How do we get the "Big Names" to post???

Possibly, my posts are so off base that there is no viable response or no success path is detectable.
One thing great about this forum is: you never know where these threads are going until you get there!

Thank you Wilbur

Don't ya think the middle of the pack shooters have something to offer the Beginner? Do the Beginners realllly need to hear the way the BIG bigs do things? Those things aren't much, if any different than the MIDDLE middle of the packers as far as the beginner is concerned. I know of folks who can be considered BIGs and I would, in no way, follow follow some of the practices they do.

The rub comes in that there is more than one way to do things.
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I'm going out a limb here and define "Big Name Shooter" as one who wins regularly or has won enough to be perceived as credible. These folks have reduced the benchrest equation to one of simple arithmetic (analogous) rather than advanced theoretical calculii that seems to be popular in discussions. The average reader refuses to accept that simplicity. Not only refuses, but is often adamant that no such simplicity exists.

Truth is, all that is important has been stated in simple terms many times over and those "names" have tired of posting the same thing time and again. If that's true (and it is) why not just list them on a static web page and close this forum?

What fun would that be ?!?!

Well, there's the best post on this thread!
Define Big Name ...
In my corner of the shooting world there are several that post regularly, some in my mind are on the Big list. Randy Jarvais, Peter Wass, Greg Palman, just to name a few are here frequently. Those are but a few in the State of Maine. All of whom have helped in some form with my shooting. Hope some day I may be able to share with them some findings that may help. Many of my questions have been answered here by replys from I'm not sure who, due to the call names people use. I guess it could have been a Big Name reply. I got good answers and Im better for it. I have yet to meet anyone on the Great Big list who wont chat after a match, while setting flags or at lunch. The information is there, just not always on a website. They are all willing to share. At least the ones I have had the privilege to talk with. Good information is that in which a positive result will occur. Might come from a Rookie or a legend ..

Wilbur, dont change a thing .. : )

Andy B.
My Wife is a School Teacher. She has taught the same lessons time, and time, and time again.

But, she does this to a brand new set of faces each year, all ignorant untill she imparts Her knowledge and Wisdom upon them. I guess she is a "Big Name".

We go "heck, not another question about (fill in the blank)". But for us that have been doing this for years, we forget that there are thousands, and thousands, of shooters who do not have a clue what we are doing, but are looking to get a foot in the door, and the best door to knock on is right here on