Well, we're waiting to hear your platform,

No platform, just the simple hope that we could have an intelligent and open discussion of options we have to prevent more school shootings. Intelligent and open imply that no options are off the table before the discussion begins. But there are those who support taking options off the table in the hope that this will result in no action. All that does is ensure that next month or next year there will be other school shootings. I just don't buy into the strategy that we can (and should) do nothing. We just need to be smart enough to figure out what will work and what would not.
My observation on the difference between high capacity semi-auto weapons and low capacity semi-auto weapons is a FEW SECONDS to reload. The first to go is the high capacity, and then when some idiot shoots a bunch more innocent people, the low capacity will be next. Then the bolt action, then the single shot, then.....................

Not trying to be an advocate here, but...why does anyone want a high capacity magazine?? for their AR or 10-22..??? so they don't have to reload so often, because that slows down the rate of fire....I would rather a gunman trying to kill people in a school or mall have to carry a whole bunch of 5 round magazines than a few 30 rounds mags...might give someone a chance to escape with their lives...If everyone is armed and can carry do you think it will be a nice calm "Black Friday" at the malls and department stores around the USA...look at all the fights they get into over someone grabbing an item on sale from another, or someone breaking the line waiting to get into a Walmart sale...there is too much rage and when everyone can carry the person that feels assaulted by someone pushing or shoving will end up in a shooting...Don't agree???...ask your local police department if they (all of them not just your one choice) think every citizen should be armed and allowed to carry in public places...Oh yeah how about the local Pubs too...everyone has the Second Amendment right to be armed...
Iowa, where i live, became a "shall issue" State 2 years ago. Things have not reverted to the days of the wild West here. I haven't seen anyone carrying open yet, but know lots of guys carrying concealed, even a couple at church. I feel much safer with all the protection around, not threatened. I'm not sure how the County Sheriff feels about this issue, but he must feel pretty safe, because HE DOES NOT CARRY A GUN. So,i guess i'll look to my self for protection.

Dave, really...Iowa...!!...the Pope doesn't carry a gun either...take a guess why...the population in Iowa is similar to Montana and Idaho...I hope you realize when we talk about heavily populated states where people live less than rural farm and ranch lives...more suburbian city types with no real need for guns other than recreation...I live in Texas very rural...I carry a weapon when out in the country where snakes and predators are on the hit list...I don't take my guns to town...but it is a shame to see a new highway loop addition with bullet holes in the signs along it...from people shooting from their vehicles at night...I feel certain it is not a 50+ year old white man out having target practice at 2am because he can't afford the $80 gun club membership...
just plain dumb comparison...
the pope does not carry a gun BECAUSE THE SWISS GUARD ARE ARMED....his personal protection.
the president does not carry a gun..because th ss does.....
i carry agun because i'm not the pope nor the president.
i have high capacity mags because i want to.......some are used in three gun comp, some are used in action pistol comp.......some because i do not trust my government.
why do you NEED a rifle that can kill a 100/200 yds ???

mike in co
Dave, really...Iowa...!!...the Pope doesn't carry a gun either...take a guess why...the population in Iowa is similar to Montana and Idaho...I hope you realize when we talk about heavily populated states where people live less than rural farm and ranch lives...more suburbian city types with no real need for guns other than recreation...I live in Texas very rural...I carry a weapon when out in the country where snakes and predators are on the hit list...I don't take my guns to town...but it is a shame to see a new highway loop addition with bullet holes in the signs along it...from people shooting from their vehicles at night...I feel certain it is not a 50+ year old white man out having target practice at 2am because he can't afford the $80 gun club membership...
all options that require me to give up my constitutional rights are off the table..
do you have some rights you want to give up ??
i don't.
mike in co
No platform, just the simple hope that we could have an intelligent and open discussion of options we have to prevent more school shootings. Intelligent and open imply that no options are off the table before the discussion begins. But there are those who support taking options off the table in the hope that this will result in no action. All that does is ensure that next month or next year there will be other school shootings. I just don't buy into the strategy that we can (and should) do nothing. We just need to be smart enough to figure out what will work and what would not.
"Those who would give up essential liberty to purchase a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety."
I stand with Poor Richard and Mike in Co on this one.
i tried watching the "interview"/
it is why i do not watch tv as a rule.
he tried to put words in waynes mouth.
guns are bad
magazines are bad
but the press is good.....
not one comment supporting the simple statement that the bad guy with a gun is stopped by a good guy with a gun.

never blamed a person...constantly blamed magazines and guns....
i turned it off....

just made me sick

mike in co
I saw a little of the farce(show). Wayne may as well have been on "The View". However, I thought he did ok under the circumstances.

Laws? Why don't they just make it ILLEGAL to go into a school and shoot CHILDREN?!!!

You're dealing with suicidal folks here, no one has ever figured out how to reason with 'em. Check the history of WWII, and now the suicide bombers, but I think there's laws relating to that too.
You could commit all the morons, but that'd leave Washington DC bare of politicians.

The gun control fanatics are going to ride this one hard, NRA needs to ride it even harder.
As to our "right to carry", there is a provision in the Bill of rights that says "we have the right to keep and bear". I'm totally against this secretive concealed carry permitting rule. We already have that right.

One thing I'd really like to see is a "right to carry in plain view" for anyone who has received an Honorable Discharge from one of our armed forces. That tells the community, the good and the bad, that they once trained and trusted us with their lives and they still do.
Think about it!!!

We have the right to open carry here, but i think that is a little over the top. For one thing, if someone comes into a quick stop to rob the place, the first guy(if he see's him)he'll take out is the open carry guy. It seems as though most of the guys on the Iowa Carry Forum thinkthe same way, the law says you can open carry, but only a small percentage do. Our individual States should be in control of this, not the Feds.

Iowa has a populaion of 3,062,309 and has issused 160,122 carry permits in the last 2 years. Deduct for convicted felons and people under 21 and there are approximately over 6% with carry permits. No major bloodshed on the streets so far.

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As to our "right to carry", there is a provision in the Bill of rights that says "we have the right to keep and bear". I'm totally against this secretive concealed carry permitting rule. We already have that right.

One thing I'd really like to see is a "right to carry in plain view" for anyone who has received an Honorable Discharge from one of our armed forces. That tells the community, the good and the bad, that they once trained and trusted us with their lives and they still do.
Think about it!!!

First off I am a Veteran from the Viet Nam era, I'm active with our American Legion, I am also a Disabled Veteran. But considering someone should be able to carry just by the fact they got an Honorable Discharge from the armed forces is more than a little stretch. Not real sure I want someone with PTSD to be carrying open or otherwise. We already have a high suicided rate with discharged servicemen.

Think about it.

I know for a fact I'm asked every time I'm at the VA Hospital if I feel depressed.

BTW, I was never trained in the use of a handgun.
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i was in the navy.
nuc subs...
i was taught 45acp/1911 idea what it was..short bbl'd pump we shot #4 buck
i understand what your comments are about not...but i also agree with the "bear' part of the 2nd ammendment.
i do not need anyones PERMMISSION to protect me or my famiy anywhere we might be.
i only got a ccw because belize may allow me a permit if i have one in my home country.....i lived for years withput one.

mike in co

First off I am a Veteran from the Viet Nam era, I'm active with our American Legion, I am also a Disabled Veteran. But considering someone should be able to carry just by the fact they got an Honorable Discharge from the armed forces is more than a little stretch. Not real sure I want someone with PTSD to be carrying open or otherwise. We already have a high suicided rate with discharged servicemen.

Think about it.

I know for a fact I'm asked every time I'm at the VA Hospital if I feel depressed.

BTW, I was never trained in the use of a handgun.
OK...Al you have indicated that anyone that doesn't share your exact position on the Second Amendment should be deported...what is your solution to keeping the crazy "wackos" from getting their hands on high capacity semi-auto weapons ..???...not just a broad statement but a realistic solution.????
Show us how you would do it not how to attack another gun owner with a different opinion..!

Eddie in Texas

Eddie, I disagree with your premise "keep wacko's from getting hicap mags."

There is no way to "keep wacko's from getting" anything! NO.....WAY....TO....DO....IT Even if you "ban" stuff it's still available.

See, here's where we differ you and I. I believe in guns like I believe in cars or boats or dirtbikes. They're part of my life. I'm as licensed Hunter Ed instructor, I TRAIN people to be safe with firearms, same way there are classes for driving stuff...... BTW Cars are MUCH more dangerous than guns and don't get me started on boats and dirtbikes!!! Those are DANGEROUS!

But I'm not about "banning them" nor "limiting" them like they do in other countries. I don't LIVE in another country, if I wanted to, I would. :)

My suggestion? REALLY? If you feel unsafe in this gun-crazy country, move somewhere safer!

No, I'm not suggesting "deporting" you, I'm just saying, if you don't like it here, MOVE! That's what we Americans do, we vote with our feet. Nobody "deports" us, nobody tells us what to do, we just have the freedom to DO what we want to do. :)

So DO it..... move to where you get the laws you're comfortable with. Move to where the kids are safer....

Dave, really...Iowa...!!...the Pope doesn't carry a gun either...take a guess why...the population in Iowa is similar to Montana and Idaho...I hope you realize when we talk about heavily populated states where people live less than rural farm and ranch lives...more suburbian city types with no real need for guns other than recreation...I live in Texas very rural...I carry a weapon when out in the country where snakes and predators are on the hit list...I don't take my guns to town...but it is a shame to see a new highway loop addition with bullet holes in the signs along it...from people shooting from their vehicles at night...I feel certain it is not a 50+ year old white man out having target practice at 2am because he can't afford the $80 gun club membership...

Eddie, please READ what you wrote here :)

Does it make sense to you the next day?
I can't imagine why anyone would think that a new gun law other than allowing firearms in schools would make a difference. In this case and most every other of the mass shooting the perp broke many laws before they shot anyone at the school. This guy killed his mother, stole her guns, stole her car and then went to the school which was a gun free zone and he broke into the school. That is 5 laws that he broke before he shot anyone at the school. The very definition of a criminal is someone who doesn't obey the law. I personally think that teachers that are willing should be trained and encourage to carry concealed any time that they are at school. It's not a coincidence that these shootings take place in gun free zones. I agree 100 percent in don't give an inch and keep pushing for more freedoms all the time. A lot of politicians that claimed to support gun rights are using this as an excuse to try and take our gun rights away and we need to make them pay with their jobs come election day. You don't support us don't expect us to support you.
And I just don't have any idea what to say to those who mix suicide and service with the armed forces and "PTSD" into the mix....... we can't "fix" people!!!

We can't even friggin' DIAGNOSE them, let alone fix them!

I just can't get with those who think passing a law against hurricanes will help the children. I guess Momma raised me in this world, not some Dreamtime Fantasy Place....

This is so far off base that it really deserves no reply. You are guessing and assuming what I think and in nearly all instances you are dead wrong.

See, the problem is vic, I hear what you're SAYING, not what you think you're saying :)
