Name One



Pick a gizmo, gadget, component, just one that you feel helps the MOST in your BR discipline, a certain priming tool?, a certain doughnut? Curious as to whats out there and if I'm overlooking something.

Thanks in advance:)
Great Barrels

They are the gadgets that matter most. Buy lots of barrels and have them all chambered up and test them. The ones that don't shoot immediately, sell them immediately and move on.
Great Vision.....................! 20/20 or better >>>with out correction<<<... Mine needs correction........Nearsighted.:eek:



Digital powder measure (RCBS ChargeMaster)...I thought loading at the range with a manual PM was as accurat as it I can throw dead on accurate loads and load at home or take small viles of different powder charges with me and load at the range with variations that the conditions require...Life is Good..:D

Benchrest involves having an entire Competitive Combination. In this case, the "accuracy chain" is only as strong as it's weakest link.

The best bullets made will not be competitive if shot out of an average barrel. And, the best barrel made will not be a winner with mediocre bullets. Neither is worth anything without a competitive tune.

And then, of course, without a good set of flags and the ability to decypher what they are telling you, none of it matters.

In short, you can't oversimplify the package............jackie
Ron Hoehn's prepped 220/ppc brass & our favorite magic bullets.
That's easy

Good bullets - $xxx
Best ever die - $xxx
A tolerable companion, a kind word, a little levity when things turn bad - PRICELESS!
"A tolerable campanion, a kind word . . . ." That's hit the nail on the head. If I may, I'd like to add my possible favourite gadget; my height adjustable folding seat. Can't shoot if I'm not comfortable.
Been a bit reluctant to comment seeing the only bench I shoot is 1000 yards, but, man, has my spreads & SDs come down since I bought a K & M dial gauge primer seater. I finally woke up that the arthritis in my thumbs & having to use both on the lever was buggering up my sensitivity with my Sinclair.
In your opinion,

Been a bit reluctant to comment seeing the only bench I shoot is 1000 yards, but, man, has my spreads & SDs come down since I bought a K & M dial gauge primer seater. I finally woke up that the arthritis in my thumbs & having to use both on the lever was buggering up my sensitivity with my Sinclair.

Would this have a beneficial effect for short range rifles?