Outback Steakhouse Alert

Dave S

NRA Benefactor Member
We went to Outback Steakhouse on SR64 in Bradenton, Fl. last night, for a birthday party.. As I walked up to the door, I saw a a sign on the door which stated "No guns allowed in this establishment". I immediately told my wife that I wasn't going in that place, but she convinced me to go anyhow.. So, I left my CW in the car and went in.. After the party was over and we left, I asked to speak to the manager. I took the manager outside, pointed at the sign and asked her if that was a chain-wide policy or local franchise policy. She said she thought it was chain wide.. I told her "thank you and I will not be back". I then asked her if she knew what that sign said. I told her that sign was a invitation to any robber or anyone wanting to commit a mass shooting. It basically told them that they were free to rob and kill, with no fear of retaliation.. I told her that when she needed the Police, they were only 5 minutes away, and that a lot of damage could occur in 5 minutes.. So we, will not be going back to Outback Steakhouse until they use a little common sense and remove that sign.. I saw no one in that restaurant that looked capable of protecting me or my family in case of an emergency...

Id rather be judged by 12 than carried by 6. Federal gun free zones are different but a guy that owns a restaurant aint got a clue.
I don't think you're committing a crime by carrying in a place like that. Worst case the owner can ask you to leave. It's not the same as a school or federal building. So to hell with them, my CCW would've gone with me. Besides, if management found out it means I have bigger problems to confront.

That said, you did right by speaking your mind. Those types of regulations defy logic....which I why I rarely talk to anti-gunners. They left common sense at the door from the hit.

penara bread is another anti gun company.
free wifi...just no guns or hunting data allowed.....
Dave - I'm in total agreement! Holler if the Outback takes that sign down.

In fact, I've recently committed to several unrelated things such as stores that have TV ads related to mixed and gay marriages. It seems that I won't be going to Walmart anymore to buy stuff. Yes, I was there today with my wife but did not buy anything or suggest that my "fail-to-see-whats-going-on" wife buy anything. It appears that I'm all alone on this but it doesn't matter to me. The problem is, I'm so unaware of the extent of the situation that I'm sure I'll have to make my own crackers just to eat crackers someday soon. I will say that I don't care about mixed or gay marriages but rather I'm against showing such in public advertisements. I don't care but I just don't want to see it. I'll have to re-word that...There's nothing I can do about it but I just don't want to see it. It ain't OK!

My wife wouldn't speak to me all the way home but that's fine. I could tell that she agreed but doesn't believe she can give up the Walmart.

I could go on and on here but everybody gets the picture I suppose...so I'll hush. Wait, I have to say this....As long as it doesn't matter, folks will say and do whatever it takes to get the most dollars they can. I'm saying that it matters to me starting right now! Please don't do what my sister did and start pointing stuff out as it's pretty hard not buying at the Walmart. Let me find it on my own.
I've recently committed to several unrelated things such as stores that have TV ads related to mixed and gay marriages. It seems that I won't be going to Walmart anymore to buy stuff....

I'm saying that it matters to me starting right now! Please don't do what my sister did and start pointing stuff out as it's pretty hard not buying at the Walmart. Let me find it on my own.

Congratulations on taking a stand and best wishes on sticking to your guns. Keep us posted on which stores make your blackball list.
All hail Wilbur, I'm with you. Frankly I culd care less what anybody does or with who, just kindly do not beat me over the damn head with it.
Frankly I culd care less what anybody does or with who, just kindly do not beat me over the damn head with it.
I agree with that. It's why I never "take the manager aside".
Outback Steakhouse

Unless they have metal detectors at the front entry. How can they enforce such a policy.

Here in the Kommunist left coast state of California all a business can do is ask you to leave. As long as you comply it's no harm no foul for the CCW holder. If you refuse to leave then they can call and have you arrested. But I completely agree and for many years very selectively choose where I spend my money.
Unless they have metal detectors at the front entry. How can they enforce such a policy.


Correct. If you are in a Concealed Carry State, and have the weapon correctly concealed, nobody is supposed to know you are armed.

I look for The State of Texas to start ruling against businesses that are open to the public in this matter. The right to carry is State Law. Only the State can place restrictions on the Law.

I guess Im a radical but I cant see where the teachers carrying would be a bad deal or at least the one or two of them. Now in most places all they can do is lock the door and hide. You would still be at a hell of a disadvantage with a little 9mm goin against a demon with an ak-47 in body armor at least you could put a couple a whelps on him. Better than getting shot in cold blood. Hes not gonna let you go.

"The problem is, I'm so unaware of the extent of the situation that I'm sure I'll have to make my own crackers just to eat crackers someday soon. I will say that I don't care about mixed or gay marriages but rather I'm against showing such in public advertisements. I don't care but I just don't want to see it. I'll have to re-word that...There's nothing I can do about it but I just don't want to see it. It ain't OK!"

Wilbur, those of that persuasion have an agenda and that is, among other things, is to mainstream their lifestyle and one way of doing it is to not hide it and advertise it until a majority just ignore them or cave in to agreement. I'm not against what some folks want to do in that regard, but I don't want it in my face all the time either.
Wouldn't an air marshall

I guess Im a radical but I cant see where the teachers carrying would be a bad deal or at least the one or two of them. Now in most places all they can do is lock the door and hide. You would still be at a hell of a disadvantage with a little 9mm goin against a demon with an ak-47 in body armor at least you could put a couple a whelps on him. Better than getting shot in cold blood. Hes not gonna let you go.

or an armed pilot have been welcome on the three 9-11 flights!
If one of those managers ask you if you have a gun just say youre welcome. There aint nothin they can do with their make believe "gun free zone". Id have em advertised as a gun free zone on the news kinda like that sign you see about that guys neighbor being a gun free zone and you promising not to protect him
depends on state law on the signage and weather it legal or not to put it up. here it is in the state law ( WI) that if that sign is up its a no carry spot open or concealed. gives ya a real tingling feeling when you here that certain type of language in the next isle over.
To me "gun free" zones are buffer zones. I try to keep a 5 mile buffer between me and that zone!!

As to the question, what if the 911 pilots had guns? What if everyone on all 4 planes had guns??

Where is AMY proof that Buildings 1 or 2 or the Pentagon was even hit by passenger carrying airliners?

What hit Building 7 and took it down, an M-60 Tank??

I never thought when I was younger that the average American would be so stupid!!!



To me "gun free" zones are buffer zones. I try to keep a 5 mile buffer between me and that zone!!

As to the question, what if the 911 pilots had guns? What if everyone on all 4 planes had guns??

Where is AMY proof that Buildings 1 or 2 or the Pentagon was even hit by passenger carrying airliners?

What hit Building 7 and took it down, an M-60 Tank??

I never thought when I was younger that the average American would be so stupid!!!


