I told myself I was going to stay out of this discussion, but I don't listen very well from all the past shooting

This topic seems to come up every year, usually by people who have jsut began shooting, usually about this time of the year. It is indeed a noble thought to try and introduce new shooters to our sport. I know I had all sorts of great ideas when I started out in rimfire on how to get more folks involved. So far, I think I actually helped one fellow who wanted to get started already, I didn't talk him into it, so I guess I can't even take credit for that.
Back in 2006 or 2007 Wilbur in IR50/50 devised a type of factory class, and an 8.5 Lb with unlimited scope power class for those folks who wanted to participate. I think there was a total of 3 fellows who shot the class the entire year, and I think it was only on one occasion?
It would be great if someone came up with an idea to increase attendance, but darned if I can think of one. I invited guys to shoot, furnished rifles, ammo, rests, etc.. They never came back. I gave up on it.
Some people are not just competitive folks. Some want to play but only if they can win! And then some are so arrogant that they don't want to lose to those who they feel are lesser than themselves. Some gun shop groupies talk good game when they're talking about how great their rifle will shoot, but you invite 'em to shoot, and all of a sudden they're too busy, and can't possibly show up. The first thing I tell folks is that if you're afraid of losing, this is not the game for you! You are going to lose sometimes, no matter how well you do. It's a tough game, but lots of fun, if that's what you want to do.
This game is just not a game for everyone. Most folks don't want to spend/waste the money and time it takes to do it.
By all means keep brainstorming on how to get more folks into sanctioned competitions. If they're not going to shoot in sanctioned matches, they may as well shoot tin cans in the back yard. And that's a game for pistols, not rifles

I would love to see more people shooting in rimfire BR matches, but it's just not for everybody. Most of the young folks have better things to spend their time and money on.
Good luck.