I am the NRA and I VOTE!!

If just half of the gun owners in America would join the NRA those gun grabbing boys wouldn't even want to talk about gun control for fear of being voted out. Look how much influence about 4 million members have. Just think what would happen if we were 45-50 million strong. The only thing that matters to those boys in DC is to KEEP THEIR JOBS.

Jerry's right write your reps and let them know what happens when they vote for more gun control.

Also, I sell NRA memberships in my shop and I would encourage all you guys that have gun shops to do the same. It's easy and does not take up much of your time. Most gun owners don't know how important it is to have a voice in Washington D.C. to protect your rights. Educate your clients or pretty soon we won't have clients or a gun shop. If you ask your customers about the NRA you will be suprised how many are not members. I was suprised, But after educating them I have never had any of them turn down a membership. Boe
Agree 1000 percent.
While the NRA might be a little overbearing to some, always remember that they are the ONE organization totally dedicated to preserving our 2d Amendment Rights.

A few years back, there was a movie called "The American President" In it, the Character of President played by Micchael Douglas made a statement to one of his political opponents, "Yes, I am a member of the ACLU, mu question is, why aren't you". The jist was that the ACLU was the one organization that stood up for the Bill of Rights.

Well, the 2d Amendment is one of the Bill of Rights. So I would say to my President, "yes, President Obama, I am a member of the NRA, my question is, why aren't you".

President Obama took an oath to degend and uphold The Constitution of the United States. This includes ALL of that Constitution.
A lot of Senators and Congressmen are getting messages that say: "I'm the NRA and I support universal background checks."
A lot of Senators and Congressmen are getting messages that say: "I'm the NRA and I support universal background checks."

I think vic is right......

There's just a lot of stuff written into our Constitution that people don't understand AND CAN BE TALKED OUT OF. We're being trained to worry about "the other guy" and his motives.

This is specifically why we were set up as a Representative Republic and not as a democracy.

As far as I know the concept "innocent until proven guilty" is uniquely American. As are many other seemingly "unfair" concepts.

Trust, we're being told it's an antiquated concept :)

Do people think that background checks will stop the Crime, there are people in these gangs that have no criminal records that can pass one. Then they just say OK boss what do you want me to buy. They have to start putting people in jail not just a slap on the wrist and let them go.The people with the money are running this Country, like George Soro's, the NRA doesn't even come close to his BILLIONS! Just remember this History repeats its self. {AND WHEN THEY CAME AND GOT THE JEW"S THE CATHOLICS SAID THAT'S OK I'M NOT JEWISH}

Joe Salt
I made an offer to all my employees that ends tomorrow. I am paying 1/2 of the lifetime membership if they choose to join. So far 10 have signed up.

I made an offer to all my employees that ends tomorrow. I am paying 1/2 of the lifetime membership if they choose to join. So far 10 have signed up.
Later Dave

Classy move, Dave....good for you! About 12-13 years ago, I paid the first years NRA dues for a coworker of mine....a single gal. She's still a member.

Good shootin'. -Al