New gun law




I HOPE he tries to enforce this one....
I'm with the NRA spokesman.
Executive Order 13752 is not without controversy. National Rifle Association Spokesman Lawrence Ketchum said the organization plans to appeal the order, which he refers to as “Obama gun”, on constitutional grounds and that they were prepared to take the fight to the Supreme Court . He also added that if federal agents attempted to confiscate his weapons he would give them to the agents “bullets first.”
I can't find it at the abc new site so maybe it's a spoof site....

I HOPE he tries to enforce this one....
I'm with the NRA spokesman.
Executive Order 13752 is not without controversy. National Rifle Association Spokesman Lawrence Ketchum said the organization plans to appeal the order, which he refers to as “Obama gun”, on constitutional grounds and that they were prepared to take the fight to the Supreme Court . He also added that if federal agents attempted to confiscate his weapons he would give them to the agents “bullets first.”

If this is not a spoof, The United States House of Representatives should start drafting Articles of Impeachment on this smarmy little Demagogue first thing tomorrow.

It can't be real.
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New definition of "infringed" probaly a good thing if the Feds try this. Straw that breaks the camel's back. Texas Governor already has said come and hit them. Makes me want to watch the the 300 again.
Relax, El Chapo didn't escape again | Fusion
6 hours ago - ... fake website peddling stories such as “President Obama Signs Executive Order Limiting US Gun Owners to Three Guns.” (He didn't do that.).
Relax, El Chapo didn't escape again | Fusion
6 hours ago - ... fake website peddling stories such as “President Obama Signs Executive Order Limiting US Gun Owners to Three Guns.” (He didn't do that.).

Yeh, even President Obama is not that stupid.
Just remember, a president can not make a law, that is what congress does.
Just remember, a president can not make a law, that is what congress does.

But, the President can issue Executive Actions and Executive Orders. Unless some entity challenges these sussessfuly, the have the same weight as Law until they are rescinded.

There is a Constitutional Solution to an out of Controle Executive Branch. Impeachment, conviction, and removal.

But, Congress has neither the courage or the political will to do this.

So, as asinine as that fake Web Site seems, if President Obama decided to pull such a stunt, just who would stop him?
I do not know if this is the right venue for this, but I took this off of my Facebook.

The Americans are worried, about what? Show me a politician that on his way out that has not got, "WELL WE HAVE TO HAVE GUN CONTROL" we have the same over here, in Canada we had Allen Rock who started registration after Kim Campbell and they both were thrown out. Allen said that registration was going to cost 8 million dollars. 3 BILLION later the conservative government threw it out. I wonder how many onions Obama used to fake those tears. You have to learn that out going politicians always use GUN CONTROL as a means to leave a LEGACY, why? because it is the easiest one. Do the math, 1000 people, 100 gun owners 900 others. Of that 900, 100 are killers doing time. The 100 killers can vote when they are in prison, 900 votes and you get a legacy and a pension, 100 votes and you get nothing. DUD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Now I do not know how your prison's work, but over here they are allowed to vote. I also believe the 8 million should have been 83 million. But it was well over 3 billion. One of the little tricks they pulled, well, when they saw that they where going a way over their budget, they farmed out a lot of work to the RCMP, (your FBI), and increased their budget so that it would not show up on the tally sheets under gun control. Politicians are sneaky!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

There was no truth to this story, however. This bit of fiction originated with, a clickbait fake news site that imitates the appearance and domain name of a legitimate news organization (ABC News) in order to generate traffic and advertising revenues by creating and spreading fabricated "news" stories.
There was no truth to this story, however. This bit of fiction originated with, a clickbait fake news site that imitates the appearance and domain name of a legitimate news organization (ABC News) in order to generate traffic and advertising revenues by creating and spreading fabricated "news" stories.

wish I had thought of it.
New Gun Law?

Has there been a US Gun Law passed since the Brady Law? It took ten years of lobbying to get it introduced.

Just remember, a president can not make a law, that is what congress does.

Thanks to people like SC Rep. Mr. Trey Gowdy. If anyone on here has never heard him take people like Hillary to task, just pull up his name and enjoy watching and listening.

Concealed Carry decisions:

A few days ago there was a thread on one of these forums in which some of us stated our views on carrying guns. I just finished watching a video a lad made who is selling his course on self defense. What he had to say about the entire subject made so much sense to me I am putting up his website for anyone who wants to look at it. What he had to say and had to show made absolute sense to me and I think it's well worth listening and watching what he has to offer. I don't plan to buy his course but what he had to say did confirm what I pretty much realized some time ago. is his listed website.


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Lots of good stuff in the video Pete. Kinda reminds me of the Law Enforcement firearms training program at quantico,Va on video. What I see missing is a hands on practical assimilation video like "Shoot,don't shoot".
