Life Is Tough,But If You Insist On Being Stupid, It Is REALLY tough

i knew there was something in common jackie.
not in shooting but in attitude.
my dads parents are prussian( military families of germany).
i'm a solid half.....( eng/irish/scot/ital on the other side)
and it does show.
and now we take you back to shooting..........

mike in co
I am a Texan and I will gladly tell anyone about it.

When I stand in front of the Alamo I feel that I am standing on hallowed ground. When I look at the memorial to the men who died there I notice that there are names of men from all of the states at the time. There are names from Tennessee and the Southern states and there are names from the New England states and several countries in Europe. There are also many Mexican names and that is often forgotten. These were tough freedom loving men who just could not believe they could lose. The United States owes to these men that we not forget what they did here.

I wouldn't want to live in an America without a Texas. It would look kind of funny, like something was missing.

Concho Bill
Thanks Concho

Now as Mike say's it's back to shooting and Bench rest talk. I think everyone has heard enough about Texas

By the way I think it must be tuff playing that 6 string Jackie !!
Hi Fellas.
Just funnin' about Texas.
History and Shooting in The United States of America, go together.
And I am a Proud Citizen/Mutt of The United States of America.

Jackie. Hope you finger grows back, good. Mine did. I still have 9 good digits.:)

Spring has come to The Great White North. At 11 pm EST is was 56 degrees. Just south of Detroit.
Friday is range day.
I am down to 4 days a week.
Be safe fellas. :)
Greg: I have a couple of them. I just didn't want to fire up the air compressor in the garage and drag 100' of air hose through the house to do a small job. Pretty smart, no? :eek:

I'm also installing some tongue and groove oak flooring in our daughters house using a mallet driven nailer. Gawd only knows what's in store for my digits before this deal is over.....

I can tell you from personal experience that A nail gun will put a hurtin on you too.

I notice your home is in Maine but you are currently in South Korea...Now that is outside the box!! If you don't mind me asking what takes you there?
I would guess "work" or the service