment for the PROFFESIONAL Shooting League then go shot IR50/50 or another league that supposedly handicaps things. If that’s not good enough start your own Amateur league.
They've been allowed in ARA all along and have not created a problem. Have shot against a couple, they're beatable....
When is the last time you have seen a rail on the line in ARA?

Dan hope your League does well.

No. This is a competition that includes a search for money. Ultimate accuracy has nothing to do with it.
I think it is an interesting idea and probably will support it. Just don't try to make it something that it is not.
If I accept your approach, then people who already have an UL rifle or make parts for an UL rifle are not welcome. There are already competitions at all levels for UL equipment. Your entire statement is not logical.

Don, the other side of that thought is that unless you shoot a 3-gun game I doubt you're going to build a sporter just for this. Would you?
In a PROFESSIONAL competition, you build whatever is needed to compete. I have two excellent UL rifles. I just happen to prefer sporters. They are a little more about the shooter, and a little less about the equipment. Thought that might appeal to a serious competitor. That is why I suggested it.
I shoot everything, just like some better than others.