OK...Al you have indicated that anyone that doesn't share your exact position on the Second Amendment should be deported...what is your solution to keeping the crazy "wackos" from getting their hands on high capacity semi-auto weapons ..???...not just a broad statement but a realistic solution.????
Show us how you would do it not how to attack another gun owner with a different opinion..!
Eddie in Texas
Eddie, I disagree with your premise "keep wacko's from getting hicap mags."
There is no way to "keep wacko's from getting" anything!
NO.....WAY....TO....DO....IT Even if you "ban" stuff it's still available.
See, here's where we differ you and I. I believe in guns like I believe in cars or boats or dirtbikes. They're part of my life. I'm as licensed Hunter Ed instructor, I TRAIN people to be safe with firearms, same way there are classes for driving stuff...... BTW Cars are MUCH more dangerous than guns and don't get me started on boats and dirtbikes!!! Those are DANGEROUS!
But I'm not about "banning them" nor "limiting" them like they do in other countries. I don't LIVE in another country, if I wanted to, I would.
My suggestion? REALLY? If you feel unsafe in this gun-crazy country, move somewhere safer!
No, I'm not suggesting "deporting" you, I'm just saying, if you don't like it here, MOVE! That's what we Americans do, we vote with our feet. Nobody "deports" us, nobody tells us what to do, we just have the freedom to DO what we want to do.
So DO it..... move to where you get the laws you're comfortable with. Move to where the kids are safer....