IR50/50 Indoor Nationals

Cameron rule

Mike was disqualified @ Kettlefoot for fireing a shot miliseconds before commence Fire about 2.5 years ago, at a tournament , some of these BR rifles have some ultra light triggers and I have seen this happen several times , never a disqualification in ARA ,embarassment is generally enough! Same thing on crossfires,takes a minute or two to straighten it out , but embarass ment is enough, and this generally happens at tight ranges like the Barn,and mostly with newer shooters,no heads are taken for trophys! Just unfortunate! So,if a MD says it`s OK for a competitor to shoot a Sporter Target on 10.5lb relay for a sporter official score after the competitor left an open bench on his original relay is within the rules, that won`t fly in unlimited ARA! If you missed or left or what ever, it`s just too bad! Is Mr Weeter right in it was a good call??? I am done with this and will not let OTIS drag me back in again !!!!
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Just be consistent ,don`t envoke a nuclear reaction on Saturday, then awk shucks on Sunday let one slide cause of a stupid mistake of Tardiness, big boys selective prosecution gets a lot of egg on faces; TAKE IT LIKE A MAN ATTITUDE, you`ve been there and got shamed, 50/50 has too many rules that most take the fun out of it, it wasn`t fun on your miscue,(My buddy Chan did the same miscue @ Kettlefoot at the ARA match after the PSL that same year of your Miscue and everybody got a laugh! Same deal different results.We did call him Little Mike for a day or two! )that was the shot heard around the world and could have been handled a lot better, but if they want all those kindergarden rules, It Is the problem! As BC said ,those rules are put in for some one elses advantage! Never been a better example than @ Luray this past weekend! Remove about 50% of them and make it better for everyone! That`s all Folks!!

lol@ LITTLE MIKE! c-ya on the range.
Actually it was implemented in 2011 that any competitor can protest any other competitors "obvious" error in scoring. This excludes anything that isn't obvious. If a clear 50 is scored 100 it can be protested by any competitor. That means you cannot ask for a plug on another target but can ask that an "obvious" error be corrected. It is also up to the Match Director to decide whether to address it or not.


p.s. see ARA Rule Number 16.9.4

Is the term "obvious" not vague in itself? What if a shot should have obviously been plugged?
Clear as Mud

And in the same light, if an obvious 100 is score a 50, who'lll be the first to point it out.
IR 50/50 Rules/ Section One
The second sentence of the second paragraph under "Match Requirements"


Beginning a match:

Mike was disqualified @ Kettlefoot for fireing a shot miliseconds before commence Fire about 2.5 years ago, at a tournament , some of these BR rifles have some ultra light triggers and I have seen this happen several times , never a disqualification in ARA ,embarassment is generally enough! Same thing on crossfires,takes a minute or two to straighten it out , but embarass ment is enough, and this generally happens at tight ranges like the Barn,and mostly with newer shooters,no heads are taken for trophys! Just unfortunate! So,if a MD says it`s OK for a competitor to shoot a Sporter Target on 10.5lb relay for a sporter official score after the competitor left an open bench on his original relay is within the rules, that won`t fly in unlimited ARA! If you missed or left or what ever, it`s just too bad! Is Mr Weeter right in it was a good call??? I am done with this and will not let OTIS drag me back in again !!!!

This is another area that is all over the place. Some ranges use the commands Insert Bolt, Insert cartridge, commence fire. No place in that is the command Close Bolt and, some ranges do not allow cartridges to be loaded before the command Commence fire. Standardizing the range commands and not allowing cartridges to be inserted would clear thing up quite a bit and why is there a need to have bolts inserted before Commence Fire is called? Range commands need to be published as well. The vast majority of shooters are finished way before time expires. There should never be a need to excuse discharging a shot before the command Commence Fire is not only uttered but no longer echoing, IMHO.

I believe the Rules Book is a living document to be changed as need arises. I also believe that Rules should be absolutely clear, without any Gray, thus the Living document
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Sporter Scope

Sporter scope must be 6.5 power or UNDER. Is there a way to test the power so this rule can be enforced?
Perhaps someone who knows will chime in:

I have heard of a way to do it but as proven by my memory on triggers, I dare not opine. I have 7 or 8 straight 6X scopes and none of them appear to have exactly the same magnification, from my vision, at least. Perhaps a call to a scope maker or someone who repairs scopes could shed some light?
Sporter scope must be 6.5 power or UNDER. Is there a way to test the power so this rule can be enforced?

Wilbur had the best system, it was clear plastic with exit pupil diameters etched into it for various magnification levels. Real straight forward to verify 6x is just that.
The objective lens diameter, divided by the scope's power, will give you the exit pupil diameter. A frosted diffuser with a flashlight for the incoming, and a frosted film with the diameters etched on it as Tim says, for the ocular end, some basic math, and you have it.

Take your 6.5 Leupold, with a 40mm lens, point it towards something bright, stick a piece of white paper behind it, and you should see a circle a little over 6mm in diameter.

Try this with your T36 Weaver, and the circle will only be slightly over 1mm.


PS: Pete, do this with your scopes and it will tell you exactly how much magnification each of them has.
You can stand ten feet behind a rifle set on the bags and tell if it's out of bounds by looking at the circle of light in the eyepiece.
You can stand ten feet behind a rifle set on the bags and tell if it's out of bounds by looking at the circle of light in the eyepiece.

Mr wilbur if it is so easy to test then why isnt there a rule that all sporter scopes must be checked or at least the top 3 (like weighing them) and I am not inferring anything here but I know that from the manufacturer they differ and some shooters, I think, have an advantage if their "factory" set-up scope doesnt fall in the 6.5 but may be 8, if there is (as is suggested here in the last several posts) such an easy way to check shouldnt that be in there (the rule book that is)?
Mike Cameron
Well YES, there should be!! Are you willing to be the one that tells the guy that the 6X scope he just bought in good faith is actually 7.2X and he's DISQUALIFIED? This is the same fellow that wouldn't cheat if you paid him to. If not, then careful what you ask for.

Alternatively, this can be dropped right now and let it go as it has for all these years - successfully. I'm not saying to let a guy get away with a modified scope and somewhere along the line Bill might have to "outlaw" specific scopes by model. I am saying that if a scope is simply "suspect", it ain't worth the trouble. In other words....this ditch ain't worth dying in.
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How about giving me a call at your convenience. 336-696-2979 If machine answers say "It's Wilbur, dang it pick up" and I'll answer:)