"Exegetical???????" Can't find it in my dictionary. Maybe I'm dead wrong and an "exegetical" reading says that the 1994 assault rifle restrictions were unconstitutional and we must not consider similar restrictions now. Or maybe it's unconstitutional to restrict 30-round magazines? If so, I apologize. Very sorry. Please forgive me. If not, please inform me.
I'm gonna' try this another way
First of, the entire text of the 2nd Amendment. I keep the Constitution close to hand.
A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed.
IMO that's clear, simple and to the point. It's TOO clear for most people, it just gives us TOO MUCH FREEDOM!!!
Scary...... who's gonna' look after us?
So let's examine another thorny issue, women's suffrage. We The People drafted an amendment to our Constitution, it reads thus: again, in it's entirety.
Amendment XIX.
The right of citizens of the United States to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any State on account of sex. Congress shall have power to enforce this article by appropriate legislation.
Note again one of them terrible caveats, "or abridged." "Or abridged" is suspiciously familiar eh??? Sounds kinda; like "shall not be infringed."
Now WHAT IF we've made a horrible mistake by allowing female people to vote? WHAT IF by allowing them to vote we get results like the 1994 assault rifle restrictions and presidents like Obama? WHAT IF, to "fix" this mess we were to pass legislation saying "OK, OK, women can vote just as long as they vote like their husbands." or, howsa'bout "OK, women can vote in local elections but not for POTUS?"
I'll stop now with this example because I'll NEVER be able to straighten out all the twisted "interpretations of what I'm saying" if I go further BUT, please read the Second Amendment in it's entirety and then you tell me......IS IT Constitutional to slop together goofy little emotionally bent rulings like "the '94 assault weapons ban" and make them stick only because people are too apathetic and uninformed to STOP THEM?
"All that's necessary for evil to prevail, is that good men do nothing"
Now, you've made it clear that you believe more restrictions will "stop the horror" (ughhhh, that rolls my guts just to type it) but I ask you, are you willing to trample the Constitution to do it? We know for fact that Obama is. He's stated clearly and for the record that he has no problem with endrunning the Constitution.
Most Americans are perfectly happy to bend the law to suit their agendas....
I'm not.