Professional Shooting League


New member
I have always envied professional race car drivers, golfers, and bass fisherman. They get to do what they love, and and they make money doing it. So as shooters, why can't we do that.

Well, now we can. We are starting the Professional Shooting League in 2009. We will have 5 matches across the U.S. and each one will have a purse of at least $5,500. We will shoot 5 targets at each match and the winner of each target will win $100. The remaining $5,000 will be paid out to the top 10 overall aggregate winners. Entry fee will be $100. To win your money back all you need to do is finish 10th or win one target.

The first match is 2-7-09 at the Rocky River Barn. You can get more information at WWW.PROSHOOTINGLEAGUE.COM

If anyone is interested in advertising or if you know of a company that would be interested in advertising, please let me know.

I think that this is a great idea to say the least. I understand that there are to be 5 matches but I can only find 4 matches scheduled. Am I missing something?

Someone will win this thing this year. Their name will forever be first on the list of winners because it will be in the first year.

Concho Bill
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Will it be possible to buy targets for practice and if so, how much will the targets be..???


The last match is being worked on now. It will hopefully be late September or early October. I will post as soon as I have the specifics.

Targets are being printed as we speak, When I have them available, I will let you know.
Hey Dan, any thought to making it Nascar on the points? Then each match is weighted the same. JUst declare 1 st place worth 1000 and go down 5 points each 2nd through 25th and down 3 points each place there after. That would cover you to 311 shooters per match.

That is not a bad idea. I will consider it.

I would just hate it if we have 20 shooters at one match and the winner got 1000 points, and then the next match we have 100 shooters and the winner still gets 1000 points. It is a great deal tougher to beat 99 shooters than 19.

That is not a bad idea. I will consider it.

I would just hate it if we have 20 shooters at one match and the winner got 1000 points, and then the next match we have 100 shooters and the winner still gets 1000 points. It is a great deal tougher to beat 99 shooters than 19.

Dan: What a great idea.This could be a real boost for our sport.Although I will not be able to compete with you I support you and your efforts to bring this idea to fruitation and wish you and all involved much success. garrisone.:D
What a neat idea!!!

Dan, this is really cool! I got a couple of the targets from you up at the Lincoln shoot. Did you change the sighters any yet on the ones your having printed? You had mentioned doing them differently.

I agree with you that there should be a different system for beating more shooters but I am going to bet that you see around the same amount of shooters at each match. Just a hunch.

For anyone that has not seen the target, it is very intimidating to look at if you shoot a lot of ARA, but I overlayed one of my ARA targets on it and the score was the same (I just dont have a lot of X's!!! :( ). I see one match that I will definitely be at, but hope to hit more of em. Mike
Can you expand or expound as you see fit on rule 14? It is common practice for many shooters to bring their surplus equipment to sell at Matches. Will that be allowed?
Beyond that, How do I get permission to display and hopefully sell the stocks I make for benchrest.
That's a pretty reasonable entry fee based upon the payback. Based upon the decline in participation at shoots around the country this year, you're obviously not relying solely on entry fees to make up the purse.
the targets being printed are exactly like the target on the website. The sighters on the bottom of the target have been moved further away from the record portion of the target. The target looks tough, but it is best edge scoring.

We will have sponsors/advertisers that pay for space at the matches. We will basically have 3 levels of sponsorship. The highest level will have the naming rights for the entire series. For example, The PSL Stith Stock series. The 2nd level will having naming rights for a particular match. For example The Don Stith Match at the Rocky River Barn. The 3rd level will have naming rights for one target. For example, instead of being Target 1 it will be the Don Stith Target 1. Each of these advertisers will also have signs with their logo on them and space to set up a booth for selling merchandise. We can also have booth space available for someone not wanting to advertise. This will be allowed only if we have room. We need advertisers so that we can have a large purse. Give me a call and we can discuss the details. 325-212-0807
We will have an area that is free for individual shooters to sell personal equipment.

We need advertisers to get the larger purse. I am personally guaranteeing the $5,500 purse. If we do not have any advertisers, then the shooters entry fee and my wallet will cover it. We are also giving a portion of the income to each range. We will pay out $5,500 no matter what happens. If only 10 shooters show up, then those 10 will take the money home.

We are trying to make this beneficial for the ranges as well so that they can hopefully make improvements to the facilities.

Hopefully, this will bring publicity to our sport. That will then bring more shooters to all rimfire benchrest matches.
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Great timing

Dan, I really like what you are doing. I think rimfire benchrest had matured to the point that we're ready for This Pro League. A bit of a " leap of faith" on your part, but I think it' ll go well. I hope all the shooters will get behind this. It'l also made some good spectating. Best wishes on this project. Glynn
Hi Dan,
I am behind your idea 110%. I realize that you are still working the bugs out. I would humbly make one suggestion. If it were me, which it is not, I would allow any and all manufacturers to set up a tent at the matches.
I have no idea as to how you are determining the amount of the purse for this shoot, but I would assume that it is a percentage of the receipts for the match. If that is true ,then why would you limit the number of advertisers who will contribute to the prize pool?
I have been to many sporting conventions where one vendor is right up against another. I enjoy looking at them all. In fact, seeing them all together helps me to make a more informed decision.
My hope is that you can expand your horizons and make this shoot a major yearly event.
P.S. I would hate to think that there are a few manufacturers who are the sole contributors to this endeavor.
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Hi Dan,
I understand that the targets are on the website but I can't find it. I would like to see them. I found the website but no targets. I think you have a good thing going. I wish you the best in your endeavor. Mickey:)
Looked over the web site and noted no mention of Flags ?
Fred K
I see some positive things happening here , I myself would like to see this opened up to the average shooter with 3-4 different classes . Have the big money in the unlimited class and the rest just split entry fees as prize money . It is difficult for a sport to grow when the only people who can compete Have put together some high dollar equipment , this is even more true as the economy slows down.

Go to the address for the website and click on it. Once on the site look at the top of the page where it says Home, Rules, Target etc... and click on target it will take you to the page and show you what the target looks like.
Great idea Dan, hope I can make it to at least one of them. In the mean time I think we all owe it to ourselves to help Dan by sending out some emails or letters asking our favorite names (barrels, stocks, ammo, actions, gunsmiths) if they will be there or sponsering these events in some way. If enough of us are encouraging them, Dan may not have to much trouble getting this prize money rounded up for us. I'll be sending an email to all my favorites with a link to the site.