Thanks for posting that. He had conditioned responses around that bow lathe like Norm Abrams on his table saw or Hans Solo flipping switches to go to light speed.
I'm just saying, that there are a lot of people that ask what lathe & never really get a answer. Is that to say there really is not a quality machine out there that will handle barrel fitting without having to work on it to use it.Thanks for posting that. He had conditioned responses around that bow lathe like Norm Abrams on his table saw or Hans Solo flipping switches to go to light speed.
If you are interested in the pix of the VFD I will get them on here soon.
Ken Holmes
to Zach, Wayne, Van, Syed, Skip, Shiu, Roseanne, Ron, Rod, Rob, Nima, Mike, Michael, Michael, Martin, Mark, Leonard, Kim, John, Jim, Jennifer, Jeff, Isaac, Gordon, Gill, George
show details 8:05 PM (2 hours ago)
Jim Mettler advises that he has several AC, variable voltage, variable frequency, motor drives, and also several AC Motors. Some are 3-phase. All are in the Everett area, ready for pickup.
The price is right - - - FREE!!
The motor drives have many large power handling components, such as Bi-polar Transistor 'bricks', large capacitors, large heatsinks, fans, possibly some IGBT 'bricks'. The motor drives could be easily converted into a do-it-yourself power inverter, which operates at 60 Hz.
Give me a call or an email before Tuesday evening, & I'll pass the info along to Jim. Or call Jim directly at 951-306-2119. After Tuesday, the units will no longer be available.
Keep in mind also that some faceting like what is shown in the left photo can be caused by using Carbide threading tools at speeds well below what they are intended.A couple examples of what a junk single phase motor can do to your work.
These were done when it was at its best.
The motor shop I delt with had some single phase motors that were rated for farm duty that would have been an improvement over the OEM motor but I am fed up with the noise.
I'm not full time at anything these days. This lathe (& BR) is a good outlet for me. It keeps me in touch with a lot of good people and gives me something positive to do with all my spare time.Jay, are you becoming a full time gunsmith? or is this your personal stuff? Thought about doing this but I can pay to chamber a lot of barrels for what a lathe costs. It is still on my list for the moment.
Keep in mind also that some faceting like what is shown in the left photo can be caused by using Carbide threading tools at speeds well below what they are intended.
Yhea, I don't read every post in great detail.You musta missed posts 22 through 29.
I'm not a machinist, I just have a lathe in my garage, so I cant argue to much about what is & is not, but, the first picture is the threads I cut with the same carbide tool & at the same speed but with a new motor that doesn't vibrate or make any noise other than a little whistle or "Frequency Whine" and the chatter is gone. Its also a pleasure to operate. Now if I can get all the gear box noise out of it I will like it even more.Keep in mind also that some faceting like what is shown in the left photo can be caused by using Carbide threading tools at speeds well below what they are intended.
The motor I used is a WEG#00218EP3E145T this is a type F1 motor that I modified to make work. You can see in the photos the junction box ("Pecker Head") has been removed and replaced by a plate with a flexible conduit fitting to get the clearance needed for install on this lathe. The ideal motor would have been the same as this one but a type F3 wich will put the junction box on the top of the motor when looking at the shaft, they had this in stock and all it took was a $2 plate and a half hour to make a replacement for a 5" box that wouldnt clear the lathe.Yes...I would like very much to see your set-up...I think more than just a few of us 4003G owners will have great interest in the resolution of the low speed thread chatter...