New Sniper Record

I just don't have the energy to put out all those wind flags to 2.2 miles, not to mention my eyesight these days?

Supper shot though.
There is not really much you can ad to this. Most of us are Riflemen. We know what is involved in pulling off a feat such as this.
Some luck

Not to take away from this incredible feat I would venture to also give credit to some luck.

Some luck I would say a hell of a lot of it. When you know how many intervening variables come into play. I would like to see these guys shoot an agg at that range and see what it measured.
The sniper did a great job. He had superb training as part of a team consisting of a spotter, gunsmith, kill verifier, etc. He was not a benchrest shooter! He is a human computer who analyses several variables and then pulls the trigger. Let's not belittle him by introducing LUCK as a factor.
You have to give credit to the spotter too, who usually does the calculating. So assume that the rifle is capable of 1/4 MOA. What would the expected possible variation be with no wind at 2.2 miles in inches?

We get wind flags and sighters. Now matter how you look at it, the results were perfect and if the shooter wasn't that good then there would not have even been a chance.

When I shoot

The sniper did a great job. He had superb training as part of a team consisting of a spotter, gunsmith, kill verifier, etc. He was not a benchrest shooter! He is a human computer who analyses several variables and then pulls the trigger. Let's not belittle him by introducing LUCK as a factor.

When ever I have managed to shoot a group where the first decimal place is a zero I can thank good equipment, Good load development, accuracy in reading the wind flags and divine intervention or as we aussies call it good old bloody luck. If it wasn't then there is no reason I shouldn't be able shoot the remainder of the groups the same size or something close. The reason I have never agged in the zeros is because my bloody luck ran out after the first group. At that distance he could have shot two or three more but I am sure the next couple would have missed. So I am not belitteling the sniper when I acknowledge both his ability and his luck or his enemy's lack of it.
Not to take away from this incredible feat I would venture to also give credit to some luck.

Yeah, lots of luck. No way to account for the wind over that distance. At two miles out the bullet is falling to the earth on an almost verticle line, miscalculate distance by 20 yards or so and the bullet drops in front of or behind the intended target. A lot can happen in the ten second flight time, the target can simply walk away and get a cold beer.
Chances are the shooter missed his first shot, the spotter saw the strike 15 feet away. The ISIL combatant was unaware that he was under fire. The shooter adjusted his aim point and Bingo, one bad guy down.
Thats the way it works shootin' ground hogs anyway.
At two miles out the bullet is falling to the earth on an almost verticle line, miscalculate distance by 20 yards or so and the bullet drops in front of or behind the intended target. A lot can happen in the ten second flight time, the target can simply walk away and get a cold beer.
Chances are the shooter missed his first shot, the spotter saw the strike 15 feet away. The ISIL combatant was unaware that he was under fire. The shooter adjusted his aim point and Bingo, one bad guy down.
Why do you think the often quoted statistic for snipers is 1 kill per 1.7 shots? :confused: Again, this takes nothing away from the shooter, but it does stress just how difficult connecting with such a shot is.
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When I was in Vietnam, "Snipers" would come by the mess hall and get some burned up pots to shoot at. We always had several! When you caught bunker guard you could hear the show. Darkness and rain seemed to make the show somewhat would hear a shot and then a few seconds later the clank of it hitting one of those pots. It's been a long time but I don't think I ever heard a shot that I didn't hear the clank. Pitch black dark and raining! I accused them of putting a bunch of pots together so they couldn't miss and they would just laugh....
I think if you are trained right and shoot every day you can get really good at what you do! Hell I wish I could shoot every day, and not have to worry about paying for the ammo.
But I would like to know like everyone else, How many shots it took. I know even at a Thousand a one shot kill is great. But they got the job done. Thank you for your service. Good Job.

joe Salt
A quarter minute rifle is accurate to 12 feet at 2.2 miles. Either it was a lucky shot or the sniper was shooting into a crowd. As always, there's not enough detail to speculate. Given what I know...I'll call it a good shot and hope it never happens to any of us.