Maine State 3 Gun Yards & Meters ; a question

Pete, I just want to point out that the IR50/50 match schedule shows this as being a 2 day event. Have you notified Bill H of the change so he can change it on the web site? This forum is not the official site for the IR50/50 match schedule. Also, not every shooter checks this forum.

When I changed my club shoot that had been scheduled for 7/26, so that I and a number of my regular shooters could attend your State match, I gave well over a month's notice of the change and notified Bill H so that the change could be reflected in the official match schedule on the IR 50/50 web site. That's how you do a change of schedule.

I don't see any info on the IR50/50 schedule or here as to what time is registration and when shooting will start. Let us know and please don't change it at the last second because the Inn we are staying does not have WiFi.

Since it is required, per the rules, that for a multi-match or multi-day event that there will be either a bench drawing for each match or one drawing for the first match with bench rotation; I'm wondering what you'll be implementing. FYI, if a single draw is selected, benches shall be rotated after each class so that each shooter traverses the entire range.
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After more thought,

I have decided to run the event as advertised. We will shoot the 3 gun at yards on Saturday and the 3 gun at meters on Sunday. We will draw once and rotate 3 benches after each event, meaning, Sporter, 10.5 and 13.5 each day. Shooting begins @ 9:00 AM each day. We will draw for benches at 8:30 on Saturday morning.

If everyone had agreed to condense the event, we would have condensed it but that was not the case. President generally is, from my experience, if some one or ones do not wish to change from what is scheduled then things run by the schedule, so that is what we will do.

The point of a stranger showing up who has not seen the discussion on BRC is a valid one and worthy of consideration along with those who want to run by what is scheduled, so that is how it will go. I apologies for the heartburn that may have been caused on this issue. See you all Saturday.


Pete Wass
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Good call Pete!

Very good call in my opinion!

The better call would have just been to hold the match as scheduled and said nothing at all - then do it differently next time. Once you schedule a match, you place the scheduler in the same boat you're in. But, there's a bit of something that you nor the scheduler can control and that's how many folks attend! The latter is most important....
That's where I got to eventually Wilbur,

Very good call in my opinion!

The better call would have just been to hold the match as scheduled and said nothing at all - then do it differently next time. Once you schedule a match, you place the scheduler in the same boat you're in. But, there's a bit of something that you nor the scheduler can control and that's how many folks attend! The latter is most important....

I realized this was a bigger issue than my desire to get it over with as soon as I could, so backed I off. It's all to easy to loose sight of the big picture sometimes.

Yards Results:


1. Pete Wass 250-18
2. Gordon Eck 250-16
3. Gary Hamilton 250-14

10.5 Lb,

1. Gary Hamilton 250-16
2. Bill Buskey 250-13
3. Mell Eck 249-14

13.5 LB

1. Pete Wass 250-11
2. Bill Buskey 249-20
3. Gary Hamilton 249-17

Tow Gun Agg.

1. Gary Hamilton 499-33
2. Bill Buskey 499-33
3. Ted Derivan 496-26

Three Gun Agg.

1. Gary Hamilton 749-47
2. Bill Buskey 747-46
3. Pete Wass 745-41

Many thanks to all who attended and for the help . Meters in the AM.

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Thanks Pete for all you & JoAn do. Also congrats to those in the top 3
Also thanks Joanna for the great lunch & brownies!
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Nice job Pete, Gordon and Gary. Don't know how you guys shoot those little guns. Congrats to all the shooters and good
luck tomorrow. Have fun and hope to see ya'll next month for the U.L
Meters Results:

The weather people threatned rough weather for today and by jove, they were right for once. The day started with our most often squirly conditions and deteriated. Our range could be discribed as a shoe box with one end open so the up drafts for the middle of the range are most usually present. We did manage to get the match in before the deluge of rain hit.


1. Gary Hamilton 249-16
2. Ted Derivan 246-13
3. Pete Wass 246-4

10.5 LB

1. Paul Bendix 250-14
2. Gary Hamilton 248-15
3. Bill Buskey 246-11

13.5 LB

1. John Hassam 249-16
2. Gordon Eck 247-14
3. Pete Wass 247-12

2 Gun Agg.

1. John Hassam 493-30
2. Gary Hamilton 493-25
3. Pete Wass 493-17

3 Gun Agg.

1. Gary Hamilton 742-41
2. Peter Wass 739-21
3. John Hassam 738-42

Thanks to everyone, especially those who traveled from New York to shoot with us. Many thanks to the Maine shooters who provide all the help with running the matches, especially Joan Hassam who keeps the computer running and the stats in order along with lots of other stuff. Sure makes the job a lot easier for this old man.

Pete Wass
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Congratulations to all the winners and a special mention for Paul Bendix, 250 14x at meters in what sound tough conditions is a great score.


Good job on running what turned out to be a semi-controversial match with some very challenging conditions.

Congratulations to all the winners and grinners. And, by the looks of things, it would appear that the Maineacs did quite well for themselves.

A special congrats goes out to my good friend Paul Bendix who was shooting his Calfee-Built "Bad Brad" against some pretty stiff competition while using less than ideal ammo (the good stuff is long gone).

Dave Shattuck
Thank Yoy Dave


Good job on running what turned out to be a semi-controversial match with some very challenging conditions.

Congratulations to all the winners and grinners. And, by the looks of things, it would appear that the Maineacs did quite well for themselves.

A special congrats goes out to my good friend Paul Bendix who was shooting his Calfee-Built "Bad Brad" against some pretty stiff competition while using less than ideal ammo (the good stuff is long gone).

Dave Shattuck

Paul is amazing when he gets in his zone, ain't he? I am pleased that it ended up turning out fine. Some great shooting was done by a number of folks and congratulation to them all. Hope to see everyone next month for our BIG Unlimited event.

Congratulations to all the winners and a special mention for Paul Bendix, 250 14x at meters in what sound tough conditions is a great score.


Thanks for the Kudos! Had to borrow a sporter from Gary Hamlinton, Front and Rear rest from Klanton and Peter.
Lucked out on one target.
Good Range Good People Good Fun

Pete Great job Thanks for everything. Gary You did some fine shooting.(one hell of a hand shake) Klayton, Randy, William Good job running the line. The scoring was as good as it gets. It was fun to hang out with you guys and gals. Hope to do it next year.

Thank You Gordon

Pete Great job Thanks for everything. Gary You did some fine shooting.(one hell of a hand shake) Klayton, Randy, William Good job running the line. The scoring was as good as it gets. It was fun to hang out with you guys and gals. Hope to do it next year.


I appreciate you saying this and we enjoyed having you. Gary says Hi and he's glad you made it home safe. We will look forward to having you visit again next year. I am so pleased this turned out the way it did in the end. Thank You for coming over.

Thanks for the Kudos! Had to borrow a sporter from Gary Hamlinton, Front and Rear rest from Klanton and Peter.
Lucked out on one target.

You’re a good guy and a great shooter Paul. I do hope you can make it down to the Triple Crown next year.

The UK base camp is already sorted:


I can get you a door pass if needed :D
