Y'all self police this thread and clean up the personal attacks.

Thanks Wilbur.......dialogue is good, personal attacks are not. I don't have to agree with anyone, and probably won't change anyone's mind with what i say.......................but i'll say it............

“The art of war teaches us to rely not on the likelihood of the enemy's not coming, but on our own readiness to receive him" - Sun Tsu
Your land is not YOUR land anymore. You are just allowed to use it as the government sees fit so long as you keep up on your rent, (TAXES).


I get amused at folks who think we live in a "free" country. We're only as "free" as the gov't lets us be. What puzzles me is how "we" let the gov't get so powerful.
Al and Joe

You speak of the EPA. Twenty years ago i had to get a Section 404 wetlands permit from the Corps of Engineers. It took over a year and was on my own property, some low river bottom ground that grew hemp weeds on a good year. I had to get an archeagological survey done($1,500) in case there were any indian artifacts there. Ain't no indian dumb enough to live in the mud on the river bottom with the mosquitos and other bugs, they go up on the hill to the dry ground and pitch their tents and where they can see the enemy coming. For every tree we disturbed we had to plant 1 1/2---that was tricky...........After a couple of years of planting and replanting the trees they told us to, they came to the conclusion the trees they told me to plant were more suited for higher ground.......i could have told the dumb a$$es that when i planted them the first time. Idiots. Also, this paperwork is taking way too long and is hurting the economy.

On another note, Uncle Sam just told me at the first of the year that my business radios could no longer be on the same frequency that i had a licence for for the last 40 years. So i had to buy all new business radios because most of the old ones could not be changed over. Thousands of dollars wasted that could have gone for improvments or raises for the employees.

The list of complying with rules and regulations goes on and on, and does nothing for my benefit. It just creates more government jobs, and costs me lots of money. I have the Mining Safety Health Administration Nazi's inspecting me at a minimum of 14 times per year making my business much safer........yea right. My insurance man tells me that my workman's compensation rate is as low as it can go.............we were doing just fine before my government sent me all these BOZOS.

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"A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed."

The term militia as used at the time off writing the 2nd amendment was used to mean the collective common able bodied men of the community whose duty it was deemed to be to protect the rights and well being of their family, community and country in time of need. In today’s world I believe that the militia really should have the same meaning. Unfortunately, in my opinion, the general population of our country now believes this responsibility can and should be completely delegated to local and state police, National Guard, and national armed forces.

I believe we would be better off if more people felt a responsibility to participate in this defense. I certainly would hope the general populous would do so if and when they found their local community, state, or nation under attack. This includes coming to the defense against crazed gunmen in schools, or any other area if they are capable. The best way for the general populous to be "capable" is to carry a firearm. If I had to choose a single firearm that I felt would be most effective for this purpose it would be and AR15/AR10 type rifle. My second choice would probably be a shotgun or semiautomatic pistol. Obviously the only real option for general concealed carry purposes is a pistol or revolver.

The term ARMS in the 2nd amendment is generally deemed to mean the type of firearm in general use by the militia or populous at the time. While our national armed forced generally use the M4 carbine, this is prohibited from general use as it is classified as a machine gun. The closest thing available to the general population and the most popular rifle in use at this time is the AR15/AR10.

While most scenarios may not require high capacity magazines, the 2nd amendment is not about hunting or sporting use. It is about defense of self, family, community, and nation. In those scenarios I do not want to be limited in my effectiveness by having to use low capacity magazines.

Indeed, while I have and greatly enjoy the use of a variety of revolvers, pistols, shotguns, & scoped bolt action rifles, by far the most versatile rifles I own are AR15/AR10 rifles; especially the newer light weight adjustable stock piston action versions. They are available in virtually any caliber you wish. They are very easy to load and unload. They can be nearly as accurate as a bolt action rifle. They are easily set up with iron sights, holographic sights, and scopes for easy use at both short and longer range. While I have very nice blot action rifles, if I was to go hunting say for deer and was going to do so by slow walking or tracking as opposed to stand hunting, I would rather use an AR10 in 308. It is lighter to carry. It is more maneuverable. It can easily be carried in the ready position on a sling. It allows a slightly more rapid second follow up shot if needed and has less recoil.

It is my opinion that the AR15/AR10 is the ideal platform of arms for today’s citizen who still by definition constitutes today’s militia. As such I believe it is precisely the ARM that should be protected by the 2nd amendment. I see no real value in handicapping it with low capacity magazines but I can get by with more 10 round magazines which are easily changed in less than 2 seconds. It just is inconvenient to have to carry more magazines and increases their weight.

If I had to limit myself to only one rifle it would be an AR15/AR10 as I believe it is the most versatile useful rifle on the market today. I just hope I’m allowed to keep them.
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I get amused at folks who think we live in a "free" country. We're only as "free" as the gov't lets us be. What puzzles me is how "we" let the gov't get so powerful.
Very simply "we" never called them on the mistake when they started calling our system of government a "Democracy" - something it was never supposed to be. And now that it's being run as one, we are suffering the pitfalls of that form of government. Simple "majority rule". Given that "you can fool some of the people all of the time, and all of the people some of the time" all one needs to do, is fool most of the people, most of the time to get to whatever ends you might see fit to pursue. Keeping everyone misinformed with disinformation and near-truths with the help of a willing media makes it even easier.

This one makes me laugh. Not at you James, but why this most likely happened.

The link says “No drones used to check feedlots” and I believe them. I also have a very good idea what happened to make the aluminum foil hat wearing pig farmers go all paranoid.

People have been flying Radio Control Airplanes as a hobby for many decades now. Clubs like to go outings where they see how many miles they can fly their R/C airplanes while following them with cars and sometimes full scale aircraft. Someone drives the car or flys the full-scale plane, someone flys the R/C plane, and someone watches for air traffic and other things. More recently R/C hobbyists have been using small video down links, so they can range out even farther.

Anyone who’s ever done this has been followed down the road for a mile or two by a Jesse Ventura fan wearing their aluminum foil hat. :D
There is a Really BIG Show here in the North East (Harrisburg PA) and the sponsor is a UK sponsor that banned the ARs, etc called the Eastern Outdoors Sports Show, a lot of people and organizations are now not attending it, I guess we will see what happens in a week or so. Hopefully the sponsor will change their minds about the ARs and allow them to be displayed.
, people (not government) want regulation, as companies seem to just walk onto your property and start drilling..

Now right here is exactly the problem with why we have so many of the senseless regulations. People spreading rumors not based on any facts whatsoever. Somebodys gonna take your statement as fact and say YES!!! We need to regulate that. I don't want someone walking on my property and drilling whenever they want.

What you just did is no different than what an uniformed anti-gunner would do. A little rumor, a little play on emotion and lets get some regulations passed. Facts be damned.
I can't even converse on this level. I'm done with the political posts.
I know how you feel there Joe. I get to thinking the same way on some of the technical subjects as well.
I was just informed on another thread that adding more Hydrogen and Oxygen to an air mixture of mostly Nitrogen would INCREASE the density of that air mixture. How does one argue against a point firmly planted in complete conjecture?
On second thought I'm back. If those that rely on facts, data and science don't make corrections to those misleading others it will just further reduce the usefulness of this site for those that are trying to learn.

I have a natural gas drilling rig drilling this very minute 100 yards off my back door. I didn't sign the in depth legal contracts and ALLOW them on my property without some very in depth studying of the process of hydraulic fracturing. It is safe.
On second thought I'm back. If those that rely on facts, data and science don't make corrections to those misleading others it will just further reduce the usefulness of this site for those that are trying to learn.

I have a natural gas drilling rig drilling this very minute 100 yards off my back door. I didn't sign the in depth legal contracts and ALLOW them on my property without some very in depth studying of the process of hydraulic fracturing. It is safe.

Are you Yoko Ono's neighbor? She was on the WNEP-TV protesting all the frackin' goin' up there....Now I find out she own's property in Northeast PA...and she's P.O.'d with the gas companies..............The abundance of meth labs in that area?.......I guess not so much of a problem to her.

This is where we DON'T walk away!

People like "SmokeItIn" are in large part THE REASON we're where we are today!

Let's start with the moniker...... let's pretend I'm a liberal, and let's pretend I DO CARE and want to be informed. So, I go over to the best shooting forum on the net, Bench Rest Central. And I click on "SmokeItIn" to see what he has to offer, "what viewpoint does SmokeItIn have which will convince this caring liberal that guns are OK... Even though the name "SmokeItIn" is kinda' inflammatory we'll give him the benefit of the doubt..."

Well, let's check off the points Mr SmokeItIn has made so far, just in this one thread.

#2, SmokeItIn sez "One side of regulation is about our natural resources. Around here, a lot of talk about ‘fracking’ and a LOT of water/chemicals are needed to release the gas, but controversy about earthquakes and water contamination are common, people (not government) want regulation,"


#2, SmokeItIn sez "as the government just walks onto people's lands and"... blahh blahh blahh

and with a link to a company right out of the liberal playbook no less!!!!!

and then

#3, SmokeItIn sez "It’s a simple statement really. OK , lets take China for example. There is little to no regulation, so companies lose money and/or products hurt or kill people in USA. Is it wrong to regulate it ? Their industry is where we were at its early point.. is it wrong to regulate something that might kill or hurt you or one of your loved ones? That is the controversy, right or wrong, companies need to be kept in check.."


#3, SmokeItIn sez "So do the bankers who caused the ’08 crisis that caused your 401K to take a dive, or your home property to lose value..
I’m not defending overregulation, I’m making a simple statement that I believe may be taken out of context..its not rumor either..people who want to regulate something know first hand .."


Good Lord, the man's a liberal! pure and simple. Another one....

Guys, being a shooter DOES NOT make one wise nor make one a conservative!


And we must educate each other. We MUST grow up, or we'll lose our (HAVE lost our) rights one by one.

"WE THE PEOPLE" is a truth,

and a responsibility.

Perhaps liberals can relate to movie quotes best....... "with great power comes great responsibility" ........... Spiderman's dad


We could employ the "foam at the mouth test" - Liberals will flunk.

Homes have not really lost "value" - they are still as far over "normal" priced as 30 round windowed Pmags.
The false bubble that the Carter and Clinton regulations forced the bankers to accept the high risk loans just burst out from under the forced inflationary home pricing.
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