Open Carry Texas, January 1,2016

You go, Concho Bill.

When I was seven or eight, and investigating church, I heard a sermon that started off "if you were in a bar and saw a man hit a woman..."

I ran right home and asked Dad "if you were in a bar and..." He listened politely, and then said "I don't go to bars. So it wouldn't happen to me." I sighed, and said "Dad, let's just say you were in a bar..." and he said "I'd leave. I don't like bars. I don't like the people in bars. I don't go to bars."

It took me fifty years, but I understand his point, now.
When I was seven or eight, and investigating church, I heard a sermon that started off "if you were in a bar and saw a man hit a woman..."

I ran right home and asked Dad "if you were in a bar and..." He listened politely, and then said "I don't go to bars. So it wouldn't happen to me." I sighed, and said "Dad, let's just say you were in a bar..." and he said "I'd leave. I don't like bars. I don't like the people in bars. I don't go to bars."

It took me fifty years, but I understand his point, now.

I don't remember the details, but that sounds similar to something my dad told me once upon a time. It didn't take me fifty years. :)
I don't remember the details, but that sounds similar to something my dad told me once upon a time. It didn't take me fifty years. :)

There was a beautiful Mexican bartender involved and...
Sometimes trouble finds you no matter how well you plan.

Things ain't the way they used to be. Just like the sickening movie we saw yesterday, Hatefull 8. We should have left. Crap like that never was showed on the screen years ago. . $hit never used to happen in the places where we grew up as it does in places in todays world. If you don't want to protect your self, that's fine. It's a different world today. Dial 911 if you like.

It has Happened at..............

Shooting Ranges
Movie Theaters
On the Freeway's
in private Residences
Grocery Store Parking lots
Gun Show.....Thx Dave Coots
Post Office
At the Work Place

Just to name a few. Notice the list does not include Bar's. I dont remember any massacre's at Bar's. When you think about it,there's Not very many safe places left.

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Things ain't the way they used to be. Just like the sickening movie we saw yesterday, Hatefull 8. We should have left. Crap like that never was showed on the screen years ago. . $hit never used to happen in the places where we grew up as it does in places in todays world. If you don't want to protect your self, that's fine. It's a different world today. Dial 911 if you like.


yes, I agree with you on the junk that is being shown on TV, in the theaters and most importantly on the net and computer in the form of violent video games. Couple all of this fantasy violence with a sick mind, the breakdown of the family in way too many locations and its a recipe for disaster. BUT, not much can be done about if because of the First Amendment to the Constitution. Its funny how some defend this right but not the 2nd or others. Our US society, in too many locations, is a social and moral mess.
I don't carry nor do I plan to because

I don't want to make a mistake shooting someone who is innocent or if I were to aim badly. There is an old adage that goes if your meant to be shot you won't be hung or the other way around. Gun fights are best left up to folks who are trained to do so, IMHO. I have been in the proximity of a gun fights and didn't get hit. Guess I was born to be hung, eh?

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My wife and I went to a rather large Mexican Restaurant Tonight to eat, (Casa Ole on Federal Rd), and they had a new 3007 sign displayed on their door, very prominant, and according to the Law.

Marilyn had her Klock in her purse. They apparently support concealed carry, but not open carry, as they did not have a 3006 sign displayed.
If you're gonna open carry,..might as well strap on the biggest,baddest Hog leg you can carry. scare people into thinking that you know how to use it. No sense in open carrying a pocket gun. I can see it becoming somewhat of a novelty,with little effect on crime reduction.

HEB, the most popular grocery chain in Central Texas has the 3007 posted on their doors. I did not plan to open carry but sort of agree with Glenn above.

I don't want to make a mistake shooting someone who is innocent or if I were to aim badly. There is an old adage that goes if your meant to be shot you won't be hung or the other way around. Gun fights are best left up to folks who are trained to do so, IMHO. I have been in the proximity of a gun fights and didn't get hit. Guess I was born to be hung, eh


Are you bragging?:cool: