New Forum

So, what to do with this monster I've created...

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Wiiillllllbbuurrrrr, I personally prefer just one forum for benchrest. (That's because I have bad eyes and short fingers) But I'm not a competitive benchrest shooter.
Jerry Sharrett made me get haircut also.
Wiiillllllbbuurrrrr, I personally prefer just one forum for benchrest. (That's because I have bad eyes and short fingers) But I'm not a competitive benchrest shooter.
Jerry Sharrett made me get haircut also.
Tommy, as God is my witness I thought cutting your hair would make you a competitive benchrest shooter. Oh, well.
Jerry...Don't you know that getting a haircut throws your balance least I've used that as an excuse on several occasions :D
Competitive Benchrest shooting?

What constitutes "competitive benchrest shooting"? A bonified sanctioned event? Or, would it be considered "competitive benchrest shooting" at a non-sanctioned event at you local range? Or, how about a bunch of guys and gals (30-40 shooters) in a cow pasture (not a range) shooting off portable benches in annual and semi-annual events?
A personal appeal to everyone's sanity

Can't we come up with another 12 guys to vote "lose it", so we can just bury this thing ?
p.s. Dump this forum and I WILL get a haircut !
Granted. But the referenced post doesn't fit that profile and it is an example of what I meant that the C.R. Benchrest has been diluted beyond recognition:
"Forgive a noob question, but how is "excessive pressure" determined? I just got a Sears 54 (1894) 18" that is now on its third generation -- I really don't want to blow it. Never reloaded before, but looking at it now considering 30-30 prices.

"Been reading at, here, and a few other places. Currently looking at getting started with W-748, Federal 210 or CCI - BR2, and looking for a cheaper source or alternative for the Hornady Flexes. Maybe this 110grain. I'm really looking for a more personal defense round than deer round, with sufficiently good accuracy for the occasional 200m informal competitions in my area.

"Will a Lee Classic Loader Kit do the trick to get me started?"

Now, this is probably a fine fellow, certainly a new guy and his questions deserve sound answers, but how he could justify posting it on a BR specific board escapes me.

It makes no more sense to keep this on the CF BR forum than it would to keep a question about casting pistol bullets on the 1000 yard forum!

A (general) place for everything, put everything in its (general) place!
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Can't we come up with another 12 guys to vote "lose it", so we can just bury this thing ?
p.s. Dump this forum and I WILL get a haircut !

This is the best reason to dump the new forum. ;):D:D
Wilbur ...

10 Forums ??? Why not go for an even DOZEN ??? Or, maybe a BAKER'S DOZEN ??? :)
An amazing and confusing maze of forums . . .

Let's hit the BIG TIME like Rimfire Central !!!

They have 115 forums. A few of them actuallly talk about competitive shooting.
Leave it....I don't compete. Always wanted to, but sold all my BR rigs as I just had too many hobbies and no time or $$$$ to travel. Only got one screamer in all that time and I shot for pure fun and to unwind.

When people ask how I like San Antonio being from "deep South TX", I tell them it's a 3-4 hour ride north....heck, it takes me 5 hours+ just get to Jackie's neck of the woods.

Decided I would stick with hunting and fishing until my Daddy duties are over. I may try it down the road if things come together, but I don't see it now. I still enjoy coming on here and looking over what you guys tackle. I see no reason for another forum & would just move the threads that don't comply over to the general, hybrid, gunsmith, etc.

Can't we come up with another 12 guys to vote "lose it", so we can just bury this thing ?
p.s. Dump this forum and I WILL get a haircut !

Just seen this Nader guys picture on the IBS site....YIKES!!....was fence sitter 'til this incentive cropped up....voted -lose it.
What will he do with that hippy van he probably drives?
That picture gives justification for IBS to tighten up membership requirements:rolleyes:
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Group vs. Score Forum.......

I don't see the need for another forum for competition benchrest vs. "other?" benchrest.

What may be acceptable would be specific forums for Group Benchrest vs. Score Shooting Benchrest. But even then many of the fundamentals are the same in both diciplines. The only reason I can see for the separation woud be to provid a more direct lookup of information on one dicipline vs. the other if a person was needing a specific type of information as relates to either dicipline. Examples may be 30 BR vs. 6PPC or information about a specific event.

Hope this is helpful.

Respectfully submitted,
Larry Feusse


For those interested in dignity and the gentlemanly response, please see the quote below;

People may not remember exactly what you did,
or what you said,


they will always remember how you made them

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To be a competitor, ya gota be a winner?

I read on one a these forms a couple years ago that some gunsmith on the East Coast was suppose to have said: "Everyone who shoots in a match is a winner. The only losers are those who don't step up to the line and shoot the match".

I like his definition of WINNER. To me it's a form of encouragement that could get and keep new people in the benchrest game. And: We need new shooters. We seem to be loosing more shooters than we are gaining.

What do ya call the guys who plan, organize and run the matches? Without them there ain't no matches, and no winners or losers.

There should be another name: A name for the guys who recruit new shooters. They have an important job. If they don't succeed, the game dies.

There are lots of losers out there. I think it's the fear of loosing that keeps them away from our matches. Help some of them to adjust their at attitude and think like that east coast gunsmith and our sport will grow.

Joe Haller (Mr. Frosty)
From the looks of it, you could have moved the "Match Results" forum to the top and accomplished the same thing, since that is the only thing that is being posted in the new forum.
i'll go back to my original idea....

dump this,
and politely moderate the benchrest forum, moving off topic posts to a more correct forum.
no need for a secong forum.

and if winning is the only "competition", who are all the other shooter that shot in the winners match ?.......

sorry lets move on...

For those who don't like this forum

Don't Participate. It's actually that simple. We won't be offended if you don't participate, honest! ;)
When did this appear

I wonder how many people don't know about this new forum. Today is the first time I have found it, and that was only because of a friend who got me searching.

Sorry I am so slow.

Tony - OZ
I wonder how many people don't know about this new forum. Today is the first time I have found it, and that was only because of a friend who got me searching.

Sorry I am so slow.

Tony - OZ

?, yes it has been hidden from view by being right up front.

Everybody knows that is the best way to hide anything.

One can moderter on their own by looking at the number of viewers on this forum.

Keep beating a dead horse, Wilbur!:D
I agree w/Jackie

I sort of view this sight like a bunch of shooters sitting in a room, shooting the bull and trying to figure out a way to improve the shooting of Rifles.

I guess I am in the minority..........jackie

I check out this site along with a couple of home machinist sites, every mornig cuz it is pretty much to the point.

I am not a bench rest shooter yet, hell the range I shoot at only has one bench, which I made!

I have asked a few questions which folks like "Jackie" have graciously answered.

I like the keep it simple approach.

Anyway thanks for listening.

Aloha, Les (outside lookin in)