What are you setting the head space at? You don't need a firing pin protruding past the bolt face if the headspace is .043-.043.5. I set my rimfires up to have a .038 counter bore for the rim of the case and set the bolt .005 off the breech face, for a total of .043 headspace.
Mr. Owens... I haven't sat long enough to try and figure out how to measure head space. Dumb on my part i know -but i may never figure how and i will be "hung" so here is what i have done.
I measure my original bbl and duplicate the measurements. If i set the barrel in too deep the trigger has trouble resetting, i feel it kinda crunch, ouch that hurts when it happens i'm afraid i'm hurting something. I can tell the sear jumps past the hook (for a better word)and doesn't set. I take a little off the chamber end and cut the chamber a little deeper.
When the Eley misfired the pin strike was lite. It was working fine with the SK Match I think the firing pin really was too far back up in the bolt. I may have set it out a little too far *but* for some reason this is the best the Kimber has shot. I have to many variables to say the firing pin mod helped at this point-different barrel and different chamber reamer. I'm going back to the Shilen and see if the pin mod helped.
Mr Owens if it doesn't take too much of your time, how should i measure head space. Boy i feel like a dumb azz not knowing how to be more exact than going by the trigger won't reset or the gun won't go bang, lol.
Mr Lynn even though we "hate" each other i still consider you a friend, hey i don't even know why myself, lol. I can't say who sent the Shuls but you should go buy a lotto ticket!!
If you guys have time here are a few pics of my Kimber Bolt and the firing pin strikes it is makeing after the mods. I found some pics on how a FP should look by some kookie old guy i tryied to copy on my pin.
thanks everyone for the help... and more than anything thanks for letting me participate here at Benchrest Central.