Outback Steakhouse Alert

Must be real tough to live in your world Jerry. Plus Bush blew up the levee in New Orleans. Every news agency must have been on the take to doctor the film of the second plane hit the tower.
Must be real tough to live in your world Jerry. Plus Bush blew up the levee in New Orleans. Every news agency must have been on the take to doctor the film of the second plane hit the tower.

OK, GW Bush. When he left office we were loosing 300,000 jobs per month. I lost about $55,000 in just one ,one savings fund. The Mid East was generally at peace in 2000, by 2008 there had been some 4 MILLION civilians killed and some 6,500 of our finest, AND some 12 TRILLION dollars spent bombing hospitals and schools!!

At least no one is supporting his stupid brother" JEB!" and he has spent some $38 Million just so far, more than ALL the rest of the GOP field combined!!

No, I didn't vote for the bastard, nor did I vote for the jerk we have now. I voted RP from Texas the last 4 Presidential elections.

Am I unhappy? No! I feel secure in knowing what us REALLY going on in the world.

I haven't voted for a looser since JFK. That is the bastard who tried to take us to war in Cuba!






just for starters..

OK, GW Bush. When he left office we were loosing 300,000 jobs per month. I lost about $55,000 in just one ,one savings fund. The Mid East was generally at peace in 2000, by 2008 there had been some 4 MILLION civilians killed and some 6,500 of our finest, AND some 12 TRILLION dollars spent bombing hospitals and schools!!

At least no one is supporting his stupid brother" JEB!" and he has spent some $38 Million just so far, more than ALL the rest of the GOP field combined!!

No, I didn't vote for the bastard, nor did I vote for the jerk we have now. I voted RP from Texas the last 4 Presidential elections.

Am I unhappy? No! I feel secure in knowing what us REALLY going on in the world.

I haven't voted for a looser since JFK. That is the bastard who tried to take us to war in Cuba!






just for starters..


So, if I'm hearing you correctly, those of us who had a friend or relative on the "phantom planes" including the ones who talked to their loved ones on the pentagon plane during the takeover, are now to believe that our people were actually abducted by "the US government" and their bodies were ground up and burned or rendered down in some "secret facility" somewhere?

OOooohhhhh, Spooky eh!

And that even the PLANES were fabricated?

Now I've got plenty friends in aviation and they have steenking pet names (derogatory) for "their" birds....... But they LOVE 'em....In fact they'll punch you right in the face if you badmouth their Ol' Girls. I think, again, that you're telling me that those guys who mechanic'd those three planes (oops, PHANTOM planes) were either in on it? Or brainwashed by the gub'mint?? Or mindwiped by aliens and given false memories???? AND someone went in and made 30 yrs of fake records in 4 different large maintenance files, then went to all the suppliers and got THEIR records wiped......

Duplicates, triplicates, quadruplicate records and maintenance files are de-rigueur in aviation IME..... My one bro-in-law is 30+yrs maintenance for Bering Air, another brother is currently babysitting "his" skyhook down in Sydney, I think if you tell them a bird can "disappear" with all it's records they'll just smile and leave the room.

You wanna' convince them that those three planes were fake? Ohhh, and my cousin's son-in-law was(is) with United.....on the inside where they keep them up in the air..... 175's ground-crew must actually be a bunch of lying reprobates too I guess, although they SEEMED nice, a little shook but nice. Musta' been the drugs wearing off.........


I guess here in the real world it's harder to make stuff "appear" and "disappear" than it is on the innernet....
So, if I'm hearing you correctly, those of us who had a friend or relative on the "phantom planes" including the ones who talked to their loved ones on the pentagon plane during the takeover, are now to believe that our people were actually abducted by "the US government" and their bodies were ground up and burned or rendered down in some "secret facility" somewhere?

OOooohhhhh, Spooky eh!

And that even the PLANES were fabricated?

Now I've got plenty friends in aviation and they have steenking pet names (derogatory) for "their" birds....... But they LOVE 'em....In fact they'll punch you right in the face if you badmouth their Ol' Girls. I think, again, that you're telling me that those guys who mechanic'd those three planes (oops, PHANTOM planes) were either in on it? Or brainwashed by the gub'mint?? Or mindwiped by aliens and given false memories???? AND someone went in and made 30 yrs of fake records in 4 different large maintenance files, then went to all the suppliers and got THEIR records wiped......

Duplicates, triplicates, quadruplicate records and maintenance files are de-rigueur in aviation IME..... My one bro-in-law is 30+yrs maintenance for Bering Air, another brother is currently babysitting "his" skyhook down in Sydney, I think if you tell them a bird can "disappear" with all it's records they'll just smile and leave the room.

You wanna' convince them that those three planes were fake? Ohhh, and my cousin's son-in-law was(is) with United.....on the inside where they keep them up in the air..... 175's ground-crew must actually be a bunch of lying reprobates too I guess, although they SEEMED nice, a little shook but nice. Musta' been the drugs wearing off.........


I guess here in the real world it's harder to make stuff "appear" and "disappear" than it is on the innernet....

Well done AL. Numerous witnesses stated that there was a strong smell of kerosene emanating from the destruction site.

The Guvment doused the area with Jet fuel.

To me "gun free" zones are buffer zones. I try to keep a 5 mile buffer between me and that zone!!

As to the question, what if the 911 pilots had guns? What if everyone on all 4 planes had guns??

Where is AMY proof that Buildings 1 or 2 or the Pentagon was even hit by passenger carrying airliners?

What hit Building 7 and took it down, an M-60 Tank??

I never thought when I was younger that the average American would be so stupid!!!

C'mon Man

"Mixed" marriage?

I'm ashamed to be on the same internet with you.
OK, GW Bush. When he left office we were loosing 300,000 jobs per month. I lost about $55,000 in just one ,one savings fund. The Mid East was generally at peace in 2000, by 2008 there had been some 4 MILLION civilians killed and some 6,500 of our finest, AND some 12 TRILLION dollars spent bombing hospitals and schools!!

At least no one is supporting his stupid brother" JEB!" and he has spent some $38 Million just so far, more than ALL the rest of the GOP field combined!!

No, I didn't vote for the bastard, nor did I vote for the jerk we have now. I voted RP from Texas the last 4 Presidential elections.

Am I unhappy? No! I feel secure in knowing what us REALLY going on in the world.

I haven't voted for a looser since JFK. That is the bastard who tried to take us to war in Cuba!






just for starters..


Sorry Jerry. You are over the line.
I didn't know you listened to All the crap. You seemed like a nice guy.
I am not going to watch those clips.
JP-4 and JP-5 smells like kerosene. Steel does melt. Everything can catch fire.
Maybe, you should have done some military service in your youth.
My first weekend on a missile cruiser included a fire in No.2 Fireroom. The ship was in drydock at Long Beach shipyard. I saw steel burn, melt, whatever you want to call it. Yard birds put a cover over the access hole. I was poking around on the lower level, before dinner. Saw 2 guys get shocked. They were using CO2 extinguisher. Horn froze. Being a new guy they ignored me. They got blasted. And listened. There was a weld lead running through the hole. This left a 2' hole in the side of the ship.
2nd day on my ship. In my first fire....dinner wasn't too bad. On paper plates. Surprised they still used the galley in dry dock. 9 mos of cold showers...It was el nino that winter, in LA. 3 mos of rain. The barge they gave the Engineers. Well, some prison camps had better conditions....No heat and cold showers.....
Oh, back to 9-11. There is no way the US Govt or military could have pulled off 9-11.
#1 Try to keep a secret for 30 days in the military.
#2 USS Milwaukee.
#3 Sea Wolf program.
#4 F-35 or JSF.
Oh, YA. Say what you will about GW. But, he completed his service and has a DD-214. Kerry does not.
GW flew the most dangerous plane the US Industrial complex could come up with. And lived.
And he can land an S-3 Viking on a US Aircraft carrier. The 2ND most dangerous job in the world. #1 is working that flight deck.
Great source for information, doctored youtube videos. While you are here Jerry,
Did we really land on the moon??
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Ya, know, I've been lucky in life. Lucky, fortunate, whatever. I have many good friends and shooting associates but this thread turned into something not so good.

For those who have responded to my posts in an unreasonable manner, and you do not have the guts to use your real name, I have put you on my "ignore" list.

This life is not worth getting in a pi$$ing match with ppl who do not use their real name. Anonymous? They use something to HIDE behind.

To real benchrest shooters and those wanting to learn the game and to Mr CCBW, Wilbur Harris, who, most times, reluctantly puts up with us;


VPI?ROTC 22648 1955-1957

US52545017 1962-1968

Time to wrap presents today.

I can't believe all this crap - Wake up Jerry you seem to know a bit about firearms so stick to what you know.

Many years ago, a certified nutter (Martyn Bryant) went troppo in Tasmania and shot a lot of people. He should have never been allowed to purchase a firearm in the first place, but the loopholes let this weirdo slip through. He had a semi-auto. A few responsible firearms dealers refused to deal with him but somebody saw a profit margin and so a lot of people died.

The response from the Aussie Govt. was pure political knee jerk. The PM (John Howard) actually wore a flak jacket to a media meeting as a P.R. stunt to impress the gullible public. All semi-automatic .22's, 12Ga shotguns and pump action shotguns were removed from the public. I don't know how many criminals handed in their Ruger .223 ranch guns but still plenty around here down under. If I use a 'legal' firearm to defend myself against an armed criminal then I am the criminal. Figure that one out?

Pissed off downunder
