NBRSA Nationals!

Last Photos

These are the final photos from your intrepid photo journalist and mediocre shooter.

The early morning calm before the HV 200 storm.

Tom Libby and one of his groupies (actor R. Lee Ermey) that typically come to see Tom shoot bugholes.

Ocock's intrepid target crew taking care of business. They did a fantastic job!

The rangemaster with the iron fist - Doris. She did a great job!

Joe Krupa Jr. giving final instructions to the faithful.

A group of tired shooters at their last trip to the line.

This was my first nationals and I had a great time. While my shooting was not competitive, I learned alot and will be ready to do better next time. If nothing else, watching Tough Tony Boyer do his thing was worth the price of admission.

Terry Meyer is to be congratulated on his HV 200 & HV Grand wins. The last match of the day in HV 200 had conditions that were bordering on what we experienced at the Cactus earlier this year. It was sometimes difficult to see your target clearly due to the blowing dust. Many 1" and 2" groups came out of that last match. Terry sat down in all the mess and calmly shot a .197 :eek: Now that is the way to finish and win - way to go Terry.

Gary Ocock and his crew did a fabulous job running the Nationals. None of us will ever truly know the thousands of hours Gary invested to make this successful. Truly a Hall of Famer for more than just his shooting.
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NBRSA Nationals Equipment List

I would like to know if anybody knows where one could view a equipment list from Phoenix .:eek::

Thanks again Gary, Woody, Scott and Jeff for all your help.:)

I would like to know if anybody knows where one could view a equipment list from Phoenix .:eek::

Thanks again Gary, Woody, Scott and Jeff for all your help.:)

Weren't the pictures awesome? Thanks Jeff! I think Gary is getting caught up on 3 weeks of a suspended life. If he gets the equipment list out to me, I'll be sure to put it up.

Pics of the Nationals

The pics were great!!!!! Thanks to all who brought the Nationals to all of us who could not attend. We will be looking forward to your next post.:D

We apprieciate all your time and efforts...
Top 20 Equipment List Results

In pdf, will post txt files later.


  • UNLequipment.pdf
    8.3 KB · Views: 287
  • LVequipment.pdf
    6.7 KB · Views: 326
  • HVequipment.pdf
    8.5 KB · Views: 309
  • Sporterequipment.pdf
    6 KB · Views: 269
Top 20 Equipment List Results (Txt)

And in txt files.


  • UNLequipment.txt
    3.7 KB · Views: 228
  • LVequipment.txt
    3.7 KB · Views: 197
  • HVequipment.txt
    3.8 KB · Views: 236
  • Sporterequipment.txt
    3.7 KB · Views: 205