Response to #134 ...

"Machine guns" and full-auto weapons have been illegal in the U.S. since 1934, so the fact that criminals are using them against law enforcement is evidence that criminals do not follow the law. What possible law can we pass that would have stopped the Sandy Hook thing? We are all stunned and alarmed by the tragedy there and the awareness of how fragile the safety of our own loved ones really is. Every single thing that shooter did is already against the law. True organized criminals, the kind that can build a 1/2-mile long tunnel 10 stories underground between Mexico and California to transport drugs, are oblivious to the laws. People with chronic depression, mental instability, etc. are oblivious to the laws.

We need to stop looking for a law to fix the problem.
We need to stop looking for a law to fix the problem.
Given that, almost without fail, these types of "fix-it" laws cause many more problems than they were intended to solve - this would be a much better start than has been previously tried. Government intervention is quite possibly to blame for much of the mental instability behind many of these incidences anyway.
How about a law that says if you are caught committing a crime with a gun you are either sent to china to jail or Mexico, think that would stop it? If you want a Sympathetic ear call me {315} 342- 3088

Joe Salt
Sorry, al, but the issue is not what you think you know or what your dictionary says, it's what do the words mean, and the Constitution does not give you and your dictionary the right to make that call.

Spoken like a true believer, you and HillBillary are one,

"Strong be the farce in this one"

"Obama padme hum"

(You could look it all up, but it won't help :) )

problem is jcwit, we been payin' stupid people too much to do to little for too long!

They think they're worth it, and they outnumber us!


Our ancestors are rolling in their graves....... our POTUS ran on "growing the economy from the middle class out" and freakin' WON!!!

"You cain't FIX stupid!" You can only let it die, Darwinism WILL prevail. Painful though.

that one quote I havent heard in a while, and so true ("you can't fix stupid") lmao! The Democrat agenda is to make laws til yo blu in da face, boy.. don't care if it works, just make believe we doin sumtin, see we earnin our salary now! .. oops was that speech a fopah? sometimes they got to be the dumbest smart people around, but I digress..

There's no way to rule innocent men. The only power any government has is the power to crack down on criminals. Well, when there aren't enough criminals one makes them. One declares so many things to be a crime that it becomes impossible for men to live without breaking laws. Who wants a nation of law-abiding citizens? What's there in that for anyone? But just pass the kind of laws that can neither be observed nor enforced or objectively interpreted – and you create a nation of law-breakers – and then you cash in on guilt.-Ayn Rand

They're smarter than we give them credit for. Think about it. All the rules and regulations created by Government. Not just this 2nd Amendment issue we're dealing with today but in total.
Over 40,000 new US Code Regulations on the books during the Bush administration. Wish I had current numbers for ya but I don't. Theres almost 300,000 government employees in the US Regulatory Department alone.
This is the game being played wether we're aware or not.
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Over 40,000 new US Code Regulations on the books during the Bush administration.

Yes indeed. Way too many regulations these days. We need to return to the good old days, especially for environmental regulations. In the good old days GE could dump huge amounts of PCB's into the Hudson River so that today we must spend billions to dredge it out. If you like poisoned water, no fish and dead wildlife you should really love the good old days when regulations were few.
Yes indeed. Way too many regulations these days. We need to return to the good old days, especially for environmental regulations. In the good old days GE could dump huge amounts of PCB's into the Hudson River so that today we must spend billions to dredge it out. If you like poisoned water, no fish and dead wildlife you should really love the good old days when regulations were few.
Typical hyperbole - I guess you think it's fine that you can get jail time and a fine for fixing a backed up septic system because it dries up your back yard thus disturbing a "wetland". (And no I didn't make that up - it happened around here.)
Yes indeed. Way too many regulations these days. We need to return to the good old days, especially for environmental regulations. In the good old days GE could dump huge amounts of PCB's into the Hudson River so that today we must spend billions to dredge it out. If you like poisoned water, no fish and dead wildlife you should really love the good old days when regulations were few.

vicy vicy vicy. I won't even bother to take you to task for the MSNBC talking points. I know they're ingrained in your pshyche.
Do you really think all those regulations are created to control the fish? The factories? Or us?
Don't attempt to assuage the guilt of your convictions by pointing to the wrong doing of a corporation. That lament has grown old.
(FWIW I see GE is footing the bill)
How many of the regulations of US code are enforced openly, judiciously?
How many are merely used as bargaining chips by the government much like the muzzle of a gun? Under the table blackmail to coerce.
Creating criminals is exactly the business of big Government. Its the only real path to power.
Yes indeed. Way too many regulations these days. We need to return to the good old days, especially for environmental regulations. In the good old days GE could dump huge amounts of PCB's into the Hudson River so that today we must spend billions to dredge it out. If you like poisoned water, no fish and dead wildlife you should really love the good old days when regulations were few.

YES!!! You're damn right! Especially environmental regulations. The EPA is WAY out of control and over reaching.

My neighbor who is a farmer, started to build a pond in his cow pasture. The EPA showed up and told him to cease and desist because there might be an endangered frog living in that area. Though he did have the option of allowing a college to come in and study the area for potential approval.

I bought a run down drug house in my neighborhood so I could tear it down and clean the place up. They had no garbage service for years. Just threw it out the windows. No lawn in years. Their sewage just ran out of the basement down a hand dug ditch into a low area. Someone turned me in. I nearly couldn't clean that property up because their feaces created a wetland by definition. Before an inspector could get out there I turned that place upside down with some big equipment. I won that one.

I have a runoff ditch that travels down the side of a dirt road, crosses 100 yard field, travels the side of a hard road about 50 yards, under the road with a pipe and dumps on my property. It is a major headache keeping the runoff silt and garbage from the road out of it. If I don't keep it clean, it'll leach out and create "wetlands". An engineer just told me I shouldn't be doing that because it meets the EPA definition of a "stream". Further defined as a "stream feeding into a clean watershed". I'm still fighting that one.

I'm trying to build a new building on my commercial property to expand my business and, get this, CREATE JOBS. EPA has the project shut down because I need to mitigate the increased flow of rainwater from the 3 acre project. Things such as containment ponds need to be constructed. Then they can make you test the contained water periodically to prove you aren't contaminating the water. Engineer says they want to see islands throughout the parking areas containing green shrubbery and trees. Says they encourage large facilities to plant rooftop gardens to reduce your environmental impact. No kidding! I'm not sure how long I can fight this one.

EPA, OSHA, Department of Labor, County Conservation District, Building Codes Enforcement, County Planning Committee, Town Board all standing in line with a stack of regulations. I'm sure I forgot some in there too. But if I want to stay in my old run down inefficient building with no growth potential..... NO PROBLEM. "We're here to help you". So the OSHA guy explains to me before his citation writing session over electrical wiring violations. I mean damn those electricians that wired the building 60 years ago. Why couldn't they see eventually there would be "some common sense approaches" legislated to protect people from themselves.

I feel I do understand what the founding fathers afforded the second amendmet for. And it surely wasn't for food getting. I've been silent in these gun rights postings because they are well covered with opinions. But now, vicvanb, ya got under my skin, XXXXXXXXXX (edited out).
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Our government is neat, really. It is a caring government and a sharing government. For example we GIVE our latest military technology to Israel. Israel sells it to Communist China for hard cash. Communist China pays Israel in hard cash they earned from you and I when we go to a Wally World and buy a TV set made in Communist China!!

Now, tell me, what is wrong with that? Neat, huh!!
Go Joe!!!


I too am in the building/development game....... we could share stories for days,

weeks even!

Incidentally I live on 80acres with a crick, only twelve minutes from the nearest Walmart. I have to FIGHT to keep the goobermint off my property. I can't (won't) even let the choppers dip water from my pond to fight forest fires because opening the door even a tiny crack lets the fumes in. My KIDS are taught that when a man comes to the door and asks to "look around" they say "not without my dad's permission." The only thing left be it at home or on the job is trespass law....

I like the way Coots puts it, it's "the guys who sign a check on the back" VS "the guys who sign on the front."


I feel a tremendous responsibility to write this article though I am a little apprehensive. Thinking about the possibility of rising up against our own government is a frightening thing for many of us. I am not Johnny Rambo and I will be the first to admit that I do not want to die. The reason I feel compelled to write this, however, is simply because I don’t think the average American is equipped with the facts. I feel that a lot of American citizens feel like they have no choice but to surrender their guns if the government comes for them. I blame traditional media sources for this mass brainwash and I carry the responsibility of all small independent bloggers to tell the truth. So my focus today is to lay out your constitutional rights as an American, and let you decide what to do with those rights.

Read more:

For those who try to debate the spirit of the 2nd amendment, they are
truly no different from people who will try to take Biblical quotes out
of context to try to support their immoral decisions. The founders were
very clear on the intent of the 2nd amendment. Let me share a few quick
quotes here:

The strongest reason for people to retain the right to keep and bear
arms is, as a last resort, to protect themselves against tyranny in
government. -Thomas Jefferson

Firearms stand next in importance to the Constitution itself. They are
the American people’s liberty teeth and keystone under independence …
From the hour the Pilgrims landed, to the present day, events,
occurrences, and tendencies prove that to insure peace, security and
happiness, the rifle and pistol are equally indispensable . . . the very
atmosphere of firearms everywhere restrains evil interference – they
deserve a place of honor with all that is good. -George Washington

The Constitution shall never be construed….to prevent the people of the
United States who are peaceable citizens from keeping their own arms.
-Samuel Adams

I could find hundreds of quotes like these. This country was built on
the right to bear arms. It was built on the rights of an individual to
bear arms, regardless of what his government or neighbor happened to
think. This is crystal clear. Ironically the people who voice their
opinions against this right have their free speech protected by your
guns. Without guns in this country, all other amendments become null and
void, simply because “We the People” will lose our power of enforcement.
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Go Joe!!!


I too am in the building/development game....... we could share stories for days,

weeks even!

The only thing left be it at home or on the job is trespass law....


I know we could. I've spent hours listening to stories my engineer has. He currently has five businesses with people on unemployment that could be working if only someone at the EPA would take a piece of paper off their desk and put it in the mail. He said you can't even complain to anyone because they are protected by the government union. They'll get to it when their good and ready.

Not sure if you are aware, the EPA now uses satellite imagery to access your property. Software can compare images and detect changes happening on your property and alert somebody to zoom in and check it out. Infrared technology allows them to identify wetland vegetation so even if you start excavation or fill in a wet spot, they can go back and tell what used to be there. I'm sure in the future they'll have a drone or robot access your property to get around your trespass law.

For those of you not familiar with wetlands, you would be shocked at how little it takes to meet the definition in the regulations. Your land is not YOUR land anymore. You are just allowed to use it as the government sees fit so long as you keep up on your rent, (TAXES).