IBS Annual Meeting Summary

Then we have to raise the cost of componets of 22 and sixes to 30 cal. levels. Randy

Mr. Rewinder, is that your first name or last? I haven't done the math but if you take into consideration that you might get 1,200-1,500 rounds out of a good match grade barrel for your 22 & 6's and about 5,000-6,000 out of a 30br match grade barrel @ 425 a crack is what I pay from my smith, sounds like it kind of equals out to me. That being said, I believe I read somewhere that the top br shooter in the world retires a barrel after about 700 rounds. Then again there are shooters who complain about the recoil for whatever reason. Are you really going to try to work until you are 108 years old = profile?

Dan Honert
it's cold out

I love reading the boards during the winter.

Matt Guthrie
Mr Dan H. (Are you really going to try to work until you are 108 years old = profile). I currently have a 6 foot 190 lb. 14 yr old who likes football and understands math. It doesn't look like I'm going to be saving any money for retirement. Hopefully he can get some kind of scholarship. Rewinder operater is my job title at work (work in a papermill) Randy
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Check out Airgun Benchrest. 500 Match grade pellets for $ about $10.00. Same challenges and same fun.

I guess we an live without knowing, but what happened to the 10 months between the time the question was asked & your answer?
Its winter and I was looking at some old posts to see if I still thought the same as a year ago. And Mr. Dan H. deserves a answer Thats part of me I hope doesn't change. Randy
I was at a club score match and i think the 6ppc was the first couple of places,,there were a few 30BR's but not at the top of the board.
caliber neutral , Thats what the UBR is doing, just go shoot UBR.
Guys it seems i have found a few clubs that shoot a few group,score, UBR ect.. and im finding at club level the rules are kind of lax, kind shoot what ya brought kind of deal.
I was getting ready to pack up and leave when the guy to my right set up a 338Lapua Mag, but hey he had a suppressor for it so it was kind of funny,every time it went off we just kind of looked at each other and laughed. it was very quiet.
as far as real reg shoots im going to try and make two next year, thats it, but want to shoot as many club matches as i can.
Caliber neutral score targets...

Well...I know that if we go to caliber neutral score targets in Hunter/VFS...I am going back to 6mm...the recoil and accuracy will make it "the" caliber to use...and I think barrel life is only a minor issue as the cost of 30 caliber bullets (in my opinion) has gone up at a higher rate than 6mm bullets..
I just enjoy score shooting...

Eddie in Texas
I can't see where theres a big differance as to caliber. For years hunter class has shot 30 cals and wining
The good shooting 308 rifles set records in group years ago. jim Stekl was one big winner.
The hole advantage really isn't that much compared to the drift advantage that the 6mm has.
You have to really figure the hold differently with the 30 br. at times the 6mm has the edge.
My god I am glad to see someone who understands!!!! There is NO SUCH thing as caliber neutral! Just good shooters and BAD shooters.I have been beaten by 6"s while shooting a 30 and I have beaten a whole field of 30's while shooting a 6. Good day, bad day. Thank you Gerry.
My god I am glad to see someone who understands!!!! There is NO SUCH thing as caliber neutral! Just good shooters and BAD shooters.I have been beaten by 6"s while shooting a 30 and I have beaten a whole field of 30's while shooting a 6. Good day, bad day. Thank you Gerry.

Dave...does this mean you are not in favor of caliber neutral targets?
My god I am glad to see someone who understands!!!! There is NO SUCH thing as caliber neutral! Just good shooters and BAD shooters.I have been beaten by 6"s while shooting a 30 and I have beaten a whole field of 30's while shooting a 6. Good day, bad day. Thank you Gerry.

David, I agree that if it's your day, it's your day, and that a 6 can win at any given time....but, when did a 6mm last WIN an IBS 100 or 100-200 Grand agg match? It may well have happened more than once this year, but I'd guess that there have been many more days that a 30 has come out on top. On an IBS 100 yard target, the choice is clear...give me a good shooting 30...I'll take my chances against it being "his" day with a 6mm. On a caliber neutral target, the odds are much better for the smaller caliber to win, and the results show this.--Mike
As long as you guys realize this is a year-old thread, on the 2011 IBS annual meeting, conducted 10+ months ago . . .
FWIW, I went through all the 2011 results on the IBS site and there are some without equipment lists but of the ones with caliber noted, the best two showings of a 6 PPC this year was: Bob Blanchard @ St. Johnsbury, third, 250/14X to the winning 250/17X; and M. Sobotkin @ Southington, CT, second, 250/19X to the winning 250/20X. What really surprised me was the number of shoots without a 6 even being listed. In the Northeast, score shooting seems to have gone the way of the 30BR.
What do you get if you shoot a 30BR in a group match? Think about it.

I may be slow, but are you making the point that groups are measured "caliber neutral?" If so, it is a good and relevant point. Why does score shooting discriminate against smaller calibers, when group does not??? Let's get the ACLU on this case!;)
