Maine State 3 Gun Yards & Meters ; a question

Pete Wass

Well-known member
I have decided to run only a 3 gun for this event. I had planned to run another event along with this one but things did not work out. Question: would folks prefer to shoot both yards and meters in one day and then have Sunday to do whatever you like or shoot yards Saturday and Meters Sunday? Doesn't matter to me as I have paid for my motel for both nights and can not cancel for a refund, I was told. It's worth the motel fee to me to have a day off :).

I will also need a head count for the lunch provisions, otherwise we may run short.



I'm suspecting 3 relays & that would make for a very long day with the change of frames, added scoring,etc. Which is fine but should be considered anyway. I like the one day plan either way but if some of our traveling friends will have a super long day if not staying the night somewhere.
What's for lunch?
How about SPAM Sandwitches

I'm suspecting 3 relays & that would make for a very long day with the change of frames, added scoring,etc. Which is fine but should be considered anyway. I like the one day plan either way but if some of our traveling friends will have a super long day if not staying the night somewhere.
What's for lunch?

Or Sandwich Spread on Wonder Bread? :).

I would certainly like to have three relays after al I have spent on awards! We'll see.


Doesn't matter to me. I'm there for the week anyway. One day is good if it works out.

I'll be there and so will Melvin and Gordon Eck. I would prefer a 2 day event as it was originally planned. After folks have made their plans it's kinda late for changes. You're just trying to get away with just one lunch aren't ya? ;)

Keep it 2 days for this year and see how long it'll take, how much work it'll be etc. If you think you can get it all done in one day, (that it won't be too long a day or too much work) then you can make it one day next year.
2 days

I think with 2 relays, shooting 3 cards, then protest period, weighing of the guns {Mandatory at state and regional matches} (Although optional in Massachusetts) Then lunch, moving target frames, another 3 cards, protest, weighing (although certainly not for meters in Massachusetts) awards, etc. Lets keep it relaxed and shoot over 2 days. Just my thoughts.

Ted Derivan
I think with 2 relays, shooting 3 cards, then protest period, weighing of the guns {Mandatory at state and regional matches} (Although optional in Massachusetts) Then lunch, moving target frames, another 3 cards, protest, weighing (although certainly not for meters in Massachusetts) awards, etc. Lets keep it relaxed and shoot over 2 days. Just my thoughts.

Ted Derivan

My scale will be available from before the matches start and we will weigh the first three, as per the rules. I have access to check weights as well. We'll see what the majority wants. It's a short summer , as you know and getting shorter by the day now. I doubt we will exceed 20 shooters, hope we do but don't think so. If everyone helps out, it can be done if there is only two relays and we eat on the fly. We'll do what the majority wants to do.

I think with 2 relays, shooting 3 cards, then protest period, weighing of the guns {Mandatory at state and regional matches} (Although optional in Massachusetts) Then lunch, moving target frames, another 3 cards, protest, weighing (although certainly not for meters in Massachusetts) awards, etc. Lets keep it relaxed and shoot over 2 days. Just my thoughts.

Ted Derivan

If you have an issue with this, give me a call and we can discuss it. I thought you understood my points about the reliability with scales at State events when we talked about it at Angle Tree. You forgot to mention that scales will be available at the Mass. State match.

We also had a discussion about why we chose not to run meters this year.

The team at Easthampton does their very best to run an enjoyable IR 50/50 match. Your dig at our efforts is disappointing.

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Hi Pete, my opinion is run the matches as scheduled. John Hassam is setting next to me driving. His opinion is to run the matches as scheduled also. We will be at the matches. Klayton ps, Keith I truly hope you draw a bench right next to Joe Jerrier, DOWN WIND, on the same relay!;)

Klayton, just talked with the Team Captain & he said you & Jon wanted to shoot 1 day. Which is it?
don't care to sit next to Joe after SPAMwiches either!
Looks to me like

there will be less than 20 shooters so if that be the case, we will run both distances in one day, Saturday. If 21 show up, we will run half Saturday and the other Sunday. I wish everyone safe travels.

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Hmmmm. Lets see. Pete you asked the shooters what we would prefer. Those with a clear preference wanted to keep it 2 days. The schedule has been posted for months. Sooooo, it makes sense that you would then make it a one day event with only a week to go. Now plans have to be changed. My wife and I along with Gordon and Mel and others had made plans for Sat. assuming that we would have the time in the later afternoon/early evening. Now those plans will likely have to be changed because lord only knows when the match will be done on Sat. So Pete, thanks for being so responsive to your shooter's wishes and for an attempt at a democratic solution. :rolleyes: I'll see you Saturday, too many arrangements have been made to avoid it. I guess you want to make sure that we don't return to your matches. Nice job!
Match Director Rating MINUS 10


YOU Ask a quustion get the answer. Pay no attention. Thanks for your consideration. Why do you even Schedule a match Date? What if someone traveled to the match for Sunday for Meters and found an Empty Range? Hope you realize this is a State Match not a Club Match.

Thanks for confirming my thoughts for some time.

Bill & Gordon,
I understand you have made plans around the 2 day event. But as I understand it the majority does want to shoot 1 day. That being the case I'd say Pete's doing the right thing.
If your Saturday afternoon plans are something you want to do there's nothing saying you have to shoot meters. I don't think your coming to shoot anyway. You're coming to enjoy yourselves & get away right?
Pete's a good man & neither of you will ever convince me otherwise.

The match was SCHEDULED for TWO DAYS. Is that hard to understand. What my plans other than shooting is not for you to understand! So dont bother me with options.


PS You can have your opinions as will i
It isn't that hard, really


The match was SCHEDULED for TWO DAYS. Is that hard to understand. What my plans other than shooting is not for you to understand! So dont bother me with options.


PS You can have your opinions as will i

We will be pleased to accommodate everyone who shows up to shoot. I gave everyone fair notice here. We will be please to have all of those who wish to shoot both distances Saturday. We will certainly understand if that is unacceptable for some and we are sorry if it is. The club members will be pleased to be able to use the range Sunday if we don't.

Let's see Bill,

Hmmmm. Lets see. Pete you asked the shooters what we would prefer. Those with a clear preference wanted to keep it 2 days. The schedule has been posted for months. Sooooo, it makes sense that you would then make it a one day event with only a week to go. Now plans have to be changed. My wife and I along with Gordon and Mel and others had made plans for Sat. assuming that we would have the time in the later afternoon/early evening. Now those plans will likely have to be changed because lord only knows when the match will be done on Sat. So Pete, thanks for being so responsive to your shooter's wishes and for an attempt at a democratic solution. :rolleyes: I'll see you Saturday, too many arrangements have been made to avoid it. I guess you want to make sure that we don't return to your matches. Nice job!

There are a half dozen, perhaps, who want to drag it out two days and a dozen or so who want to do it in one day. I think democracy is alive and well. It's entirely up to you Bill, if you decide to attend this time or in the future. We are always pleased to have anyone show up and shoot. I think two weeks notice is adequate for everyone. It isn't as if we are Hawaii.

Pete, how do you figure you gave us 2 weeks notice? You decided today to move it to one day for a match that is next Sat. That's a 6 day notice. That must be some new common core math. The people who responded here to your question preferred to keep it two days. Those of us coming from out-of-town made hotel reservations and other plans well in advance. I could see the change if there was a good reason for it, like some unforeseen issue popping up. But this is just a whim of yours. In your first post you said you didn't care one way or the other.

I'll shoot both events. Oh, you can bet your @$$ I'm going to shoot. "Drag it out", you say that as if someone else made the schedule in the first place. YOU originally chose to make it two days. We planned around that in good faith.
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