Outlaw Rimfire Matches


There's nothing you can do about it. Almost all the complaints we've ever had were about someone else's rifle in Factory class. And you must shoot Factory Class if you want to grow new shooters. The Custom Class for rifles with any modifications at all is the best solution we've come up with.

If it weren't for the super high pay, being a match director wouldn't be worth it. I think most people that run matches drink hard likker, at least after they've been doing it for a year or so. It used to be hard likker and loose women but... at my age.:eek:
Joe--Ruger question?

Joe, I just wondered in what class or division these new Ruger pistols would compete in? If I bought one I was wondering what I would have to shoot against and it would give me an idea on what optics and ammo I could use.
Thanks.......... John R.............
The Ruger Pistol . . .


Just enter it in the RFC Unlimited Class and invite others to shoot the Ruger Pistol, or any old pistol. If we get at least TEN entries, we'll make a special class for pistols. I made that offer four years ago to the guys bragging about how accurate their .17 HMRs were. A few shot and their scores were terrible. Never got 10 shooters and they faded away. Too bad, but we can muck around like that with new rules, and no one gets hurt, like they would if a National Association decided to make/change rules.

If a spark is light, like what happened when we started our Factory Sporter and Vintage Smallbore Classes, the rimfire game gets new shooters: (And some of them go on to shoot in Sanctioned Matches)

We can make offers like that, because we are "outlaws". But I like the term "Maverick" better: "Independence of thought or action"

Come on U.P. next Spring when the snow melts.

Joe :)

Factory Sporter-Semi Auto classes???

Joe, would this little Ruger be legal in these two classes also? Semi-Auto and Factory Sporter. It seems that this would be the fun area's to shoot it in.
outlaw rimfire matches

I shoot at two different matches here in Oh,neither sanctioned.
At Fresno we shoot a modified type 50/50 target which has three sighter targets and twenty bulls for record.You can shoot any gun you want,the cost is four dollars with no re-entery.The club gets half the money,then the rest is paid back out.But most of the time the winners donate it back to the club.The club has food and drinks for sale and makes a little from that.But we do it for the fun of it! And a good time is had by all.In the winter we shoot from inside the clubhouse out of the windows.A club memeber made inserts for the windows which allow a six inch square to be opened so our barrels stick out through the windows,while keeping the heat indoors.

At Tusco Rifle Club, we start shooting in April and have to quit in September because we have no lights up there yet. But we have three classes,sporters,factory target and unlimited.We shoot the same type of target and it cost the same,$4.00! If you win you get a ribbon for first , second, and third places.But once again we have a great time and get to shoot.Plus we contributed over $900.00 to club from our little shoots for last summer.I have never shot in anything but this type of match. Most of us go for the fun of shooting and being around like minded people.


We have had a FEW pistol shooters in the On-Lilne Matches . . . Very Few.

In the beginning . . .

January 2001
204-0x. Star444. Kinston, North Carolina. (Jay Who?)
Ruger Mk-II PISTOL! SS 6-7/8 Slabside. Bushnell 2-6X32 Pistolscope 6X. Fed 711B

February 2001
166-0x Dee Turner. Emmett, Idaho (dee@bigskytel.com)
Ruger MK-II PISTOL. Bausch & Lomb Elite 3000 2X. American Eagle HP
6 7/8" Target barrel. Pistol scope. Redfield rings, Clark base

June 2001
182-0x Don Farrington. Hillsdale, Indiana, (tonner)
Ruger MarkII PISTOL. Simmons Pro Hunter 2x20. CCI Mini-Mag Solids.
Box Stock Competition Target Model. Wind 10-15 mph downrange. First time out with scope. No score on 12th bull, shot 11th bull twice (both 6s so in my own mind it is 188 0x :) , Almost invisible holes with 2x scope.

December 2001
237-5x Larry Spencer. Sault Ste. Marie, Michigan
T/C Contender PISTOL. BSA 25x50mm Contender. Eley Black Box.
Wide flat foreend. Home made Don Bower type pistol rest.

January 2002
233-3x Larry Spencer. Sault Ste. Marie, Michigan
T/C Contender PISTOL. BSA Contender 24X50mm scope. Feberal 900B
Stock pistol with stock heavy 14 inch barrel.

February 2002
242 -2x Charlie McMillion. Sterling, Virginia. INDOORS
T/C Contender PISTOL. Weaver 36x. RWS Target Rifle.
Barrel is 14". Excuses: The range has those cheap, plastic fold-down trays, not real, solid support. There is constant movement when using them. The dot wavers around somewhere inside the 9 ring most of the time. When someone else in the range fires a large-caliber handgun, or a shotgun, the tray acts picks up the blast and the dot will jump completely off the target.

240-2x Dan Tarpley. Alexandria, Virginia.
T/C Contender. 3 -9X Leupold scope set at 9X. Wolf Match Target.
14 inch bull barrel. Shot targets at the NRA range last weekend and today. Last weekend, shot off the wobbly pedestal tables they have and got a 231 and 234. Hung around the range today until the lane with the shooting bench freed up and shot 234 and 240. The range has been busy the last few months and that must be a good sign.

December 2002
246-7x Dan Tarpley, Alexandria, VA
Contender pistol, 14 inch Bullberry barrel, 4.5 - 14X Leupold scope set at 14X, Wolf Match Target. Shot indoors at the NRA Range, Fairfax Virginia.
And then there were none: Those pistol shooters just faded away.
We have had more than 900 rifle shooters in the RFC On-Line Matches in the past 7 years. A lot of them are now shooting sanctioned matches

Perhaps we should offer a Pistol Class, and not wait for 10 shooters to comitt . We could do that, you know: Because we are Mavericks.

Joe :)
Pistol shooters

We don't need a seperate class for the pistol shooters. We don't have one in the ARA either, but for the for classes that you do have, I'm asking is it going to be all right to shoot in the Sporter, Semi-auto, and unlimited classes with this new Ruger contraption? Sure sounds like a lot of fun competeing in these classes.
I agree with wilber , make it a money opition match , if you want in , get in, if you dont it want hurt nobodys feelings . RLB40X if you want to shoot for money i am willing to make a trip up there , but it aint gonna be for a few bills , better have lots of cash:D this could get interested.....
Scotty it sounds great to me,only one problem i dont have a range,mabey with some proding on JLG we could get somthing together.ive been going to talk to him about one at his place that could scheduled ahead of time and advertise for it ,i think he would be suprised by the turn out.I must be gluten for punishment willing to shoot against you and him for money, but you never know, have pulled it off in the past mabey can dooo again:eek:
Scotty it sounds great to me,only one problem i dont have a range,mabey with some proding on JLG we could get somthing together.ive been going to talk to him about one at his place that could scheduled ahead of time and advertise for it ,i think he would be suprised by the turn out.I must be gluten for punishment willing to shoot against you and him for money, but you never know, have pulled it off in the past mabey can dooo again:eek:

DONT SING IT BRING IT!!! We will work something out for the spring if your willing to help out I will get door prizes and 100% cash payback.Maybe some of the fellows from KY.& IND. can make it.Jerry
A Change In Times

In Thirty Years Benchrest Has Changed To Nascar To Golf To Who Has Money.to Keep New Competers Comming In Supplers Will Have To Support More Often.such Is Done In The Above Mention. Example 150 Place For The Year In Golf 150,000 Bucks Think About It Bill Brawand
"RATTLER" This sounds like it could be one of them High Roller games.

Man . . . You write HARD.

But, I think I understand what you are getting at. Correct me if I'm wrong.

You think that more of our clubs should be getting support from corporate and gun shop sponsors, Right? Kelbly does it at the Center Fire Super Shoot, and a few of the larger rimfire matches manage to get prize donations from gun related businesses.

Here at our little club in Northern Michigan we have been able attracted more shooters by offering gun related prizes. BUT: How many businesses are willing to shell out gun related prizes when the average number of shooters in sanctioned matches is TEN?

When we try to compare what we are doing, with NASCAR and Golf, we should keep in mind that auto racing is a big spectator sport, and Golf has ONE set of rules. We are different, and would do best trying to think of a different "marketing strategy".

Whatever that strategy is, it should include getting more shooters into the game, which means more benches on bigger ranges. It also MUST include entry level rifle classes. The other side of that coin is: You can have a lot of fun without a lot of extra work, when you are in a match with NINE other shooters.

As for MONEY shoots: In my opinion that "strategy" will produce fewer shooters.

Joe Haller (Mr. Frosty)
Outlaw Benchrest Ammo Limitations

Rather than limiting ammo selection by price, why not just list acceptable brands and types of ammo. Prices vary widely and change often, making your rules obsolete. Why not just say something like:

"Standard velocity .22LR ammo only.
Any ammo manufactured by Remington (except Remington Eley), Winchester, CCI, or Federal.
Any ammo manufactured by Eley except Tenex, black box EPS, or black box Semi auto
Any ammo manufactured by Lapua except Midas or Master"
Any ammo manufactureb by Wolfe except Gold.

You can add or subtract from that list as you see fit. Such a list would give unsanctioned competitors lots of choices of ammo to play with, would automatically limit ammo costs, and would not be subject to change everytime someone changes their prices.
Rather than limiting ammo selection by price, why not just list acceptable brands and types of ammo. Prices vary widely and change often, making your rules obsolete. Why not just say something like:

"Standard velocity .22LR ammo only.
Any ammo manufactured by Remington (except Remington Eley), Winchester, CCI, or Federal.
Any ammo manufactured by Eley except Tenex, black box EPS, or black box Semi auto
Any ammo manufactured by Lapua except Midas or Master"
Any ammo manufactureb by Wolfe except Gold.

You can add or subtract from that list as you see fit. Such a list would give unsanctioned competitors lots of choices of ammo to play with, would automatically limit ammo costs, and would not be subject to change everytime someone changes their prices.

Guy's by doing all this limits and rules THATS NOT benchrest its plinking! My definition of benchrest is getting everything out of the gun you can get Period.And your not getting that done by limits.BR. is a very costly sport and it just keeps rising.But like I said anything else is just plinking. Jerry
New Forum

I'm with you on this one. Maybe Wilbur needs to open a "Plinker's " Forum. Leave the True Bench Rest Forum, a "True Dedicated Bench Rest Forum".
I agree with Joe on the money thing

I really don't think money shoots would increase our numbers in the long run but don't know for sure. It's worth a try for those inclined and not at all necessary for the money part to be "sanctioned".

Recall that we are already over the top "cautious" concerning fairness in scoring. Add a couple or three Benjis to the mix and it may become intolerable at first glance.
The Plinkers of today . . .

. . . could be the true dedicated bench rest shooters of tomorrow.

We all KNOW the high dollar rifles are what has limited the growth of our sport: Right? And: It's a pretty good bet that this ammo inflation thing is going to hurt us bad: If we don't do something. We already have a bunch of guys jumping ship, planning to float around in that air gun canoe.

UP here, and over on RFC: We have an Unlimited Class which has the same rules as ARA on rifles and ammunition. No restrictions on ammo cost. The difference is, we shoot on the USBR target. I know how to score a leading edge target. Never could figure out how to score that ARA target. But: I am old. Been scoring leading edge for more than 50 year. Don't want to learn new ways, or maybe it's, "Can't learn new ways".

In addition to Unlimited Class: We have three other classes:
Vintage Smallbore
Factory Sporter
(Ask me about those "different" classes, they just might be what can save the sport)

Two of them have ammo price restrictions. The two with ammo restrictions are Vintage Smallbore and Factory Sporter. Our Semi-Auto class has no restrictions yet, but will have soon.
In our Vintage Smallbore Class we do not allow:
Eley Red Box.
Lapua Midas.
RWS R-50.
Federal 1000 A & B.
Wolf Match Gold.
Those are ammo brands that have a value of more than $11.00 per box of 50, as listed on Champion Shooters Supply's Website.
Prices are before transportation costs or tax. If and when Champion increases prices we adjust.
In our Factory Sporter Class, in addition to not allowing the above brands of ammo, we do not allow:
Eley Black Box.
Lapua Master.
RWS Rifle Match.
That ammo sells for more than $7.00 per box of 50.
The "Good Stuff" allowed In our Factory Sporter Class has a current maximum or $7.00 per box of 50, before transportation or taxes. Here is the ammo currently approved for our Factory Sporter Class.
Eley Silhouex
Eley Club Extra Orange
Eley Target Rifle Yellow
Eley Target Pistol
Eley Pistol Standard
Eley Standard Brown
Eley Subsonic HP
Eley Practice White - Obsolete
Eley Sport
RWS Target
RWS Subsonic HP
Laupa Super Club
SK Match
SK Rifle Match
SK Pistol Match
SK Standard Plus
SK Subsonic
Wolf Match Target.
Wolf Target Extra.
CCI Standard Velocity
CCI Mini-Mag 40 gr.
Winchester T-22 target
Aguila has not come out with their 2008 price list yet.
BUT: If the peso is not tied to the Euro, I think that all Aquila .22 ammo will fit in that $7.00 or less group.
Mr. Frosty :)
Our rimfire matches will be...

a lot simpler. We will shoot a factory class, definition being, "If it ain't a bench gun, it must be a factory gun." You can always tell a real benchrest rifle cause they look like a BR rifle.

There will be no ammo restrictions.

This may change as time goes by. If we get more and more factory shooters we will probably split them up into factory (unmodified) and custom (modified) classes. That's what we've done in our centerfire matches.

Joe, what's a vintage factory rifle? Would my old Model 75 Winchester sporter with a 10X x 1" Unertl qualify? I think it was made in the 40's or 50's. It's just a squirrel rifle but it shoots pretty good. There's a picture or two a few months back in a Precision Shooting article (sometime in '07) that I wrote.
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