New Forum

So, what to do with this monster I've created...

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making the competition only forum where that if you want to post you have to enter your NBRSA or IBS # as a password or something like that. Others could still read, but not post. Just an idea, I don't know if Wilbur could even do that.


I like it .... As Richard said for posting only.... Everyone can look at the threads...

vBulletin software should allow this..?

No snob just for competitive shooters.

making the competition only forum where that if you want to post you have to enter your NBRSA or IBS # as a password or something like that. Others could still read, but not post. Just an idea, I don't know if Wilbur could even do that.


I am an IBS member but have no IBS number that I am aware of.

If you feel the need to add another forum I like German's idea the best or alternatively just call the new forum the 6mm PPC forum for discussion of the 6mm PPC only.

Seen a lot of changes in my time and been against every one.

"Seen alot of changes in my time and been against every one of them". You have piqued my curiosity. Have any of these changes turned out to be a good deal ?

Dan Batko

"Where are we going and why am am I in this basket?"
Actually that is a phrase that my younger brother is quite fond of. It just seemed appropriate here.:)

Would that be a handbasket your in?:D

Hand Basket

Difference as said by Elmer Fudd between a wicker basket and a wicker box??

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I gota get in here . . .

I use-ta-be a centerfire benchrest competitor. Now I'm a rimfire benchrest competitor. A question was asked twice here: "Is this forum opened to Rimfire Competitors?

Wasn't answered.

Does anyone want to to answer that question? Maybe we got'a ask Wilber. The rimfire organizations run matches and the matches are competitive.

Anyway: "Benchrest Competition". Here is my opening thought.

Our game is loosing shooters. "Where are we going in that handbasket". How about encouraging us to discuss topics related to "Running the Matches". We only have COMPETITION when we have clubs with leadership and volunteers willing to run matches. Simplifying match procedures can reduce the number of clubs that drop out because of volunteer burnout.

How about asking questions of, and getting feed-back from officers of the clubs who have had success in GROWING the sport?

That is my positive suggestion. I have a negative one too: Don't expand this thing too big.

As Jackie said: What's next, a BR forum for left handed shooters with Green Rifles".

Rimfire Central has a HUG number of forums. I asked the administration over there to set up a MATCH section to promote match competition back in 2001. They did and we have a "small" group of dedicated competitive shooters in our On-Line-Matches. BUT: Very few of the 40,000 RFC members ever look into our MATCH section (Maybe the word "Match" frightens them off). Seems to me that is a bad thing, as I have been trying to introduce those kitchen table gunsmiths to COMPETITION for the past 8 years.

Then again: Maybe here on Benchrest Central, the word COMPETITION may frighten off the plinkers as it seems to have done on RFC.

I think that barring a non-competitor from asking questions in this forum about how to get into the sport as a competitor would be counter-productive.

Joe Haller

Ahh Gee: I got a Grade 10 Suhl from Jim Williams last Winter. It's Green and I shoot left handed. But: I don't need no special GREEN forum to talk about it when it wins the next (rimfire) match for me.
OK, I will say it...

Passwords and limiting who can post... great, maybe we could get matching decoder rings and build a clubhouse too! ;)

And we wonder why our sport doesn't attract more people...:(

The description on the Benchrest Home Page says "The Absolute Source of Accuracy Components, Services, Accessories,
and Information for the Precision Shooter", can we subtitle that to say "but only for those chosen few"!

Come on guys, we already have a "General" and "Factory" and from what I see the grouchy guys do a damn good job of either not answering or telling them to post elsewhere! Does it just kill you to help a newcomer or someone that can't afford the same gear as you? Is this the example and impression that we wish to impart on others?

Sometimes the air in here is so thick with haughtiness and disdain (not all but some) that I am surprised when a new shooter musters up the courage to post. The level of segregation is even worse! You belly shooters over there, those long range guys, those point blank guys, and so forth. Just two weeks ago at a match I listened to 15 minutes worth of it before I finally told the guy I also shoot in the group he is talking about!

I may be way off base here and owe you all an apology and if so I will shut up and take the beating that I am sure will follow. But, I will leave you with a quote that my mom gave me in my late teens. "The last great test of any gentleman is how he treats those that can be of no possible use to him". That more often than not is a hard test to pass!

Do you see where this is going already? Yeah, different only the same! :eek:

If you hope to put out fires, I think it will not happen. If your intent is to increase bandwidth, well maybe.

D R (and I really don't have a place here, just my $0.02)
New Forum or Not

This is a top notch site with alot of INCREDIBLE Knowledge. This is why I am here, to LEARN from the BEST. At 50 I still feel like a kid:D

Great idea Wilbur. So far the only substantial BR shooter I've not seen post on this thread is "Sits In Trees".

Seriously, good intentions, bad idea, but, thanks for all you do and put up with from us in the Hitherlands and the further outreaches like Alabama.
Honestly, I don't see what the big deal is. This is only an ADDITION to the site, it does not SUBTRACT from what is already here. If you don't like it, follow your own advice and simply don't click on this sub forum! Nobody is forcing you to read it or participate in it and nobody is trying to take away the centerfire section or any other. Some guys are starting to sound like the anti-gunners; "we don't like what you like so we think you ought not have it at all"! I never could understand that mentality.

And I see nothing in the title that limits what kind of competition can be discussed here. Centerfire, Rimfire, or 1000 yard. The bottom line is that this sub forum is for competitors by competitors so all competitors should be welcomed.

Enough of the old granny bridge club drama, lets get back to shootin'!
Was he dressed up? I thought he just poked his legs out, last time I saw him he had Dorf feet.....


Real name al :)

Last time I saw Libby he was in his reggae wig, before that he was safety shooter in his full condom outfit. I don't know if what he was wearing you could call a spandex body suit? Never the less, a good time was had by all.:D

But most of all, by Libby!

I'm too big to fit in a handbasket! And I don't need any wisecracks from the guys that know me!:D

Dan Batko

"Where are we going and why am I in this basket?"
What I believe is that some

people are willing to work their butts off to be competitive, and some want to whine and have all the hard work handed to them on a silver platter. I am more than willing to help some people to get started in the right direction, if they are willing to put forth the effort required. Probably one of the best tuners in this sport, Darrell Loker got me started in the right direction, but I also spent hours and hours behind the rifle, and hours in the shop trying to make myself a better shooter and builder.
Nobody that I know of has said BR was easy, if it was, I don't think I would be interested in doing it.

Richard Brensing

"The last great test of any gentleman is how he treats those that can be of no possible use to him".

Can I quote your Mom? Before you grant permission, consider that I will soon forget whom to credit....sooner than I will forget the statement.
The unanswered question

Does this newforum apply to all venues of benchrest competition?

Yes - it would have to...or seemingly have to.
"The last great test of any gentleman is how he treats those that can be of no possible use to him".

Can I quote your Mom? Before you grant permission, consider that I will soon forget whom to credit....sooner than I will forget the statement.

Feel free to do so...just tell folks "Mom" said it as I am sure if you would have ever met her she would seem like Mom to you too.:) She was quoting William Lyon Phelps and she didn't quite get it word for word but I always liked her version better.

Left hand shooters with green rifles, let's go!

Seriously, I think the new forum is a good idea, since i'm not a competitive BR shooter, leaving the CF forum as something a little broader seems like a good plan.

.nice pic BUT IS IT a 30-06?
"The last great test . . .

. . . of any gentleman is how he treats those that can be of no possible use to him"

Seems that comes close to fitting the club volunteers how run our matches, and make the sport of COMPETITION benchrest possible.

"no possible use" might refer to the guys who don't help clean up after the match is over.